
  • n.【男名】男子名
  • 网络是;感染(healthcare-associated infection)



语气助词_百度百科 ... (niu5 ) 生气(我好嬲你!) (hai6 ) (你真系个好人嘞!) (syu3 ) 语气助词(系咁嗻) ...

感染(healthcare-associated infection)

言归正转,healthcare -associated infectionHAI)确实反映了国际最新的进展,翻译上确实难度很大。胡教授所提到的“医疗 …

He rose to go, but suddenly sat down again and turned to look into Tseng Tsang-hai's face, which betrayed His rage and mortification. 费小胡子毅然回答,又站起身来想走。但他的眼珠一转,忽又坐下,转看着曾沧海那张又恨恨又沮丧的脸孔问道。
A popular play about him, "Hai Rui Dismissed from Office" had been playing at the Beijing Opera for four years. 他的传奇故事“海瑞罢官”已经在北京京剧院上演了近四年。
A Hai told his wife that he was not at home, often with his daughter's photo to call for "Dad. " 妻子告诉阿海,他不在家的时候,女儿常常抱着他的照片喊“爸爸”。
Then, after thirty years of pursuing the Truth, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the Supreme Master Ching Hai by a friend. 经过了长达三十年的真理追寻之后,很幸运地,一位朋友向我介绍清海无上师。
Chou Ning-Hai. Let go of her. The Imperial Garden in autumn is picturesque. Yet disturbed by such a drama queen. How disappointing! 周宁海,放开她。秋来御花园风景如画,好好的景致却被人给打扰了,真是扫兴!
At the time, I did not know of Supreme Master Ching Hai, but She nonetheless knew me and was taking care of me. 当时我并不知道清海无上师,可是她已经默默在照顾我了。
Hai Xi Xi spited two bite of spit into his hands ringingly, "go aside, look at me! " He exerted all his strength to pound the pick. “啐!啐!”海喜喜响亮地朝两手啐了两口唾沫,“你闪开,看我的!”他哼地一声使劲地砸下镐头。
As if which day having been spoken by me to have remembered one people who causes offence to lately abruptly, she is fond of Hai Zi's poem! 突然,想起了最近得罪的一个人哪天好象给我说了,她喜欢海子的诗!
It pounced Quduo like crazy, not thought of that fishermen a jump into the sea, running from the Hai Lituo the bottom. 它疯了般扑上去夺,没想到那渔民一头跳下海,从海里托着船底跑了。
"No, no need. . . " The old accountant shouted in Shang Hai accent, chucked back, as if the half of brown cake was a hot coalball. “咦,咦!弗,弗……”老会计操着上海口音叫起来,惊慌地又扔了回去,仿佛那半块黑面饼子是个烧得火烫的煤球。
Whatever the figure turns out to be, Hon Hai is a nimble transnational company, able to move production around as circumstances change. 不管这个数字是多少,鸿海集团是一家灵敏的跨国公司,可以随着环境的改变在周围转移生产。
Like most artists, eager to return to the countryside to go deep into life, to create the same Luo Hai has found a home feeling. 像大多数艺术家热衷于回到农村去深入生活、去创作一样,罗宗海却找到了回家的感觉。
The representative of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association said that the intent of their visit was to help anyone in need. 清海无上师世界会的代表此行主要目的是帮助任何需要帮助的人们。
At the end, he said that to his own great surprise, on this full moon night, he found his true idol - Suma Ching Hai! 他还说:令他自己也非常吃惊的是,在这个月圆的夜晚,他找到了他真正的偶像清海无上师!
Buddhist monk, named Fa Hai, warned Xu Xian of his wife's deceptive appearance and suggested to him a plan. 一位名叫法海的和尚,警告许仙注意他妻子欺人的外表,并建议他实施一项计划。
"Hai Bao" in the name easy to sing, but also, and his body color echoes, in line with the principles of Chinese folk auspicious title. “海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。
In despite of my dead father, in despite of having been a child in one of the symmetrical gardens of Hai Feng, was I to die now? 虽然我父亲已经去世,虽然我小时候在海丰一个对称的花园里待过,难道我现在也得死去?。
But analysts said they would not be surprised if Hon Hai ended up moving further into upstream petrochemicals as a result of the investment. 但分析人士表示,如果鸿海集团因该投资而更深入地涉足上游石化行业,他们不会感到意外。
Yesterday morning, A Hai City in the CDC's lawn an interview with reporters, and he's also come with one of his school friends. 昨日上午,阿海在市疾控中心的草坪上接受记者采访,与他一同前来的还有他的一位中学好友。
Wang Hai Guan Tao coast, to eliminate the two - mei worry, be able to open Minded people, the hope for the visitors, so visitors never have. 海岸望海观涛,能消两眉愁,能开阔人心胸,为游人所企望,故游人乐此不疲也。
read in after piling up to pressure when xiao hai, so as not to cause a heap of spine of deformation on the subject, compression. 起脊后的书册在堆放时底下要放垫板,以免堆书后受压导致书脊变形。
Hon Hai, also known as Foxconn, is the world's largest contract manufacturer of electronics and counts Apple as one of its biggest clients. 又名“富士康”(Foxconn)的鸿海是世界最大的电子产品代工商,苹果是其最大的客户之一。
Hon Hai said its workers had been manipulated by an unhappy former employee "to execute this well-planned arson case" . 鸿海表示,工人们被一名心存不满的前员工利用了,此人就是为了“实施这起精心策划的纵火事件”。
As a result , some of his students are practicing the Convenient Method of meditation, as taught by Suma Ching Hai, at the moment . 也因为这样,他的一些学生现在正修习清海无上师所教的方便法。
In the last 18 months, there have been a spate of highly publicized suicides at Hon Hai facilities. 过去18个月里,鸿海工厂发生了一连串被高度曝光的自杀事件。
Hai wa using the cord through faith, bound up in one of the most densely hairy tail sheep's body, cover letter! 海娃用绳子把信穿透,绑在了毛最密的一只羊身上,用尾巴遮住信!
But it didn't say if Hon Hai was one of the suppliers that violated its code of conduct. 但报告没有说鸿海是不是违反其行为准则的供应商之一。
This is how so many religions came into existence. I beg you not to call us the Ching Hai religion after I die! 就是这样子,产生很多宗教出来,拜托我死了以后不要说清海教。
You can now enjoy the infinite wisdom of Supreme Master Ching Hai as She answers questions from spiritual practitioners in an easier way . 您现在可以用一种更方便的方式来享受清海无上师回答修行人问题时的无边智慧了。
Overall, Apple found Hon Hai to be in compliance with its guidelines 'in the majority of areas, ' it said in the report. 报告称,苹果认为鸿海总体上遵守了行为守则的“主要方面”。