
美 [ˈheri]英 [ˈheəri]
  • adj.多毛的;惊险的;可怕(但刺激)的
  • 网络毛茸茸的;毛发的;毛状的

比较级:hairier 最高级:hairiest

hairy cell,hairy chest,hairy leg


1.多毛的covered with a lot of hair

2.(informal)惊险的;可怕(但刺激)的dangerous or frightening but often exciting


英语词汇的奥秘 ... inky 有墨迹的 hairy 多毛的 icy 似冰的,多冰的 ...


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... tricky 狡猾的 hairy 毛茸茸的 acute 敏锐的;尖锐的 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... fairy 神仙,娘娘腔男人 hairy 毛发的,多毛的 miry 泥泞的 ...


我怕英语啊_百度知道 ... Europeana. 欧洲的 hairy a. 多毛的,毛状的,长毛的 musical 音乐的 ...


我怕英语啊_百度知道 ... Europeana. 欧洲的 hairy a. 多毛的,毛状的,长毛的 musical 音乐的 ...

He was found two hours later, near a football stadium, which could have been a fantastic hiding place for a large, hairy, grunting primate. 两小时之后,牠在一座足球场附近被找到了;对于一只毛茸茸、并会咕噜作响的大型灵长类动物来说,这座足球场倒是一个绝佳的藏身处。
It's because when you sit down and cross your legs in short socks, you expose everyone around you to the sight of your hairy legs. 这是因为当你坐下来,翘起二郎腿的时候,在场的人都会看到你的腿毛了。
In two thousand six, scientific census-takers found a hairy new species of crab near Easter Island. 在2006年,科学普查者在复活节岛附近的发现了毛茸茸的新蟹类。
Suddenly I see a dark, hairy crack in front of me set in a bright, polished billiard ball; the legs are holding me like a pair of scissors. 突然我看到眼前一个鲜艳、光亮的台球上出现了一道黑洞洞毛茸茸的缝,这时支撑我的两条腿像一把剪刀一样。
the equivalent of a deranged hairy-bellied scientist getting hold of the company's DNA and adding a dangerous dose of Hollywood flakiness. 类似一个腹部长满毛的精神错乱的科学家控制了HP的DNA,并添加了好莱坞疯狂式的危险剂量。
Hairy commutes aside, Mr. Vargas Llosa has settled into a happy New York life with his wife, Patricia. 撇开高峰火车的可怕不谈,巴尔加斯.略萨先生同他妻子帕特里夏享受着一种快乐的纽约生活。
Avocado reaches out with his fleshy, hairy arm and touches Tweener's chin, "Look, she's just a baby. " Avocado伸出他肥胖多毛的手臂,摸着Tweener的下巴,“看,‘她’还只是个小孩子。”
Every time when I see her round black nose, big bright eyes, and hairy paws, I just feel as if she's a real dog! 每当我看到它圆圆的黑黑的小鼻子,大而明亮的眼睛和毛茸茸的爪子的时候,我就感觉它是一条真狗。
The hairy frog or "horror frog" intentionally breaks its own bones to turn out a wicked set of cat-like claws. 为了长出一对猫一样的爪子,多毛蛙会不惜折断自己的骨头。
As you've just read, these conversations can get a bit hairy and out of control at times. 像你刚才读到的,这些讨论在某些时候会变得有些危险和失控。
His tongue felt dry and large, as though covered with a fine hairy growth, and it tasted bitter in his mouth. 他的舌头又干又肿,就像上面长满了细毛似的,在嘴里微微作苦。
Just then did not know where the branches suddenly suspended following a black hairy spider with the wind and waves in front of the woman. 正说着,不知哪里的枝条上,忽然吊下一支黑色毛茸茸的大蜘蛛来,随着风,在女人眼前荡漾着。
that when he saw me without my covering, I was an exact Yahoo in every part, only of a whiter colour, less hairy, and with shorter claws. 它看到我身上没有遮盖物的时候,每个地方都完完全全像一只“野胡”,只是皮肤较白,没有那么多毛,爪子也短些罢了。
