
美 [ɡaɪ]英 [ɡaɪ]
  • n.人;盖伊;逃亡;【航】支索
  • v.逃走;用支索撑住;嘲笑;〈英〉把(某人)制成模拟像嘲弄
  • 网络小伙子;家伙;伙计们


nice guy,good guy,bad guy,little guy,tough guy
see guy,know guy,play guy



伦敦 - 搜搜百科 ... 伦敦城市大学( City University, London) 年)、盖伊Guys,1724 年)、圣乔治( St. Georges,1733 ...


TonyStark-公共主页 ... garbage: 垃圾 guys: 小伙子 swear: 发誓 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... joanne n. 乔安妮 guys n. 家伙, 人 assembling vt. 集合, 聚集, 装配 ...


求英雄联盟里面所有的术语简称_百度知道 ... have ult= 有大 guys= 伙计们 push= 推 ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... joanne n. 乔安妮 guys n. 家伙, assembling vt. 集合, 聚集, 装配 ...


上海版牛津高中英语8a单词列表_速学网快乐背单词 ... guy 家伙;人 guys 各位,朋友们 softball 垒球 ...


实况胜利11人世界足球(Guys)轻度汉化版 64.25双截龙(天使)汉化版 31.25随身对局役满-麻将风云(lifeiyu改D商)汉化版 54.75索 …

OK so this is a bit of an oddball suggestion, but I love tea and these little guys keep it warm for much longer. OK这真是一个有点古怪的建议,但是我喜欢喝茶,这个小玩意能让茶热得更久。
Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice. 认了吧,套套就是会让人兴致全无。所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢?
Roy: Well, guys, it's been an honor to work with you, and I guess I may see some of you in whatever afterlife. 好了伙计们,我很荣幸曾与你们一起冒险,而且我猜我可能会在死后与你们中的某些人相遇。
You guys are part of my life now and that's why I love so much to share my experiences and pics I took in my blog with all of you. 你们是我生活的一部分,这就是为什么我很爱我的经历和照片来分享我的博客,我将与你们众人同在。
"I'm going to have to start charging you guys, " he said to the curious crowd gathered around the Dumpster, snapping photos. 他对那些好奇围观在垃圾桶周围,努力拍照的人们说:“再不走我就收参观费了。”
Don't make this personal, Larry. You know I'm not soft. A lot of guys agree with me. It's not fun playing with you. 不要搞人身攻击,拉里。你知道我不柔弱。许多人都同意我的意见,跟你打球不好玩。
"Basically what we've discovered is a means of stopping cells taking up some of the bad guys, " he said. “基本上我们已经发现的是停止服用一些坏人细胞的一种手段,”他说。
Deep your lips on the bad guys. Precious little good, I love you. To see this picture of the word? 深深的吻着你的嘴唇小坏蛋。小宝贝我好爱你。看见这张图片上的字了吗?
I wanted to become one of the guys who won the big stuffed animals in the amusement park, and I wanted to be an Imagineer with Disney. 我希望成为能在游乐场里赢得超大毛绒玩具的人中的一个,我希望成为迪斯尼的假想工程师。
"These guys are trying to forget it, but I'm going to make them watch tape of it, " Jackson said. 杰克逊说:“队员们正试图去忘记那场比赛,不过我还是要给他们看看那场比赛的录像。”
"Regardless of if I'm out there hobbling around, I make guys better, " he said. "There are other things I can do. It's a proven fact. " “如果除去我在场上的步履蹒跚,我还是能让队友变得更好”他说到“我还可以做到其他事情,这也是被证实过的”
Mike: You know guys, I'm going to make this the best birthday party ever. I've got an idea. This idea is so great, it even scares me. 迈克:知道吗?我要办成最好的生日晚会,我有个主意,这个主意太妙了,连我都吓了一跳。
I feel people's attitude to me become warmly and respectful, although some guys maybe are jealous of me, still good friends to me. 我感觉大家对我的态度也变得很热情,尊重,虽然有些人可能会嫉妒,但是我们还是好哥儿们。
But in some ways, assuming the Rockets stopped getting hurt and get a few guys healthy, the tough road losses might be a good thing. 当然从某些方面看来,如果火箭能远离伤病,人人健康,那么这次艰苦的客场之旅也许并非坏事。
And it really highlighted something that I would like to ask you guys to think about and hopefully to help with. 而且它真的突出了一些我希望的事情我希望大家能够去思考而且希望大家能给予帮助。
After observing for a while, Scofield noticed that there were also several guys were staking T-bag out across the street. 观察了一会儿之后,斯科菲尔德注意到大街对面还有几个人也在监视着T-袋子。
Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of shame instead. Women, ignore that advice. 小伙子们,想让自己看起来更性感并俘获美女芳心?那就别笑得太多,相反,表现的深沉一点,害羞一些。女性请忽略此建议。
Before I knew it a group of guys came walking down the street and he left to join them. 但我当时还没有意识到这一点,后来一群男生沿街走过,他跟我道别,和他们一起走了。
Even young guys at the ages of 23yrs begin thinking or taking steps to build their own homes how much more a former president. 即使是个二十三岁的年轻人也开始构思或是采取行动盖自己的房子了,一个前任总统在干什麽?
At first, I did not know what these guys meant. But it did not take long to figure it out. 开始,我并不知道那些家伙什么意思,但是没过多久我就知道它指什么了。
"It's a strong result for me and the team, better than I think we expected, but we need to push to keep up with these guys, " he said. 他说:“对于我和车队来说这是一个非常令人鼓舞的成绩,成绩比我们预想的要好,但是我们仍然需要赶上其它车手的速度。”
She said, "Today is Harrison Ford day, you guys can ask anything you want about him and I'll try to answer it. " 爱波伦丝太太笑眯眯地说:“今天是哈瑞森日,你们可以问我任何有关哈瑞森的问题。”
You don't care that he might be one of those guys who's so fat he has to be removed from his house with a crane? 你不在乎他可能是那种肥得需要起重机才能将他从屋子里搬出来的人?
Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like a scrapbook full of memories. 我想帮你们拍张合影,我妈妈希望我把这些收集起来,做成回忆纪念册。
He's just finished golfing with guys, all the men in the car including him congratulated me out loud and said they all are proud of me! 他正好跟男生们打完高尔夫球,所有在车里的男人包括他大声对我吼恭喜而且他们说他们以我为荣!
We loveyou even more because you know we need to go out with the guys oncein a while. 如果你了解我们需要隔三差五地需要和哥们混在一起,我们会更爱你。
So it's been a year now since i started working on this video and I'm honestly not going to finish this any time soon so sorry guys. 所以过了一年,因为我现在这个视频开始工作,我老老实实不会完成这个任何时间很快很抱歉的家伙。
"You guys, aren't you paying for those? " , said the guard who caught us. I pulled out a few pennies from my pocket: "With these? " “你们这几个家伙,你们交钱了吗?”保安抓住我们后说道。我从口袋里拿出了几便士说:“这些够吗?”
So it's on him. The top shelf guys like Billups and Kidd are likely out of the question. It would take a bundle to bring in Bibby as well. 顶尖球员,比如比卢普斯,基德肯定是不可能了,交换毕比也需要打包交易,他有可能交易到。
He was one of those guys who would stand st the front of the class and yell out how much time was left before the end of a test. 有些老师在一次考试即将结束之时会站在全班之前大声宣布剩余时间,他便是其中之一。