
美 [ˈhæmˌbɚɡ]英 [ˈhæmbə:ɡ]
  • n.汉堡;(欧洲种)红冠青脚鸡;同“Hamburg steak”



After they find out who I write for, Hamburg bites into a piece of Four Seasons bacon and proclaims himself bravely as a film school reject. 当他们知道我要采访谁之后,Hamburg咬了一口四季酒店的咸肉,然后很勇敢的宣布他曾被许多电影学校拒绝过。
Zeljko Petrovic (Jol's assistant) has spoken to him on the phone and he said once again that he would like to stay at Hamburg. 佩特洛维奇(约尔的助手)已经给他打了电话,并且他也表示希望继续留下踢球。
Hamburg United States because not used to french fries do not know where the restaurants, cereal with milk, live, nothing to eat. 由于吃不惯美国的汉堡薯条也不清楚哪里有中餐馆,以牛奶麦片度日,三餐不继。
"It all ended very fast. He appeared to be baffled and had no chance of resisting arrest, " a Hamburg police spokesman told ARD television. 「整件事结束得非常快。他似乎感到大惑不解,而且没有拒捕的机会,」汉堡市警局一名发言人告诉ARD电视台。
Yet the former Hamburg stopper, who was one of the side's best players last term, insists his future is in Tuscany. 这名上个赛季俱乐部表现最好的球员之一的前汉堡后卫坚称他的未来在托斯卡尼。
At present, the concept of actual carrier is only stipulated in Scandinavia countries and countries who join Hamburg Rules besides China. 目前在各国立法中,除我国外,也还仅限于北欧四国和《汉堡规则》的参加国等少数国家规定了实际承运人的概念。
The trip that stands out most in his mind is the one he took from Shanghai to Hamburg by himself at the age of 10. 印象最深的一次旅行是,他10岁时从上海独身一人出发到达德国汉堡。
Tomorrow night, she was ready to go shopping with her mother to buy what she wanted , such as milk, bananas, apples, Hamburg and so on. 明天晚上她准备和她妈妈去商店买东西,她想买很多东西,比如牛奶,香蕉,苹果,汉堡等等。
Since the Hamburg police is DESY's direct neighbor, they did not have to search far for a good location. 由于汉堡的警察是DESY的直接邻居,他们没有寻找远有一个良好的位置。
In June, the American firm bought Accoleo, a start-up in Hamburg, as a way into the European market. 今年6月,这家美企收购了德国汉堡一家新兴企业Accoleo,以图进军欧洲市场。
His parents lost their lives during the air bombardment in Hamburg. The disire for revenge urged him to join the German airforce. 于是哈特曼参加了德国空军,以此来守护自己的祖国,并报仇。
Our possession and movement has improved since Hamburg but we seem to be lacking a spark in the final third. 打完汉堡我们的位置感和跑位有了进步,但我们的最后三脚还是很难擦出火花。
No one was more intrigued than Mr. Langner, a former psychologist who runs a small computer security company in a suburb of Hamburg. 最好奇不过的是前心理学家朗格内尔,他在汉堡郊区开了一个小小的电脑安全公司。
Hamburg's seaport is one of the world's seven largest container ports, and, in terms of surface area, it is the largest seaport in Europe. 汉堡港是世界七大集装箱港口之一,就表面积而言,它是欧洲最大的海港。
The Hamburg school reforms seek to help the bottom without hurting the top. 汉堡的学校改革目的是在不伤害上层利益的情况下,帮助底层人群。
Today we received another letter from the LG Hamburg confirming that we don't have to pay any court costs at the moment. 今天我们又收到一封确认信,LG的汉堡,我们不必支付任何诉讼费用的时刻。
Hamburg's plan was a bold attempt to correct a German practice that many think is both unjust and an obstacle to learning. 汉堡市政府的计划是一次大胆的尝试,旨在改善许多德国人认为既不公平又不利于学习的做法。
He planted Muscat Hamburg grapes over the entire ten mu of his vineyard, to be picked one month later. 亩葡萄园都种植了玫瑰香,再过一个月就可以采摘了。
FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said this week that the agency is still investigating the cause of the outbreak. FDA专员玛格丽特.汉堡表示,本周FDA仍在调查疫情的起因。
Hamburg is one of several German states in which new, usually left-leaning governments are bringing back free university education. 有几个刚经过换血、往往左倾的州政府重新采用大学免费教育制,汉堡是其中之一。
Hamburg, says it has to be better than providing no facilities at all. 该处的一位管理者斯蒂芬妮·沃伯特说,这也比没有这个设施要强得多。
A spokesman for Hamburg SV said that as of Monday morning the club had not received an official offer from Valencia. 汉堡队的发言人表示,截至星期一早上,俱乐部未收到来自巴伦西亚方面的官方报价。
Prostitution is legal in Germany; the Reeperbahn in Hamburg is one of the largest red-light districts in Europe. 卖淫在德国是合法的;德国汉堡市列帕邦(Reeperbahn)是欧洲最大的红灯区之一。
At the Hamburg airport, though, the kicks were longer and harder than usual which is why I am writing this book: To think. To understand! 但是在这汉堡机场,它们踢得比往常更长久、更有力:起来,理解我!
You were born in Zurich and now you are living in Hamburg. Do you think you are a Swiss or a German? 你出生在瑞士,现在生活在汉堡,在你心中自己是瑞士人还是德国人?
The Allies had first encountered the phenomenon of the firestorm when the British bombed the German city of Hamburg in August of 1943. 盟军第一次遇到火暴现象,是在1943年8月,英国轰炸德国城市汉堡。
Google faced a stand-off with Hamburg privacy authorities last week over whether it would be legal to hand over the rogue data. 上周,围绕移交违规截获数据是否合法一事,谷歌与汉堡隐私机构陷入对峙。
In their early career the Fab Four would play eight hours a night, seven days a week while in Hamburg. 披头士四杰早年在汉堡一周七天每晚演练八小时;
On Wednesday, Arsenal start the Group Stage once more with a trip to Hamburg. 这个星期三,阿森纳将再一次开始小组阶段比赛客场迎战汉堡。
The men's outdoor season gets under way in Munich in late April, followed by the German Open in Hamburg in early May. 男子户外赛季于四月下旬在慕尼黑进行,接下来是五月初在汉堡举行的德国公开赛。