
美 [ɡʌlp]英 [ɡʌlp]
  • v.狼吞虎咽;大口吞咽;匆匆吞下;(尤因害怕或惊讶而)倒吸气
  • n.吞饮的量;一大口;吸入;吞咽
  • 网络General Utility Lattice Program;字节组;咽下

第三人称单数:gulps 现在分词:gulping 过去式:gulped



v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sth).~ sth down狼吞虎咽;大口吞咽;匆匆吞下to swallow large amounts of food or drink quickly

2.[i][t](+ speech)(尤因害怕或惊讶而)倒吸气to swallow, but without eating or drinking anything, especially because of a strong emotion such as fear or surprise

3.[i][t]深呼吸;喘大气;大口大口地吸气to breathe quickly and deeply, because you need more air

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(G) -亿城英语 ... gully 冲沟 gulp guly 丑的 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... grousing( 发牢骚,抱怨的); gulp吞咽,狼吞虎咽); groan( 抱怨…


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... grousing( 发牢骚,抱怨的); gulp( 吞咽,狼吞虎咽); groan( 抱怨…

General Utility Lattice Program

GULP (General Utility Lattice Program)(免费) NIH分子模拟中心的化学软件资源导航(Research Tools on the Web) X-PLOR (大 …


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... GULM 矿物的自然伽马值上限 gulp 字节组 gum acacia 阿拉伯树胶 ...


《综合英语二》整理资料[旺旺英语论坛] ... swell 长浪,涌浪 gulp 一大口 curse 诅咒,漫骂 ...


以g开头的英语英文单词 ... gully 小峡谷,排水沟 gulp 吞食,咽下 gummy 树胶的,粘的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... gulf 湾 gulp 牛饮 gum 胶 ...

