
美 [ˌdʒi ˈti]英 [ˌdʒiː ˈtiː]
  • abbr.(用于地名)大
  • 网络谷氨酰转肽酶(glutamyl transpeptidase);成组技术(group technology);极冻酷凌(Glacial Tech)



1.(用于地名)大(in names of places) Great

谷氨酰转肽酶(glutamyl transpeptidase)

γ-谷氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)广泛分布于人体组织中,肾内最多,其次为胰和肝,胚胎期则以肝内最多,在肝内主要分布于肝细胞 …

成组技术(group technology)

成组技术(GT)在汽车制造业中的应用成组技术(GT)在汽车制造业中的应用隐藏>>文档信息 分享到: 登录百度文库,专享文档复 …

极冻酷凌(Glacial Tech)


总吨位(Gross Tonnage)

国际船舶在线 ... 续航力 endurance ≥7500nmile 总吨位 GT:31171 净吨位 NT:17456 ...

燃气轮机(gas turbine)

核心设备燃气轮机( GT) ,吸 收式制冷机(AR) 和余热换热器( HE) 的容量近似 保持不变,燃气轮机容量略有减小。相反,辅助设 备 …

MTM gets the extra performance out of the Continental GT with upgraded exhaust, an engine retune and a few secret tweaks. 获得额外的母语教学表现出大陆GT与升级排气,引擎retune和一些秘密的调整。
In front of his expectant fans, the German maestro will then end his stint with a first outing in his personal FXX GT machine. 之后驾驶他私人的FXXGT赛车首度在对自己期待已久的车迷面前出场,进而结束自己此次的表演。
Maserati is ready to sell the Quattroporte Sport GT S to the salivating potential UK buyers. 玛莎拉蒂准备出售玛莎拉蒂体育燃气轮机S到英国的垂涎潜在买家。
In the performance-per-dollar race, the Chevrolet Corvette is still one of the leaders, despite encroachment by Nissan's GT-R and others. 在执行每美元兑比赛中,雪佛兰科尔维特仍的领导人之一,尽管侵占尼桑燃气轮机-R和其他人。
GT: Education equality is always one focus of the NPC and CPPCC. One important aspect is the educational gap between urban and rural areas. 教育公平一直就是全国人大与政协关注的焦点,其中一个重要的方面就是农村与城市之间的教育差距。
The 1965 Shelby Daytona Cobra was one of only six built by Carroll Shelby to compete in FIA GT. 在1965年的Daytona谢尔比眼镜蛇是一个只有6个建立了卡罗尔谢尔比竞争国际汽联GT。
the company offers modern high quality automotive lubricants under its own brand name GT OIL. 在其品牌GTOIL下,公司提供高质量的现代汽车润滑油。
By applying the organizing form of group production to rule the plants, GT can be reasonable for objects' flow in plants. 运用成组生产组织形式对车间进行规划,可使车间物流合理化。
Whenever a vehicle has so much hype around it as the new Nissan GT-R, people always get skeptical about its capabilities. 每当有如此多的车辆大肆宣传它作为新的日产燃气轮机-R的,人们总是怀疑其能力。
In Chapter 12 of the GT (p. 142) he completely fails to understand how the Fisher effect can raise nominal interest rates. 在其第12章“一般原理”中,凯恩斯根本没有理解费雪效应是如何升高名义利息的。
It enables the Outlander GT Prototype to turn tighter, transfer power to slipping wheels, and add stability during cornering. 它使欧蓝德燃气轮机样机将更加严格,权力移交给滑车轮,并增加稳定在转弯。
It is assumed the bonnet and grille feature a look similar to the GT as well. 假定罩和格栅具有类似于燃气轮机以及。
The Porsche Carrera GT applies the absolute calibers of a true racing car to offer an unprecedented driving feeling on the road. 保时捷卡雷拉燃气轮机适用的绝对口径一个真正的赛车提供了前所未有的驾驶感受的道路上。
GT: When Premier Wen Jiabao chatted with netizens recently, he mentioned encouraging educators, rather than officials, to run schools. 最近,当温家宝总理在与网民交谈时,他提到要促进教育家,而非行政官员管理学校。
Many people are the same with you, your GT is not surprisingly high, why give you an opportunity ? 像你这样争取的人多去了,GT又不是惊人的高,凭什么就给你机会?
The next-generation Outlander is on the way, and we suspect that the Outlander GT Prototype is a thinly-disguised version of it. 新一代欧蓝德是的道路上,我们怀疑该欧蓝德燃气轮机原型是一个薄变相版本。
Family traits can also be found in the front and rear lights, which resemble the 5-series GT concept and the 7-series sedan, respectively. 家庭的特性也有前后灯,这类似于5系列燃气轮机概念和7系列轿车,分别。
BGI and GT will work closely on the next stage of data analysis and interpretation of genetic regulation in cell proliferation. 在此次联合取得重要研究成果之后,华大基因和GT公司将继续密切合作,对下一阶段的数据分析和细胞增殖过程中的基因调控进行研究。
The GT concept was theoretically powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, but the actual car will be powered by an American-sourced V8. GT的概念在理论上是采用氢燃料电池,但实际汽车将采用美国来源的V8引擎。
You're cool now, that's a given with the DS3, so why, when you are on such a roll, would you not put the GT into production? 你现在是那么的酷,那为什么,当你那么一转给了一个DS3,你不会把GT放进生产线吧?
While there is still no news if the Survolt will end up being produced, it may see a short run like its predecessor, the GT by Citroen. 可是现在还是没有消息说Survolt最终会不会投入生产,也许会像她的前辈那样小批量生产一些。
Alif burden with work lads you nowhere, for you would gt tired and bord with your daily routine work. 被工作重担压得喘不过气来的生活,将使你一事无成,由于你将对一成不变的例行公事感到厌烦。
The degree of thermal change induced in a sample depends on the concentrations of both Gt and Hm. 因此加热前后样品反射光谱一阶导数的变化取决于针铁矿和赤铁矿的含量。
As expected, the GT will see an extremely limited production run, with only six examples expected to be produced. 正如预期的那样,燃气轮机将看到一个极其有限的生产运行,只有六个例子预计将产生。
Mitsubishi says that, aside from its new face, the Outlander GT will also showcase an assortment of new technologies. 三菱商事表示,除了其新的面孔,欧蓝德燃气轮机还将展示各种各样的新技术。
Whole Foods dedicates shelves in its refrigerator cases for GT's Organic Raw Kombucha and Synergy, the juice varieties of the tea. 在它的冷藏柜中天然食品充满货架,GT’s有机天然康普茶及增效剂,有各种各样的康普茶液。
Pop artist Romero Britto has created a uniquely styled Bentley Continental GT for his "Come to my World" exhibition in Berlin. 流行艺术家罗密欧布里托已经建立了一个造型独特的本特利大陆GT他“来我的世界”展览在柏林。
And, much like the 250 GT California, it looks even better with the top securely stowed. 和,就像加州的250燃气轮机,它看起来更加美好的顶端与安全存放。
We have no word whether Chevy and Mero will be headed back to the Nurburgring to top the new GT - R time. 我们没有文字是否雪佛兰和梅罗将由回到纽伯格林顶部新燃气轮机-R的时间。
At some point just about every kind of car is the unwilling recipient of Lambo doors, and the Nissan GT-R is no exception. 在某一点上几乎每样的车是不愿意接受兰博门,和日产燃气轮机-R的也不例外。