
美 [ɡʌʃ]英 [ɡʌʃ]
  • v.涌出;大量涌出;过分称赞;夸张地表现对…的感情
  • n.涌出;爆发
  • 网络喷出;喷涌;滔滔不绝地说

复数:gushes 现在分词:gushing 过去式:gushed



v. n.

1.[i]~ out of/from/into sth.~ out/in(从…中)喷出,涌出,冒出to flow or pour suddenly and quickly out of a hole in large amounts

2.[t]~ sth大量涌出,大量泄出(液体)to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid

3.[t][i](+ speech)过分称赞;夸张地表现对…的感情;装腔作势to express so much praise or emotion about sb/sth that it does not seem sincere


升腾_百度百科 ... [gush] 涌出;爆发出 [advancement] 升官;发迹 ...


单词4_百度文库 ... exult 欢腾雀跃 gush 喷出 gash 伤口 ...


喷字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 喷溢〖 sprayandspoilover〗 喷涌gush;spout〗 喷云吐雾〖 smokeheavily〗 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... guild n. 行会,同业公会 gush vi. 涌出,滔滔不绝地说; gust n. 阵风;(感情的)迸发 ...


石油钻井作业现场词汇 - 译员进阶-翻译论坛 ... Meet sticking/stick pipe 遇卡 Blowout/gush 井喷 Plugging/sealing 堵漏 ...


涌是什么字_百度知道 ... [well] 泉水涌溢 [gush] 涌,滕也。——《说文》 [emerge;surge;rise] 洪波涌起。——《乐府诗集·曹操·步 …

A coordinated torrent of praise from the main foreign missions in Afghanistan began to gush a few hours after polls closed. 投票结束几小时后在阿富汗的各大主要外国观察团都对此一致赞赏有加。
"Is n't it a perfectly beautiful night? " he exclaimed, with a fine gush of enthusiasm. “真实完美的夜晚!”他激情四溢地感叹道。
If there is only a gaping wound left then it must gush forth though it produce nothing but toads and bats and homunculi. 如果只剩下一个裂口的创伤,它一定得向外喷射,尽管喷出来的只是蛤螈蝙蝠和侏儒。
Don't say premier to her Jing dollar cure injury of is isn't that he hard to say, he now gush is fighting to want her to be responsible for? 先不说给她精元治伤的是不是他都很难说,他现在倒是吵着要她负责了?
Then he looked just beyond the cradle and there was a mother's love pouring out like the gush of a river toward the cradle and baby. 就在摇篮旁边天使看见了妈妈的爱正如河流一般涌向孩子和摇篮。
spray detest agent, doors, Windows etc do not hope the parts should be sprayed to keep out, in case of gush to immediately with clean water. 喷憎水剂时,门、窗等不希望喷到的部位应予以遮挡,万一喷到应及时用清水洗净。
It was one way to tune out the voices that babbled like the gush of a river inside my head. 这是调掉我脑海里那些像河里冲出来的气泡一样的声音的一种办法。
the memories all came back to me like a gush of sea breeze just as if it was yesterday. 就似海边的浪风,从我深深的脑海带回来了许多的回忆。
Just imagine, all this could gush out of the containers at any moment and poison everything around. 试想,这些东西都可以在某一时刻突然从集装箱内喷涌而出,破坏周围的一切。
Mighty jiangchao spring water, and even into a sea, a bright moon rising from the sea, it seems to flow together to gush. 春天的江潮水势浩荡,与大海连成一片,一轮明月从海上升起,好像与潮水一起涌出来。
There is nothing else in 'The Memory of All That' remotely like this hyperbolic, capitalized gush of personal pride. 在《那些回忆》中,没有其他任何地方像这样子夸张的涌现出个人的骄傲。
On the face that falls at him of several drop of cut drop for warming ups, Su ocean center a soft, slowly gush bed once up. 几滴温热的泪珠滴落在他的脸上,苏海洋心一软,缓缓倒回床上。
A gush of antimicrobial fluid at the entrance to the urethra around the time of sex might help fight off such bacteria. 如果在性交的时候有一股抗菌液的冲洗,那么细菌的侵害将会小得多。
In a moment more, the crowd began to gush forth from the doors of the church. 过了一会儿,人群便开始从教堂的大门蜂拥而出。
It's a gush of battle details from the front lines - from a reported assassination attempt on Hamid Karzai to raids gone wrong. 这并不是信息泄漏,而是前线战争详情的披露——从暗杀卡尔扎伊的计划到错误的袭击。
The tears were streaming down his face. He made no effort to brush them away. He just let everything gush forth. 热泪从他脸上流下来,他并不去擦,只是叫一切都涌泻出来。
Don't worry, contrary to movie-fueled myth, it's very rare for your water to gush out in public. 不要担心,与电影里虚构的故事不同,羊水在公共场合大量涌出的机率是很小的。
Fans of such services gush that they will mint money by allowing ads to be targeted at folk who are about to make a purchase. 这项服务的粉丝们滔滔不绝的说,他们可以通过允许把广告投放给潜在的目标顾客而赚钱。
Farther down, two branches of the Ivindo River gush down twin falls known as the Sun and the Moon. 更下游处,伊温多河两道支流冲洩而下,形成名为日和月的双子瀑布。
While I was thus delaying, a gush of steady wind, as long as a heavy sigh, poured direct out of the quarter of the morning. 正当我为此而耽搁时,一股持续的风从晨光的住所倾注而出扑面而来,像是一声长久的沉重叹息。
Similar fields in North Dakota and Texas are already beginning to gush oil. 北达科他州和德克萨斯州也有类似的油田,它们已经开始产油了。
The various Ge carries cloud indifferent outlook, it is a bit embarrassed to gush to make presently always sun and pure sun. 诸葛端云态度冷淡,倒令在场的永阳和纯阳有些尴尬。
If you want to give a compliment, whether it's on someone's shoes or their recently published article, try to be genuine and don't gush. 不管你是要赞扬别人的新鞋子最近发表的文章,都要真情流露,而不要做作。
Then she gave a great cry , for she felt a gush of heat, and his blood sputtered over her . 这时,她大叫了一声,因为她感到了一股热流;他的血溅了她一身。
At a recent museum preview, the Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was on hand to gush over his favorite gadgets. 在最近的博物馆预展上,苹果创始人之一斯蒂芬.沃兹尼亚克曾现场讲述了他最喜欢的程序。
Step2: The hair drips no longer when water, first gush a few protect hair agent, avoid the harm that sirocco correct sends. 头发不再滴水时,先喷一些护发剂,防止热风对头发的伤害。
like the rod of Moses, makes the eternal waters gush forth from the rock of hardened souls. 像摩西的手杖那样,能够排山倒海,开凿坚固的岩石,流出永恒的泉水。
Answers tend to gush forth from Jane, sometimes before you've even asked a question, but you can't help but warm to her frankness. 答案从简口中源源不断地涌出,有时候甚至是在你还没来得及问这个问题之前,但你不能不被她的坦诚所温暖。
Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. 那时瘸子必跳跃像鹿,哑吧的舌头必能歌唱。在旷野必有水发出,在沙漠必有河涌流。
All this is a long way from the public mood when William's parents got married, 30 years ago, and the land was awash in gush and drivel. 当30年前威廉的父母结婚时,整块土地上公众的情绪沉浸在激动和羡慕之中,但到现在的变化是一段漫长的路。