And if you think finding out that Santa Claus is really just a fat old man with a hairy bottom and a fake beard was a horrific surprise. 如果你认为,发现圣诞老人实际上是一个带着毛茸茸的假屁股和假胡子的胖老头是一个可怕的意外的话。
"You've helped me a lot, " I told him. "I think of you as an angel with hairy hands and cruddy toenails. " “你帮我许多忙,”我告诉他,“我把你想成一位双手毛茸茸、脚趾发皱的天使。”
They tell you they were gonna roast half the planet? They said the fight might get pretty hairy, ? but it is the devil, right? 他们有没有提过,他们会毁掉半个世界?他们说过这场战斗可能会十分混乱,但我们要对付的可是恶魔,不是吗?。
Hairy on the calyx, petal over, like a jade-like Campanula alongside the dramatic branches, it is a bit of pure elegance. 毛茸茸的花萼上,花瓣翻翘着,像个玉风铃似的,傲立枝头,很有点冰清玉洁的雅致。
Annual spring tea market, the father will buy 10 several kilograms, enough to drink a year, and that the size of tea, rice, hairy. 每年春茶上市时,父亲都会买上十几斤,够喝上一年的,那茶米粒般大小,毛茸茸的。
Only positive is the dark green and the back is light green and covered with fine hairs of the hairy, the feels good warm you! 只见正面是深绿色的,背面是淡绿色的,长满了毛茸茸的细毛,摸上去柔柔的,好亲切呀!
Yetis are said to be heavily built and hairy. Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yetis. 据说野人体格粗壮、多毛,脚印是目前支持野人存在说的为数不多实证之一。
If a person loses sight of the total job and starts looking at the individual pieces, it comes out a little hairy. 如果一个人不能对整项工作做全面把握而只是将注意力放在个别的方面,则结果将不会令人满意。
I spun around in time to see a hairy fist heading my way and, in the half-a-second it would have taken to reach me, I leapt to one side. 我一扭转身,正瞅着一个长满毛的拳头奔我扑来,晚半秒就会挨上,我飞身一跃到旁边。
Large numbers of hairy crabs travelling around the country by Learjet is definitely one of those "Only in Today's China" images. 大批大闸蟹乘商务飞机周游全国,这着实是“当今中国特有”的景象之一。
Mike: Just a second. It's technically an embryo with an egg shell. It is hairy and . . . Where is the man's room, please? 等下。那个其实就是带着蛋壳的胚胎。它还有毛,而且…请问男洗手间在哪里?。
Any of a breed of small dogs having long, silky hair, a foxlike face, pointed EARS, and a hairy tail curling over the back. 波美拉尼亚狗一种小狗,长有光滑的长毛、狐状脸、尖耳和蜷在背部的毛茸茸的尾巴
Hai wa using the cord through faith, bound up in one of the most densely hairy tail sheep's body, cover letter! 海娃用绳子把信穿透,绑在了毛最密的一只羊身上,用尾巴遮住信!
A ticket's data points can be modeled in a relational database, but the details get a bit hairy. 罚单的数据点可以在关系数据库中建模,但详细信息却有点麻烦。
As the IE extension model is still entirely COM based, you will have to work with registry settings and rather hairy-looking interfaces. 由于IE扩展模型依旧还是完全基于COM的,所以你还是必须要了解这些注册设置和繁琐的接口。
If the stories people used to believe were true, then there would be an awful lot of blind, insane, hairy-palmed people running around! 如果人们信以为真的那些说法是真实的,那么,我们周围就会有多得令人可怕的瞎子、疯子、手掌长满毛的人~!
He was a big, muscular, hairy guy with tattoos all over his body and a ring pierced through his nose. 他是个大块头的家伙,浑身是毛和纹饰,还戴着鼻环。