
美 [ɡrænd]英 [ɡrænd]
  • adj.壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的;(用于大建筑物等的名称)大;宏大的;雄伟的;首要的;伟大的
  • n.1 000 元;1 000 英镑;大钢琴;〈美俚〉一千元(钞票)
  • 网络广达

比较级:grander 最高级:grandest

grand opening,grand scale,grand occasion,grand prize,grand entrance


1.壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的impressive and large or important

2.[obn](用于大建筑物等的名称)大used in the names of impressive or very large buildings, etc.

3.宏大的;宏伟的;有气派的needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed but intended to achieve impressive results

5.(informal)极好的;快乐的;美妙的;出色的very good or enjoyable; excellent

6.(对上层社会的人的称呼)大used in the titles of people of very high social rank


a/the grand old age (of…)

高龄a great age

a/the grand old man (of sth)

元老;资深前辈;老前辈a man who is respected in a particular profession that he has been involved in for a long time


边洲家族姓名隽语_边洲搏威_新浪博客... ... 维辙 Waychair 广达 Grander 广迪 Grandy ...

His grander dream had been a marriage with a lady of so glowing a fame for beauty and attachment to her lord. 他宏伟的迷梦是要与一个因其美貌和对男人的顺从而芳名闪烁的女人结婚。
In the grander scheme, though, the game was the latest example of the difference a year could make. 更重要的是,这场比赛也是一个说明一年的时间能有多大的不同的最好的例子。
Now the talk is of a grander design, with the Obama administration hoping to put development aid on a par with defence and diplomacy. 如今此计划对于奥巴马政府而言是一项宏大的工程,他们希望援助事业如同国防、外交事业一样的发展。
On a much grander scale, God's offer to liberate us from the slavery of sin is often met with resistance. 在更高的一个层面上,同样地,上帝要拯救我们脱离罪恶,祂也常遭人反抗。
Such a whistlestop tour does not remotely qualify me to prognosticate on China's grander questions. 这样走马观花的游历,根本不足以让我就中国那些宏大的问题发表预测。
Chevys were to be the volume products, alongside slightly grander Buicks, luxury Cadillacs and the SUVs of GMC. Chevy将会批量生产,同样命运的还有略为豪华的别克,奢华的凯迪拉克和GMC的SUV。
In 2005, Mussolini's family began debating whether the body should be moved to a grander location in Rome. 2005年,墨索里尼的家庭开始讨论是否要将他的尸骨迁到罗马的一处更为宏伟的地点。
You are like the last two pieces in a grander puzzle and without the two of you present the picture is incomplete. 你们就像巨大拚图中的最后两片,少了你们,图像的呈现便不完整。
Soon, he was working on an even grander scale, with the help of an extraordinary socialite and medical philanthropist, Mary Lasker. 很快地,在杰出的社会名流、医务慈善家玛丽•拉斯科尔的帮助下,他开始大展宏图。
"Of course we can, George, " she cried. But she was prejudiced in Wendy's favour, and he was really the grander character of the two. “我们当然能,乔治。”达林太太嚷道。她当然是偏袒温迪的,可达林先生是两人中更有能耐的一个。
Unlike past administrations, his chose not to view al Qaeda as a Middle Eastern version of the mafia, if on a grander scale. 与过去的政府不同,布什政府并没有仅仅把基地组织看作是规模更大的中东版黑手党。
So, off he went into the forest, intent upon finding the tracks of a grander animal. A deer? 所以,他走进森林心想找到捕大形动物。
The son of a modest Texas farmer, Peter wanted a bigger, grander life than his father led, and he worked hard to get it. 皮特是德克萨斯州一位不算富有农夫的儿子,他向往有比父亲更好、更显赫的生活,为此他发奋工作。
The place is even grander and bigger than I expected. 这个地方比我预期的还要堂皇,宏伟。
During this engagement, this growing awareness led the client to think of grander strategic objectives. 在这个契约过程中,这种生长的意识使客户开始思考更大的战略目标。
But the food at Davos is usually rather grander than sandwiches. 但达沃斯的食物通常都比三明治来得奢华一些。
More courses are planned, but some hotel managers are urging local tourism officials to think on a grander scale. 一些新的球场正在规划之中,不过有些酒店经营者敦促当地旅游当局要考虑扩大球场的规模。
Be sure to give our best regards to her next time you went to see your grander mother in the hospital. 下次你去医院看望你祖母时,一定要代我们向她问候。
Herod the Great tore down the Temple that Zerubbabel had built and put up a grander one. 大希律王拆除由所罗巴伯所建的圣殿,并建立一个更宏伟的。
The rocket's architecture would thus be similar to the one adopted for the Long March-5 rocket, but at a considerably grander scale. 该火箭的体系结构架构将类似于长征-5号火箭所采用的模式,然而其规模是相当宏大的。
Then they began to build mounds of earth on top of their mastabas, to make them grander. 然后他们开始在各自的墓上建立土丘,显示他们的伟大。
Next year, of course, everything may be a bit grander. 无疑,明年所有的一切都会变得更盛大一些。
The innocent are sometimes slain to make way for grander schemes. You were collateral damage. 有时牺牲无辜是成全重大计划的方式。你是附带的牺牲品。
Widely used in the grander scheme of things musk perfume fragrance, cosmetics and fragrance soap flavor formulations. 吐纳麝香广泛用于香水香精、化妆品香精和皂用香精配方中。
On a grander scale, there are plans for a $100 billion bail-out fund known as the super-SIV. 在更大的范围内,目前正有人计划建立一家名为超级SIV的1000亿美元的救援基金。
It's generally -- though by no means always -- a grander, testable statement about how nature operates. 这在一般情况下——尽管并非总是成立——从宏观的角度揭示了自然的运作方式,并且可以加以验证。
Deliver yourself from public disclosure and imagine your life in a grander fashion. 将自己从公开的揭露中释放出来,在更开阔的空间中想象你的生活。
Waste also presents an opportunity in a grander sense: as a potential resource. 垃圾也提供了一个体面的机会:作为潜在的能源。
Or suppose you had to describe the Eiffel Tower to tribal people who had never seen a building grander than a mud hut. 又或者,你要向某些只见过用泥搭建的茅舍的部族描述巴黎铁塔,你会怎样描述呢?
The agency, however, is working on the grander, longer-term prize of a manned trip to Mars. 而NASA则正在研究一个更伟大的、更长远的载人登火星的航天计划。