Ralph, Jr . takes the Coke from the Teenager's outstretched hand, drinks it down in one gulp and burps out a green cloud into his face. 小拉尔夫从少年伸着的手上拿走可乐,一口气喝光,打了个嗝,一股绿色的云雾喷向少年的脸。
It could have taken a human in one gulp; in fact, something like a T-Rex would have been breakfast for a beast like this. 它可以一口吞掉一个人。实际上,像霸王龙(T-Rex)那样的恐龙都可以成为这种猛兽的早餐。
Running is one of those things that has stayed with me for the *gulp* nearly 15 years since I left high school. 高中毕业之后十五年来,跑步是我为了“喘气”所从事的事情之一。
Caption : A common frog struggles to the surface for a gulp of air in a mill pond swamped by duckweed. 描述:在浮萍覆盖的磨坊池塘,一只普通青蛙挣扎着露出水面喘口气。
Drank it up in a gulp ; fastened up the coat . 一饮而尽;把外衣扣得严严实实。
She, who was standing literally with her back against the wall, gave a little gulp, and that was all her answer. 她已经等于抵着墙壁站着,这时候噎了一口气,算是她唯一的回答。
Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt, might have indeed drunk a pearl cocktail in a gulp, an experimental study has concluded. 最近一份研究表明,埃及最后一个女王克娄巴特拉可能真的将一杯珍贵的珍珠鸡尾酒一饮而尽。
Gilbert took a gulp of his Calvados and told me his version of the October day in 1944 when he and Dad said goodbye on Omaha Beach. 吉尔伯特咽了口他的白兰地,跟我讲述了1944年10月和父亲在奥马哈沙滩的诀别。这次的不同之处是:这是吉尔伯特叙述的版本。
The giant took a gulp of tea and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. 巨人喝了一大口茶,然后用手背抹了抹嘴。
To make sure you stay on top form, you gulp down a little extra health insurance, in the form of a vitamin pill. 为了确保能保持最佳状态,吞服维生素药丸获取一些额外的健康保险。
For most people, even the smallest bite of a raw chili pepper means a flushed face and a rush for a gulp of(1) water. 对大多数人来说,哪怕咬一小口生辣椒就会满脸通红、急忙喝水。
To the other five countries have been the state of Qin, and gulp down 11, he would hurry up and send troops to keep the western borders. 到了其他五国一一被秦国并吞掉,他才着急起来,派兵去守西面的边界。
Lie down on the couch, television blaring, a bowl of chips on your stomach and a Big Gulp of cola on your chest. 躺在沙发上,电视声音响亮,你的胃里面填充了一碗炸薯条,你的胸腔吞入了一大口可乐。
He rose to his feet in terror, feeling sticky and fat, and rushed to the open window to gulp in fresh air. 他极为惊骇地站起身,感到浑身麻木和不自在,于是赶紧冲到开着的窗子旁边,呼吸了几大口新鲜空气。
Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora. 婴儿在经过产道并充分“摄取”富含细菌基因的母体阴道分泌物和粪便菌落之后,细菌便开始进入胃肠道。
or on his own instinctive cries, like a gulp of surprise at the sight of falling water. 要么基于他自己本能的喊叫,像是看到降水时惊奇地吞咽口水的声音。
With a sigh, a gulp and a smile, I quickly revised my plan of attack and threw myself into the talk. 但是伴随著叹气、倒吸一口气并试著露出微笑,我只好迅速修正我计画,将精力投身于我的演讲中。
My sister lifts her head to get a gulp of air, pushing her mess of brown curls out of the way. 我妹妹抬起头吸一大口气,撩开她乱糟糟的褐色卷发。
Usually just their big nostrils appeared for a gulp of air as they foraged on sea grasses or swam slowly to greener underwater pastures. 通常,当它们在水下寻找海草或者慢慢地游向一些更绿的水下牧草场时,它们长长的鼻孔会伸出水面来换气。
No, the damned Customs took it. " John said, and as he HAD a gulp of the whisky he added, " Devil take them! 不,是该死的海关人员把它拿走的。〞约翰说,他呷下一大口威士忌酒后又加上一句:〞见他们的鬼去吧!
Pacing up the stairs and entering the stadium for the first time was like 'A gulp of fresh air'. 登上看台,第一次进入体育场的感觉就像是“大口的呼吸新鲜空气一样”。
She turned round to open her treasure box, took up the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp. 她转过身来,打开她的百宝箱,拿起灵药,一口气吞下它。
So even a small snake can easily swallow a mouse whole, and a snake just an inch across can gulp down a young bird three inches across. 所以一条小蛇能够轻易地把一只耗子囫囵吞下,粗仅一英寸的蛇可以吞下三英寸粗的小鸟。
He gave a sort of cough and gulp, and at first I could not hear quite clearly. 他发出一种咳嗽和吞咽的声音,所以我最初听不大清楚。
Entrepreneur dared me to go offline cold turkey for seven days--no e-mail, LinkedIn, AIM or Facebook (gulp! ). 有哪位企业家像我这样尝试七天没有互联网的生活——没有电子邮件,LinkedIn,AIM或者Facebook?
I write in one big gulp because these moments don't come to me as often as they used to. 我习惯一口气写完因为这些灵感不会总是来到我身边的。
And the generators needed to produce the electricity required by accommodation akin to a small five-star hotel gulp down many more. 而发电机必须产生出游艇上膳食所需要的电力,近似于小型五星级酒店的膳食供应。
"A gulp of what? ! " Severus shouted, shocked, his eyes wide opened. “一口什么?!”西弗勒斯惊叫道,睁圆了双眼。
If you are carrying vegetables and banana inside your vehicle, then it will gulp them and allow you to go. 莫汉蒂说:“如果你的车上有蔬菜和香蕉,它就会全部吞下,然后给你放行。”
I drank some orange squash. It was like I'd taken a thick, choking gulp of orange-scented washing-up liquid. 我喝了一些橙汁但就像是喝了浓稠的令人窒息的橙汁味道的清洁剂。