
美 [ɡrænd]英 [ɡrænd]
  • adj.壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的;(用于大建筑物等的名称)大;宏大的;雄伟的;首要的;伟大的
  • n.1 000 元;1 000 英镑;大钢琴;〈美俚〉一千元(钞票)
  • 网络盛大的;最气派

比较级:grander 最高级:grandest

grand opening,grand scale,grand occasion,grand prize,grand entrance


1.壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的impressive and large or important

2.[obn](用于大建筑物等的名称)大used in the names of impressive or very large buildings, etc.

3.宏大的;宏伟的;有气派的needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed but intended to achieve impressive results

5.(informal)极好的;快乐的;美妙的;出色的very good or enjoyable; excellent

6.(对上层社会的人的称呼)大used in the titles of people of very high social rank


a/the grand old age (of…)

高龄a great age

a/the grand old man (of sth)

元老;资深前辈;老前辈a man who is respected in a particular profession that he has been involved in for a long time


单词 for 奥巴马就职演说_拍天浪... ... sake 缘故 grandest 伟大 dignity 尊严 ...


眼睛对眼睛:狗疯子 11月6号更新... ... hippie 嬉皮士 grandest 盛大的 desirable 令人满意的 ...


陈天尧_新浪博客 ... derelict 荒凉 grandest 最气派 ivy 爬山虎 ...

Some said she had been an architect, but had given it up when she realized that the grandest commissions were for the mausoleums. 有人说她曾是一个建筑师,但当她意识到交给她的宏伟任务是修建陵墓时,她放弃了。
The author took great pride in striving to be a Olympic volunteer since the event is the grandest sport gala of its kind worldwide. 争当奥运会志愿者让作者感到很自豪。因为奥运会是世界上最大的体育盛典。
Even the grandest of the archangels, many who are here on this night, cannot be here with you when you cross the chasm. 即使是许多今天晚上在这里的,最崇高的天使长,在你横渡峡谷时也不能一道陪你。
First the euro, now Schengen. Europe's grandest integration projects seem to be suffering. 首先是欧元,现在是申根国家。欧洲大一体化的项目似乎正在经受考验。
Mr. Bonhag, returned Cowperwood in his grandest manner, and with a desire to smile, but he kept a straight face. 我当然是非常感激,蓬哈先生,柯帕乌以落落大方的态度回答,象是想笑出来,但是保持着正经的面孔。
When you say a thing that is out of alignment with your grandest idea, make a note not to say something like that again. 当你说出一句与你的至高理想不一致的话,牢记下一次不再说同样的话。
The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, designed in 1915, was one of Wright's grandest, most elegant projects. 位于日本东京(Tokyo)、构思于1915年的帝国饭店(ImperialHotel)是莱特为最雄伟、优美的企划之一。
This is one of the mose exciting times in the history of your country, a time when even the grandest hopes seem in your reach. 这个这个就是诸位这一代帮助创立的中国。现在使中国历史上非常令人振奋的一个时期,此时此刻连最宏伟的梦想似乎也唾手可得。
His grandest achievement as a painter was the paintings he produced on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. 他绘画方面最宏大的成就是他在(罗马梵蒂冈的)西斯廷教堂天花板上创作的画。
Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source. 你最高的思维、你最清晰的话语、你最崇高的感受是来自我的。而任何较次的都是来自其他的来源。
The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that no insignificant person was ever born. 这些理想中最伟大的是不断演变的美国的承诺,这就是:没有人生来渺小,每个人都有自身的价值。
And I want to modify the motto into one woman who prepares breakfast for her husband would be the grandest wife! 现在我想修改一下那句话,为丈夫准备早餐的女人是最伟大的女人!
he s forgotten all ee done for him , un made on him , un goan un riven up a whole row ut t grandest currant trees , it garden. 他全忘了我为他作过的事,和我对他的照顾,竟在花园里拔去了一整排最好的黑醋栗树!
He and my mother threw the grandest parties of the literary world, ballooned, jumped out of airplanes. 他和我妈盛宴款待文学人士,乘热气球旅行,飞行跳伞。
But for now at least, it seems that the Chinese government's fight against inflation is thwarting the grandest ambitions. 但至少从目前来看,中国政府抗击通胀的努力似乎正在挫败最宏大的雄心。
July 10Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source. 你最高尚的思想,你最明晰的言辞,你最伟大的情操都源于我。等而下之的其他都另有渊源。
Absorb the dramatic and seductive culture of Spain in one of its grandest cities, Madrid. 在西班牙最重要的城市马德里汲取生动而迷人的西班牙文化。
Do not defer to your guides or the grandest of the angels for we cannot help you at this time. 不要听从你的守护天使或最崇高的天使,因为这一次我们无法帮助你。
One of Allen's grandest dreams is to create a nonprofit institute to bring GTD to small towns, schools, and government offices. 艾伦最大的梦想之一是成立一个非赢利性机构,推广GTD的理念,让小城镇、学校和政府机构都能受益。
They had built a big dam on the Dunajec just below its junction with the Bialka, turning its grandest stretches into a dull reservoir. 他们在Dunajec与Bialka交汇处下方修建了一座大坝,将最壮观的河段变成了一座沉闷的水库。
A Leader Must Have a Vision: This could be your grandest goal, or an overall sense of accomplishment. 领导者必须有远见:这可能是你最远大的目标,或者是一种成就感。
His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities. 他最宏大的工程是人工大运河工程,把水从南方的地下蓄水层引至北方诸城。
Think of a man, the grandest of God's creations, spending his life-time standing beside a machine for making screws. 试想一个人,作为上帝的最伟大创造,却要一辈子站在机器旁拧螺丝。
That was all about preventing untimely deaths on the grandest scale possible. 它的所有含意是在尽可能大的范围内预防不合时宜的死亡。
Nov. 4, 2010 -- It was among Henry VIII's grandest undertakings: a castle to outshine the castle of his rival, King Francois I of France. 2010年11月4日--这座城堡是亨利八世的壮业之一:它令国王劲敌,法兰西国王弗朗索瓦一世的城堡相形见绌。
The first spot we are going to visit is the Great Wall, the grandest fortification in ancient China. 第一点我们要访问是长城,在古代中国最伟大的防御工事。
521 passengers were killed in 1912 when the grandest ship in history struck an iceberg on her maiden voyage to New York. 1912年,这艘史上最宏伟的大船在驶向纽约的处女航中就与冰山相撞沉没,1521人遇难。
Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument to love ever created. 泰姬陵矗立于印度古都阿格拉城,是有史以来为爱情而建的最华丽的纪念物。
When you get tired, take a streetcar or an "elevated train" , and look at some of the largest and grandest shops in the world. 你要是有点累了,那就坐电车或高架火车去浏览其中几家世界上规模最大、最宏伟的商店吧。
The president is also distrusted by some of Iran's grandest ayatollahs. 内贾德总统同样没得到一些伊朗大阿亚图拉们的信任。