
美 [ɡrænt]英 [ɡrɑːnt]
  • v.允许;同意
  • n.(政府、机构的)拨款
  • 网络授予;格兰特;准予

第三人称单数:grants 现在分词:granting 过去式:granted

grant permission,grant request,grant wish,grant interview,get grant
large grant,substantial grant


v. n.

1.[oftpass](尤指正式地或法律上)同意,准予,允许to agree to give sb what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do sth

2.(勉强)承认,同意to admit that sth is true, although you may not like or agree with it


take it for granted (that…)

认为…是理所当然to believe sth is true without first making sure that it is

take sb/sth for granted

(因习以为常)对…不予重视;(因视为当然而)不把…当回事to be so used to sb/sth that you do not recognize their true value any more and do not show that you are grateful


《四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)》_百度文库 ... clash 碰 grant 授予 bond 绑 ...


格兰特Grant)发动对里士满的再一次攻略中,斯图亚特担负起了保卫南方首都的重任。在黄色客站战役(Yellow Tavern) …


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... grip( 紧握,掌握,理解); grant( 给予,承认,准予); engage( 聘 …


4)补助金(grant):补助金的颁发要求和奖学金相仿。5)助教(teaching assistant):根据学生的学习成绩和英语水平颁发,其待 …


英语四级复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... fee 学杂费; 11 grant 助学金; financial aids 助学金; ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Word List 3 grain n. 粮食;一点儿 grant n. 拨款 green a. 绿色的;缺乏经验的n.蔬菜 ...


赵丽词汇5500最新——可下载_英语_天涯部落 ... afford 负担,承担 grant 同意,补助,津贴 TA. 助教 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... grip( 紧握,掌握,理解); grant给予,承认,准予); engage( 聘 …

Grant then decided to surround the city and wait until its food was gone. That, he thought, would make the Confederates surrender. 格兰特随后决定包围维克斯堡,一直等到城里弹尽粮绝,他想以此迫使南方军投降。
"He'd have loved to have had Cary Grant in the role, but there wasn't enough money for that. " Says Connery. 康纳利说“他本来选取定卡里·格兰特扮演该角色,但因为钱不够,所以他只得同意由我来演。”
From the time the declaration was issued, Adams's allies in America had been asking me to grant him a visa to visit the United States. 自《原则宣言》发布之日起,亚当斯在美国的支持者就要求我给他发放访问美国的签证。
The United Nations announced a grant of up to $7 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund , to be used by UN agencies and programs. 联合国宣布从应急反应基金里面拨款700万美元,用于联合国机构和救援行动的展开。
Only after several months did officials at the Ministry of Culture grant permission for a week of performances. 文化部领导在考虑了数月之后才许可演出一星期。
They enable him to grant visas to applicants rejected by the department, who appeal to him on a personal level. 他们让他发放签证的申请人,拒绝了由该署,谁提出上诉,他就我个人的水平。
Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. 哦,我承认轮子也是一项不错的发明,但是轮子真的还不如披萨饼。
He told Grant: "This will have the best possible effect upon the men. It will be very gratifying and will do much to help our people. " 他对格兰特说:“这将大大有利于我军(返乡归田),敝人对此深为感佩,亦将鼎力相助,以安抚民众。”
On the day that the baby is said to have been born, Grant was reported to be at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool. 据报道,在女婴出生当天,格兰特正在利物浦参加英国工党会议。
Originally, Grant was the only Grand Admiral not given a first name, though Wallace has said that this was unintentional. 最初,格兰特是唯一一位未冠名的帝国元帅,但华莱士声明并非有意为之。
He has also applied for a grant through a Johnson & Johnson Athlete Family Support Program to have Lachlan near him in Beijing. 他同时也申请了强生&强生运动员家庭助威团赞助计划以便保证拉克伦北京随行。
Grant captured Jackson easily. He left some troops to destroy enemy supplies. He took the remaining troops and turned back toward Vicksburg. 格兰特轻松地占领了杰克逊,他留下一部分军队摧毁敌人的补给,他带领其余部队转而进攻维克斯堡。
Commercial banks shall have the right to refuse to grant a loan or to provide a guaranty forcibly demanded by any unit or individual. 商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。
At least by companion will grant that I am familiar with the way home and with the surrounding countryside. . . but I dare not. 至少会使我的同伴感觉我对于回家的道路和四周的乡野是熟识的……可是我总不敢如此做。
In these circumstances we think you will agree that we cannot be expected to grant a free replacement of these damaged parts. 在此情况下,我们认为你方会同意,不能指望我们免费调换该损坏的部件。
How much access to sensitive information should he grant to an apparently hostile reporter? 面对一个明显不怀好意的记者,主人公应该透露给他多少敏感信息?
One day, they found a genie in a lamp who said he would grant them each three wishes. 天,他们在一个说他会允许他们每一个三个希望的灯中发现一个妖怪。
On top of this, she said the data from the freely available solar maps can be used to persuade banks to grant financing. 她声称从免费的太阳能地图获得的信息可以用来说服银行提供资金。
Geron was able to ask for permission, and the FDA was able to grant it, because the ban does not apply to privately financed research. Geron能申请这项申请,并且FDA能批准它,是因为这项禁令没有禁止私人基金资助研究。
Glittering house insignias were much in evidence, and those whose heritage did not grant such a display settled for enspelled jewelry. 闪耀的房间具有明显的炫耀成分,巫师的传统从来不会展示如此多的非魔法宝石。
God grant us the courage and wisdom to hear his Word for us, and with his grace to respond to it wherever it may lead us. 愿神赐我们勇气与智慧去聆听祂的话语,并且靠着祂的恩典作出回应,使我们顺着祂的带领来走祂要我们走的路。
As the manager would not grant her request for an increase in salary, his secretary walked out on him. 经理没有答应女秘书加薪的要求,她就离开了他。
How much grant money can you command? 你能够掌管多少研究经费?
Don't mention it. You know I thought the boss would grant my leave because my cousin is getting married today, but I got shot down. 别提了。我表弟今天结婚,以为老板能准假,没想到却碰了一鼻子灰。
Dr. Yamada said he expects about six of the 104 grantees will show enough promise to be considered for the larger grant. Yamada说,他预计104位受资助者中约有6人能够显示出足够的潜力,值得考虑授予更大金额的资助。
But it is no fault of yours, I grant. It is just a phase of the contemptible ignorance of the times. 不过,我承认,那不是你的错,而只表现了这个时代可鄙的一面——无知。
Vince Grant shot to his feet and turned on the pilot, even as Jean was trying to calm him down. 文斯•格兰特猛地站起,矛头对准那位飞行员,即使是吉英也尽力让他镇静些。
Justice Lindsay Foster said he would grant the request for an appeal hearing, targeting a date in the week beginning Nov. 福斯特(LindsayFoster)法官说他将同意举行上诉听证的请求,并在11月21日开始的一周内择日举行。
James Grant was a journeymen carpenter who did not always pay his bills and who owed Maria three dollars. 詹姆士·格兰特是个常常欠债的流浪木匠,欠着玛利亚三块钱没给。
It is quite easy to grant a user all database permissions and authorities using the Control Center, as is shown in Figure 1. 通过使用ControlCenter,很容易为一个用户授予所有数据库许可和权限,如图1所示。