
美 [ɡroʊ]英 [ɡrəʊ]
  • v.生长;成长;长大;培育
  • 网络增长;变得;渐渐变得

过去式:grew 过去分词:grown 第三人称单数:grows 现在分词:growing

grow rice,grow food,grow wheat,grass grow,grow corn
quickly grow,grow fast,rapidly grow,grow steadily,dramatically grow





初一英语题_百度知道 ... 2. draw, drew draws 画 3,grow, grew grows 成长 4,bring brought brongs 带来 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... measuring vbl. 测量 grows vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 ...


... But this word love- 但爱这个字- this word grows dark,grows 这个字逐渐变暗,变得 heavy and shake itself 承重和摇摆不定 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... measuring vbl. 测量 grows vi. 生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 ...


成长能力GROWS),当公司目前或预期将处于快速增长期时,会将资金用于投资,公司往往会选用低股利政策,本文选用主 …

If you think about it in terms of a field that grows 8 to 9 percent per year, you saved yourself three years. 如果你知道这是一个每年只增长8,9个百分点的行业,这项技术就节约了你三年的时间。
But an SOA is not static, just as a business is not static; it slowly matures and evolves as the business grows and changes. 但是,正如业务不是静态的,SOA也不是静态的;随着业务的发展和变化,SOA会慢慢地成熟和演化。
But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim! " 不过,她依然把发梳搂在胸前,过了好一阵子才抬起泪水迷蒙的双眼,微笑着说:“我的头发长得飞快,吉姆!”
It remains to be seen whether, as China's economy grows, it will become more like Japan, or more like the United States. 对经济增长中的中国,我们仍需观察,看它究竟会变得更像日本还是美国。
As you know deep relaxation, you will feel your mind which grows clear and detached. 当你学会深度放松的时候,你的思维将变得更加清晰和敏锐。
As it grows outward, it runs out of room and is forced to double back into a horseshoe shape. 随着它向外生长,空间扩大,增大为以前的两倍,成了马鞋的形状。
But as the population grows, there remains a strong and growing niche for an intensifying urban core as well. 但是随着人口的不断增长,不断密集的城市中心仍然具有无可限量的发展空间。
The heart grows in size, mutates and sprouts appendages, and eventually grows into a complete body and escapes. 这颗心脏越变越大,突变并长出了很多肉瘤,最终生长成了一个完全体然后逃跑了。
Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless. 在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它是很重要的。
What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered? 还有哪种花能像它一样脆弱,花朵在一棵变形的老树中生根发芽,树干盘根错节,树皮嶙峋。
Then she did check about baby's heart beats, very clear and I feel it grows bigger. 然后给我的宝宝进行了心跳检查,很清晰,我的子宫也大了很多,和我自己感觉的一样。
It is arranged in such a way that the poor people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows greater as the taxpayer 's income grows. 它是这样一种方式安排:穷人不支付任何费用,税收和增长比例为纳税人更大的收入增长。
Perhaps the next stage of the crisis will be so severe that everybody grows scared enough to accept it as a lesser evil. 或许,此次危机的下一阶段将非常严重,以至于所有人都变得非常害怕,从而两害相权取其轻、接受欧元区债券。
But while Saturn itself grows larger in telescopic images, Saturn's rings seem to be vanishing as their tilt to our line-of-sight decreases. 但是当土星本身在望远镜影像里变大时,土星光环在在我们视线上的倾斜角度越来越小,几乎消失。
The soft sunlight grows stronger, it changes light outline darker. From the desire that I'm sure. So as not to be able to turn eyes away. 从我的愿望中可以肯定那温柔的阳光变得更加强烈,它将光的轮廓变得更深,所以我无法将目光移开。
Similarly, if any farmer grows tobacco without authorisation, the product will not be allowed into the auction centre, " he said. " 同样地,如果烟农未经授权种植了烟草,这些烟草也不会获准进入拍卖中心。
Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. (属于地衣的)它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。
A crowd is an organism that grows in its own way and tends to be led and excited by its extremes. 一个群体就像一个按自己的方式生长的有机体,往往被群体的极端分子所领导与激发。
She wanted to sit down on the pauper's grave where the bitter fern grows; but for her there was neither peace nor rest. 她想要在长着苦涩羊齿蕨的穷人的坟头坐下来,但是她在那里找不到安宁与平静。
It all depends on the degree of maturity to which a child grows or where the interest lies. 取决于孩子的成熟程度或者说兴趣点在哪里。
Older systems might not able to provide as much benefit or optimization as more modern systems as an organization grows or expands. 随着组织的发展或扩大,较老的系统可能不具备与现代系统一样的优点和优化水平。
A "Peter Pan" , is a character in a fairy - tale. He goes to a place called Never-never Land where he never grows up. 彼得潘是一个神话人物,他去了一个叫不老之地的地方,在那里他永远也不会变老。
The Peacock wallet grows and shrinks depending on how much money its owner has. 孔雀钱包随着主人拥有的钱的多少而胀大缩小。
New hair on his head grows quite well after surgery. A year later his sparse hair turned to be new natural thick hair. 术后,吴先生的新头发长势良好,一年之后他原本稀疏的头上有了自然浓密的新头发。
As the number of connected devices in any network increases. the number of possible connections between them grows exponentially. 随着连接到网络中设备数目的增加,它们之间可能的连接数则以指数方式增长。
The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. 小王子已逃离他的小星球,因为他生长在他星球上地玫瑰有一些争执。
Moreover, there is no reason to balance budgets in a country whose nominal GDP grows at up to 5 per cent a year in normal times. 此外,一个正常情况下名义GDP年增幅不超过5%的国家,没有理由去平衡预算。
China's system is not open enough to produce such a workable regulatory system, or the business culture that grows out of it. 中国的系统还不够开放,不能产生这样一种可行的监管系统,也没有在这种系统中成长起来的商业文化。
As one of the boys' mothers put it: "I hope to God that he grows up to be like Tony Blair or just a fraction like him. " 其中一个男孩的母亲解释说:“我向上帝祈祷希望他长大后能像托尼·布莱尔或者仅仅是像他的某一部分。”
A week of rain the next, everywhere wet, grass grows very fast, the leaves are thick, and full of green. 下了一个星期的雨,到处都是湿湿的,青草长得很快,树叶也茂密了,到处绿意盎然。一切都是清新的绿色,看起来很舒服!