
美 [ˈɡrædʒuəli]英 ['ɡrædʒuəli]
  • adv.渐渐地;逐步地
  • 网络逐渐地;逐渐的;冉冉

gradually become,gradually increase,gradually develop,gradually improve,gradually accumulate


1.逐渐地;逐步地;渐进地slowly, over a long period of time


九年级英语单词表 ... elbow 肘部 gradually 逐渐地;渐渐地 particular 特殊的;独特的 ...


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... gradual 逐渐的;逐步的 gradually 逐渐地;逐步地 Danish 丹麦语; ...


九年级英语单词表 ... elbow 肘部 gradually 逐渐地;渐渐地 particular 特殊的;独特的 ...


反义词大全_百度文库 ... bad manners 没礼貌 78. gradually 逐渐的 - suddenly 突然的 79. ...


冉字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 冉 rǎn 冉冉gradually〗 基本解释: rǎn ...


Jian4 ji1 | Chinese Dictionary ... 建基 to lay foundations 积渐 gradually 舰载机 carrier-based aircraft ...

tell all the truth as lighting to the children eased with the explanation kind the truth must dazzle gradually blind. or every man be blind. 正如善意的解释能消解闪电对孩子的惊吓真理必须逐渐炫目才能不致失明。才能不致失明。
With the fact that the time fleeting , they melt gradually in the innermost recesses of the heart, have become one kind of natural spirit. 随着时间的飞逝,她们渐渐融化在灵魂深处,变成了一种自然精神。
'Raw materials are no longer just a question of procurement; they have gradually become a geopolitical issue, ' Mr. Keitel said. 凯特尔说,原材料已不再仅是采购问题,已逐渐成为地缘政治问题。
Gradually you may find that your colleagues will start dressing like you, speaking like you and eating in the same places as you. 渐渐地,你可能会发现有同事开始学你穿衣,模仿你讲话,和你去同样的餐馆吃午餐。
After picking up the placards, gradually uniformed and plain-clothes police force, one of whom was a woman, showed up. 在拿起抗议标语之后,制服和便衣警察渐渐的出现,他们其中一位是女性。
At first the subject was nothing special to me , then gradually I became interested in it. In time, I found myself in love with it. 起初,我认为这门课没什么特别的,随后我逐渐对它产生了一些兴趣。最终我竟爱上了它。
I don't know why you feel my heartbeat suddenly become very quickly, you feel man seems to be gradually close to you. 不知为何你觉得自己的心跳突然变得很快,你觉得男人似是在逐渐接近你。
A person's sense of language is to be conscious through the long-term scientific training and gradually formed. 一个人的语感是要通过长期有意识的科学的训练逐步形成的。
With its new five-year plan, China is trying to avoid an ecological crash by gradually easing speed and changing direction. 随着新的五年计划出台,中国想要通过渐趋平稳的发展速度和改变发展方向来避免生态崩溃。
In the process of whining, his wife will gradually realized that, of what is troubling you, thus the minutemen, find the solution. 在发牢骚的过程中,妻子也会逐步意识到,困扰自己的究竟是什么,从而重振旗鼓、找到解决之道。
During this process, the relationship between the legislative and the public is now gradually heading for a positively interactive way. 在这个过程中,我国公众与立法机关之间的关系正朝着良性互动的方向发展。
November, in this scenario, is likely to be a transitional month where positive momentum gradually meets with a return of old doubts. 在这个过程里,11月,可能就是一个过渡期,这个月里,积极的势头渐渐与回归的旧虑碰头。
But suppose that Congress were to mandate gradually tightening emission limits, starting two or three years from now. 但是,假设国会颁布法令,要求从现在起2年或3年之后,开始逐渐收紧排放限制,又会如何?
Most people, when confronted with the death of a loved one, mourn intensely for a few weeks or months and then gradually manage to move on. 大多数的人们,当他们挚爱的人去世的时候,强烈的悲伤可能会持续几周甚至几个月,然后逐渐设法驱赶悲伤。
Gradually, the pigeons became familiar with him and they would fly down to his feet, or even land on his shoulders and hands. 渐渐地,那些鸽子和小男孩熟悉了,它们会飞落到小男孩脚下,甚至飞到他的肩膀和手上。
By 1940, Pepsi's image was looking very close to that of Coke, which had also been gradually evolving since around 1900. 到了1940年,百事的品牌形象与可口的十分相似,可口可乐的标识从1900年起也开始逐渐演变。
Make it a habit gradually to put your wallet and keys together. Such good habit always develops from the trifle in your life. 慢慢形成这样的习惯:即当你进家门时,把你的钱包和汽车钥匙放在同一个地方,良好的生活习惯从点滴小事开始培养。
The early start, in a few colleagues efforts, the company continued to expand, gradually, people are also anxious. 创业初期,在几个同事的努力下,公司业务不断扩大,慢慢地,人手也紧张起来。
The wife and I have already been used to it the division of labor and cooperation way, but gradually we change look like were the robot. 老婆和我已经习惯了分工合作的方式,但是渐我们变得好像是机器人。
As you get older, you gradually loose muscle. The muscle is often replaced by fat. 随着年龄变大,肌肉减少。经常的肌肉会变成脂肪。
the effects of wind-induced natural ventilation gradually increase as the height of the building heightens or the wind speed quickens. 风压作用下自然通风效果随单体建筑高度增高而增大,随风速增加而增大。
The wind gradually came out of the sails of the space program; the Nielsen ratings for each moon landing began to fall. 推动太空计划之帆的风力逐步消散了,而且每次登月的尼尔森收视率也在下降。
Timidly, she held it in her sweaty hand and felt it gradually get warmer and thicker. It began to throb, just like her heart. 她害羞的把它握在她汗湿的手中,感觉它逐渐变暖变大。它开始颤动,像她的心一样颤动。
Our outlook at this time was that London, except for its strong modern buildings, would be gradually and soon reduced to a rubble-heap. 这时,我们展望前途,认为伦敦除它的一部分坚固的现代化建筑以外,将逐渐在短期内变成一片瓦砾。
The best way is to start with an easy version of the pose and gradually increase the level of challenge as you grow stronger. 最好是从一个简单的变体开始入手,随着你力量的增强逐步增加难度。
He eventually died of a combination of liver disease and a neural illness that gradually paralysed his body, starting with his feet. 他最终死于肝病和神经系统的疾病,这种病从脚部开始使他全身逐渐瘫痪。
Gradually, the height, although I can move to climb, but not just as easily, and quickly makes me a bit of chew. 渐渐地,到了高处,虽然我还能爬动,但已经没有刚才那样轻松了,很快,我就有些力不从心了。
Since then, this one name walk, gradually took the place of original chatty the academy award, have been used for many years. 从此,这一名字不胫而走,逐渐代替了原来绕口的学院奖,一直沿用至今。
The damage to a concrete specimen was gradually serious with a decrease in concrete strength and a gradual increase in water cement ratio. 随着混凝土强度的降低,水灰比逐渐加大,混凝土试件在冻融循环后损伤也逐渐严重;
Had his owner known more about dogs' true nature, he might have introduced the new dog more gradually, or not at all. 如果狗主人事先摸清了狗的本性,他可能会时不时地带回新狗,要么干脆不带。