
美 [ɡrɪp]英 [ɡrɪp]
  • n.手柄;把手;紧握;了解;【摄】手柄;同“grippe”;〈英〉小阳沟;吸引力
  • v.把握;牢牢抓住;吸住(注意力);煞住;紧握;紧抓;使感兴趣;使激动
  • 网络紧紧抓住;害怕得撒不开手了;流行性感冒

复数:grips 过去式:gripped 过去式:gript 过去式:gripping

firm grip,tight grip,loose grip


n. v.

紧握holding tightly

1.[c][ususing]~ (on sb/sth)紧握;紧抓an act of holding sb/sth tightly; a particular way of doing this


2.[sing]~ (on sb/sth)(对…的)控制,影响力control or power over sb/sth


3.[sing]~ (on sth)理解;了解an understanding of sth

不打滑moving without slipping

4.[u]不打滑;走得稳the ability of sth to move over a surface without slipping

物体部位part of object

5.[c]把手;手柄;握杆a part of sth that has a special surface so that it can be held without the hands slipping


come/get to grips with sth

开始理解并着手处理难题to begin to understand and deal with sth difficult

get/take a grip (on yourself)

使(自己)镇定下来;控制住(自己的)情绪to improve your behaviour or control your emotions after being afraid, upset or angry

in the grip of sth

处于不快却无法制止的境遇;受制于某事experiencing sth unpleasant that cannot be stopped

lose your grip (on sth)

失去(对…的)理解(或控制);驾驭不住to become unable to understand or control a situation


张亚哲六级词汇(1)_大学六级_英文阅读网 ... ×D.performers 表演者 ×D.gripped 紧紧抓住 ×C.excursion 短途旅行 ...


阿旺扎西 - awangtashi - 网易博客 ... Grigri Petzl 生产的一种能自锁的保护装置。 Gripped 害怕得撒不开手了。 Gully 宽沟壑。 ...


2009年世界台球锦标赛 ... nevertheless 不过 gripped 吸引 combatants 交战对手 ...


单词:surprise 是什么意思?_百度知道 ... sentry 岗哨 gripped 流行性感冒 fooled 干傻事 ...


其情(The situation)其景传神、派头壮伟磅礴,让人看了心惊肉跳(Gripped)!很多建立、喷泉、雕塑的打算精良,造型诡秘夸大…


新东方材料【转】_草帽_Lucifer_新浪博客 ... grip: 抓住 gripped: 感情被强烈地攫住 smug: 沾沾自喜 ...


BBC新闻词汇 第110期:Dallas comeback--BBC... ... soap opera 肥皂剧 gripped vt. 紧咬,夹住 feuding n. 不和;争执 ...


攀岩辞典A~Z ... Gate 钩环的开门部份。 Gripped 疲倦和恐惧。 Hand dog 在攀登时不停地在绳子上休息。 ...

