
美 [eɪtʃ]英 [eɪtʃ]
  • abbr.(书写形式)亨(利)(电感单位)
  • n.英语字母表的第 8 个字母
  • 网络多样性指数;氢



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 8 个字母the 8th letter of the English alphabet


浮游植物的多样性指数(H')较高,范围在 2.476~3.936 之间,平均 3.412,反 映出调查海域水质状况良好。 5.3.3 本次调查浮 …

(H')核磁共振谱,磁场强度1.4092T,共振频率60MHg,以连续扫描方 式记谱,分辨率等。

One night as I sat eating Mrs. H-----'s soda-bread, her husband told me a longish story, much the best of all I heard in Rosses. 一天晚上,我在H夫人家吃苏打面包,她的丈夫给我说了一个略长的故事,我在罗塞斯听到的最好故事便出自于此。
The data from all (h)ad converters is all transmitted using a USB tool connection to a laptop which records data directly to its hard drive. 所有来自模仿数字转换器的数据都通过衔接在笔记本电脑上的USB工具来转换,电脑则直接将数据记载到硬盘驱动器。
In one study, infected mothers began to take three anti-H. I. V. drugs while breastfeeding for up to six months. 在一项研究中,感染艾滋病毒母亲在哺乳期每天服用三片抗艾滋病药物,一直持续六个月。
But one thing did not understand the people have to spend on such anti-riot police, even pulling with a pull, even the H-belt drive do? 但有一点不明白,对这样的群众非得动用防暴警察,连拉带扯,连轰带赶吗?
"framing comments . . . that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee" (H. G. Wells). “一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论”(H.G。威尔斯)。
What a waste, we could be H U G E with him in top shape and with top motivation. 多浪费啊,如果他在最佳状态,动力十足的话,我们将会非常厉害。爵士队什么地方出了问题…该死。
A company I'm engaged with has found a specific piece of the H spike flu that sparks the immune system. 我之前工作过家公司已经发现一种H刺突流感病毒。这种病毒能激发免疫系统。
He said he is willing to consider re-adding H-P to his portfolio, but not until the company has become more stable. 格里斯基说,他愿意考虑在投资组合中重新添入惠普,但这要等到惠普的公司局势更为稳定之后。
In judging researchers early in their career, the h-index seems to be a poor measure. 在评价处于早期职业生涯的研究者的学术水平方面,使用h-index看起来是一种不靠谱的方法。
Kindness is never wasted. If it has no effect on the recipient, at least it benefits the bestower. ~S. H. Simmons关怀从来不会被浪费。如果对接收者没有影响,起码对付出者是有帮助的。
H*e no too many resemble you imagines inside of those are fine with at , it is so-so to has no taste lightly! 并没有太多像你想像中的那些美好和舒坦。生活就是这样,平平淡淡的没有滋味!
H. To organize training for new staff in the Engineered Systems production Areas as required by the general operation of the Company. 根据公司正常运行的需要,组织生产部门员工的培训。
Over the ensuing years many H-P employees were dismissed for violating the company's policies, said people familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,紧接着的几年许多惠普员工因违反公司政策而被解雇。
if h*e really what matter, ask you to tell me, good? Do you know? You not at of each second I all at worry about you! 如果真的有什么事,请你告诉我,好吗?你知道吗?你不在的每一秒我都在为你担心!
However, in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday, H. P. said it had modified its separation agreement with Mr. 然而,在一份周一向证券交易委员会提交的文件中,惠普表示,其已修改了与赫德先生的离职协议。
he took out a neat business card , on which was engraved bartlett , caryoe company , and down in the left - hand corner , chas . h . drouet. 他拿出一张精美的名片,上面印着“巴莱卡留公司”,左下角印着“查利赫杜洛埃。”
Prof. WIENER: You know, I've always been fascinated by that sentence. This is in J. Edgar Hoover's letter to H. R. Haldeman. 维纳:你知道吗,我一直着迷于那句话,乐死我了。
"Judging from the results I have seen . . . I cannot say . . . that I agree with you" (William H. Mallock). “从我看到的后果来看…我不能说…我同意你”(威廉·H·马洛克)。
Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner. 确实,他因作为苏联氢弹之父、持异议者与政治犯而标榜史册。
The people familiar with the matter said H-P may be looking to supply servers or storage equipment for Peaceful Chongqing. 知情人士说,惠普可能希望为“平安重庆”项目提供服务器或存储设备。
Now it must try again to think the unthinkable, to leave the era of the H-bomb and enter the time of the human bomb. 如今必须再次思考未曾思考的东西,离开氢弹的时代,而进入人体炸弹的时代。
While a dynamic CEO may be needed to help the company keep expanding, H-P should able to coast on autopilot until a successor is named. 虽然带领公司发展也许需要一位充满活力的首席执行长,但惠普在有新的继任者获得提名前应该能保持惯性前行。
A minute, a minute, a minute, I h*e a 1440 minute to let me complete the journey which others life all with difficulty completes. 一分钟,一分钟,一分钟,我有一千四百四十个一分钟让我完成别人一生都难以完成的旅程。
H: I don't think it's right, but I can understand why they might. Imagine how much pressure there would be to win for your country! 我觉得这么做不对,但是我可以理解他们这么做的原因.想想为了自己代表的国家能够获胜他们需要承受多大的压力!
All of his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his healt h and his pocketbook. 近年来他所购买的全部东西都不得不用来清偿债务。这对他的健康和钱包都是损失。
The change tendency of proline content of H. fulva first increased and then decreased, and that of Z. japonica was in a "V" shape. 脯氨酸含量萱草呈先升高后下降,结缕草则是先下降再升高的过程。
My wife will certainly yell fra fantastically murder when she learns how much I h audio-videoe spent for them. 借使我的妻子知道我为他们花了几多钱,她必然会大吵大闹的。
It has been a year since H-P fired Mr. Hurd. 惠普炒掉赫德已有一年时间。
His father, William H. Gates, was the head of the local Planned Parenthood, and his mother, Mary, volunteered for the United Way. 他的父亲威廉盖茨,是当地计划生育负责人,他的母亲,玛丽,自愿参加联合之路。
Back in Paris, after three months at the famed H? tel Meurice, he set out to open his own restaurant. 回到巴黎,他在著名的H?telMeurice宾馆干了3个月,之后准备开家自己的餐厅。