
美 [ɡɪlt]英 [ɡɪlt]
  • n.内疚;有罪;犯罪;罪行
  • 网络罪恶感;罪过

admit guilt,prove guilt


n. v.

1.~ (about sth)内疚;悔恨the unhappy feelings caused by knowing or thinking that you have done sth wrong

2.犯罪;罪行;有罪the fact that sb has done sth illegal

3.罪责;责任;罪过blame or responsibility for doing sth wrong or for sth bad that has happened


a guilt trip

使人内疚的责备things you say to sb in order to make them feel guilty about sth


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... minimum n. 最小量;最低限度 a.最小的;最低的 guilt n. 有罪;内疚 passport n. 护照 ...


罪字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 罪人〖 guiltyperson;offender;sinner〗 罪行〖 crime;guilt;offense〗 罪刑〖 chargesandpunishme…


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... minimum n. 最小量;最低限度 a.最小的;最低的 guilt n. 有罪;内疚 passport n. 护照 ...


这种幻想会带来罪恶感(guilt),这同时意味著婴儿开始想像其对所爱的客体具有责任感、同时会害怕其受伤、为其著想,这种为 …


新东方六级高频词汇整理_百度文库 ... guarantee n. 保修单 guilt n. 犯罪 harmony n. 与……协调一致,和谐 ...


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... culp=blame 过失 culp=guilt 罪过 cult=to till 耕种 ...

Instead of changing out of a sense of deprivation and guilt, it's better to be motivated by feelings of love, joy and giving. 最好是让爱,欢愉和给予所激励的情感来代替丧失和内疚的感觉。
"believe" in hawthorne's sin said, "he thinks a thousand people are sins, dark, " guilt is one of the birthmark. 霍桑相信“原罪之说”,他认为人心生来都是罪恶的,黑暗的,“罪恶是人的胎记。”
This not to me, my sense of guilt deep, deep . . . Why do not you accept my apology! 这不对我,我的感觉缝制深,深深……您为什么不接受我的道歉!
To understand guilt, its reason, its place in our lives, and how to deal with it, are essential to living a life for God. 如何理解罪,它的成因,在我们生活中的位置以及怎样处理,对基督徒的生活至关重要。
The last thing the company needs is a co-founder that is no longer engaged but is hanging around out of guilt or ambiguity. 一个公司最不希望有的就是创始人中有人不再参与事务,却模棱两可地留也不是,走也不是。
However, this idea is very good. At least his feeling of guilt might have been alleviated while he was alive. 不过,这个道理是很好,最少让他在活著的时候,罪恶感越来越减轻。
Or take a week to be alone if you've always wanted to do so, despite the guilt-engendering protestations from other members of your family. 或者你可以不管家里其他人的反对意见,独自去一个你早就想去的地方旅行。
He must dedicate himself to the Lord for the period of his separation and must bring a year-old male lamb as a guilt offering. 他要另选离俗归耶和华的日子,又要牵一只一岁的公羊羔来作赎衍祭;
Should she visit and perhaps forgive her mother, or protect herself and live with a sense of guilt, however unjustified? 她应该看望并且也许原谅她的母亲吗,或者应该保护她自己,怀着一份愧疚感生活,无论这份愧疚是怎样的毫无根据?
Even when he is confronted with witnesses and is therefore bound to admit his guilt, he will still try to justify himself in some other way. 即使他面对证人无可抵赖时,他仍然会试着用其他方法来替自己辩护。
Once the young man admits his guilt to his new wife and accepts his own criminal nature, he is able to satisfy his hunger and fall asleep. 而一旦这个年轻人向新婚妻子承认罪过,承认自己的犯罪本性,他的饥饿感就得到了满足,可以入睡了。
I do not know where their hearts from the moment we have a certain space, it allows me to feel guilt was not. 我不知道从哪一刻起彼此心中有了一定的空间,这使我不由的感到内疚。
The debate about working moms is often conducted as if the only group affected were guilt-ridden high-income college-educated women. 关于职业女性母亲的讨论一直都有。看起来参与这个话题的只是那些充满内疚的高收入高学历妇女。
Each month from my mother took the living time, how much is the heart with guilt. 每个月从我妈手里拿过生活费的时候,内心多少是带着愧疚的。
The guilt he felt as a result of his strong Roman Catholic upbringing gnawed constantly at him. 接受罗马天主教会教育的他感到罪恶不断侵蚀着他的心。
In just a minute you can make a simple decision that will free you from your prison of guilt and change the rest of your life. 只需要一点点时间,你就可以做一个小小的决定,它也许就会将你从负罪的牢狱中解救出来,从此改变你的未来人生。
If, however, the woman has not defiled herself and is free from impurity, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. 若妇人没有被玷污,却是清洁的,就要免受这灾,且要怀孕。
Hours of melancholy calculation and terrible guilt gave no progress, and left me with a woeful regret for the day's events. 几小时忧郁的盘算和强烈的负罪感没能带来任何进展,却留给我对当天事件的一腔痛苦悔恨。
But even as I felt the nausea of guilt return, I was trying to convince myself I was right to let go. 但即便我心中感到内疚和憎恶,我仍试图让自己相信,我松手是对的。
He wanted to go with that current, to lie down and be swept away, taking his guilt and sorrow with him to wherever the river might go. 他想躺下来,随着水流而去,带着他的罪责和愧疚而去,无论这条河会流到哪里。
God could never allow you to suffer through needless guilt. He wants you to leave the guilt behind you. 神不允许你承受没完没了的罪。祂想让你抛弃过去的罪。
Vernon zhong: No need for you to feel guilt, for A xing is the woman i love most. 仲天骐:你不用觉得内疚,因为阿星是我最心爱的女人。
After the war, thousands of American soldiers afflict with a sense of guilt. 战后成千上万的美国士兵背负着一种负罪感。
And again I rebelled against this feeling; I accused her, and found it both shabby and too easy, the way she had wriggled out of her guilt. 我又一次叛逆了这感情;我谴责她,发现这既卑鄙又太随意,就像她设法逃避罪责一样。
She said she would have no guilt about swooping in on some foreclosed owner who had bought a place he could not afford. 她说她扑向那些因为买下负担不起的地方而房屋要被抵押收回的屋主之时,会毫无内疚之感。
The Master was always teaching that guilt is an evil emotion to be avoided like the very devil -- all guilt. 大师一直教诲说,内疚是一种邪恶的情绪,要像躲避罪恶一般地躲避它——都是罪。
Susan starts to withdraw from her friends and family, and Gaby works to reach out to Carlos while his guilt weighs heavily upon him. 苏珊开始远离她的朋友和家人,变得孤立。加比帮助卡洛斯摆脱积压在心头的罪孽。
Likewise, they feel a strong sense of frustration and guilt when they do not meet their parents' expectations. 同样,当他们没有达到他们父母的期望时,会感到一种强烈的失望和罪恶感。
According to its terms, the rape charges against him were to be dropped in exchange for an admission of guilt for lesser offenses. 根据协议,针对卡察夫的强奸指控予以撤除,作为交换,他必须承认一些较轻的罪过。
This disappointment was no doubt compounded by deep, but unspoken, guilt that perhaps the KMT had brought the loss on itself. 无疑的,除了失望的情绪外,还有那种无以言喻,怀疑国民党自己把自己打败了的挫折悔恨之情。