Ivan started to rise from his knees. But he could not move. Something gripped him in an unyielding hold. 伊万抬起腿想站起来,但却动弹不得,不知有什么东西把他给牢牢地拽住了。
Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. 她把我从头看到脚,这时,我的脚趾还紧紧地夹着那支粉笔。
She gripped her hands together, praying silently as she stared at the figure opposite their car. 当她凝视在他们的汽车对面的图她一起夹住了她的手,默默地祈祷。
Horror gripped the heart of a word War I soldier, as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. 第一次世界大战中,当一名士兵看到他的挚友在战场上倒下时,一阵恐慌攥住了他的心。
She gripped her mother-in-law with her right arm and held her own mother's hand in her left as she watched Discovery soar. 当看着发现升空的那一刻,她紧紧地搂着丈母娘的左臂,另一只手抓着自己母亲的手。
Throughout the dysfunctional dialectic that gripped the two parties over the debt ceiling, the yield on U. S. continued to fall. 在美国两党为债务上限问题争得不可开交时,美国国债的收益率却持续下跌。
For the moment all such political manoeuvrings are of little interest to a nation gripped by the dramatic news from the battlefield. 目前,利比亚只关注战场的消息,因此对这样的政治部署丝毫没有兴趣,且国家未来局势的辩论也少之又少。
The bird looked at him when he spoke. He was too tired even to examine the line and he teetered on it as his delicate feet gripped it fast. 他说话的时候,鸟儿望着他。它太疲乏了,竟没有细看这钓索,就用小巧的双脚紧抓住了钓索,在上面摇啊晃的。
Alice stood right in front of me, on her tiptoes to better stare me in the eye, and gripped my wrists in her hard hands. 艾丽丝站到我面前,踮起脚来与我对视,用她有力的双手握住我的手腕。
The rescuers on the bank waded into a shallow part of the river and gripped each other's arms to form a human chain. 岸上的救援者跳进河水较浅的地方,相互挽着手臂组成了一条“人链”。
She gripped his head in both hands and tried to turn it toward her. "Look at me. " 她捧住他的头,试图让它转向她,“看着我。”
Disney's animated movies have gripped the imaginations of every generation since the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1937. 从1973发行《白雪公主和七个小矮人》以来,迪斯尼的动画电影吸引了每一代人的想象力。
She gripped it tightly in her little fist, and with a solemn look, but still with that odd glint in her eye, marched down the boarding ramp. 女儿用小拳头紧紧地抓住这个硬币,表情严肃,眼睛里还闪烁着那种奇怪的光芒。
My fingers gripped the small worn blue leather copy of the book that was to identify me to her. 我的手指夹住了是辨认我对她书的小被佩带的蓝色皮革拷贝。
I listened to his final breaths, gasping and fish-like, and I gripped his hand tight enough to feel the last pulsings of his heart. 我使劲地听着他最后喘喘的呼吸声,那样的气若游丝,仿佛一只搁浅的鱼。我紧紧的攥住父亲的手,感觉到了他心脏最后的搏动。
The beggar stared at me with his bloodshot eyes; his blue lips smiled; and he in his turn gripped my chilly fingers. 乞丐那对红肿的眼睛凝视着我;他发青的嘴唇微笑了一下--接着,他也照样紧握了我的变得冷起来的手指。
I did not hesitate. My fingers gripped the worn blue-covered book that was to identify me to her. 我不再踌躇,手里紧握着那本破旧的蓝皮书,她会凭这本书认出我的。
Dorothy gripped his hands as he slowly slid his feet to the tile floor. 当他慢慢把脚放在瓷砖地面上时,多萝西紧紧地抓着他的手。
Fear gripped her, turning her bowels to ice; but she did not panic and did not cry out for help. 恐惧向她袭来,心像结了冰;但是她并没尖叫着喊救命。
I cannot remember a time when so many countries, all over the world, were gripped by some form of street protest or popular revolt. 我想不出还有什么其它时期,在全球范围内有如此众多的国家被某种形式的街头抗议或民众起义所困扰。
Engagement in a life of tiddlywinks does not rise to the level of a meaningful life, no matter how gripped one might be by the game. 充斥着挑圆片游戏的人生并没有上升到有意义的人生的高度,不管一个人因这个游戏可能会变得多么有影响力。
She was not, but at least 50 others held her, or gripped her, for a moment or so. 她才不是那样容易上钩,不过,也让至少50人钓过她、或是暂时抓到一下子。
If I couldn't stand up to the fear that had gripped me since high school, regret would become my permanent condition. 假如依然无法面对高中开始积累下来的恐惧,我将一直后悔下去。
America and Europe have entered the sort of structural bear market that gripped Japan and South Korea two decades ago, for two reasons. 美国和欧洲业已进入20年前套牢日本和韩国的结构性熊市,原因有二。
France has been gripped over the past few weeks by an extraordinary tale that has all the ingredients of a Hollywood soap opera. 在过去几周里,这则非同寻常的故事极大地震动了法国,这个故事具备好莱坞肥皂剧的一切要素。
His belief notwithstanding, he could not have helped doubting or being gripped by the fear of death at the moment of his supreme sacrifice. 尽管他信仰如此,然而他无法在最大牺牲的时刻,因为死亡的恐惧而不去怀疑,不去害怕。
Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. 故事发生在第一次世界大战。一名士兵看着他的毕生好友在炮火中倒下,内心充满了恐惧。
"You better leave, Dan, " he said to the principal, watching as the teen-ager gripped his loaded weapon. “你最好离开,丹,”他一边对校长说道,一边注视着枪犯,他还紧紧握着装满子弹的枪。
China is gripped by hatred, which is almost like an out-of-control machine-gun, firing indiscriminately at any moving target. 中国像一梃疯狂的仇恨机枪,凭空扫射任何会动的目标。
He forced his penis into her mouth, she said, and he gripped her head on both sides. 之后他把阴茎强行地插到她的嘴里,并且抓着她两侧的头发,她描述说。