
美 [hæŋ]英 [hæŋ]
  • v.悬挂;吊;垂下;垂落
  • n.下垂
  • 网络杭;吊死;挂起

过去式:hung 过去分词:hanged 第三人称单数:hangs 现在分词:hanging

Hang picture,Hang head,Hang hat,Hang painting


v. n.

悬挂attach from top

1.[t][i]悬挂;吊to attach sth, or to be attached, at the top so that the lower part is free or loose

垂落fall loosely

2.[i]+ adv./prep.垂下;垂落when sthhangs in a particular way, it falls in that way

下垂bend downwards

3.[i][t](使)低垂,下垂to bend or let sth bend downwards

杀人kill sb

4.[t][i]~ (sb/yourself)(被)绞死,施以绞刑to kill sb, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way


5.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)挂在墙上to attach sth, especially a picture, to a hook on a wall; to be attached in this way

6.[t][usupass]~ sth with sth挂图画等装饰(某处)to decorate a place by placing paintings, etc. on a wall

悬在空中stay in the air

9.[i]+ adv./prep.悬浮(在空中)to stay in the air


hang sth

不在乎;不管used to say that you are not going to worry about sth

hang a left/right

向左╱向右转to take a left/right turn

hang by a hair/thread

命悬一线;气若游丝;危在旦夕to be in great danger

hang (on) in there

保持信心;坚持下去;不气馁to remain determined to succeed even when a situation is difficult

hang on sbs words/on sbs every word

专心致志地听所崇拜的人讲话;洗耳恭听某人的话to listen with great attention to sb you admire

hang tough

立场坚定;态度坚决to be determined and refuse to change your attitude or ideas

let it all hang out

宣泄情感to express your feelings freely


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1890 shy adj 害羞的,腼腆的 1891 hang v 吊着,悬挂 1892 fireplace n …

如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 海- -Hay - -Hang 何/贺- -Ho ...


动词过去式不规则不规则大全_百度知道 ... get 获得,得到 hang 挂着,吊死 hear 听见 ...


(6)挂起(hang)、断开(disconnect)、弹出(pop). next: 刷新(refesh)、复引用(dereferencing)、重新热启动(reboot) 是:把套套 …


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... handwriting 笔迹,书法;手稿 hang 吊,悬挂;绞死 happen 发生;碰巧 ...

When I take a bus, I hang on to the straps with both hands so nobody even thinks I might be trying to steal their bag. 当我坐公车的时候,我总是双手紧握手扶带子这样才没有人会怀疑我偷他们的袋子。
I wuold like to hang out with you on this Chinese Valentine's Day. 七夕节,我很愿意陪你到外面逛一逛玩一玩
Learning a few facts about where bacteria hang out makes it easy to see things from the perspective of noted germaphobe Megan Fox. 了解病菌在哪里聚集的几个事实,可以使我们能从著名的病菌恐惧者梅根·福克斯的视角来看问题。
I can't hang out with Brian anymore, he's become the jack of all tirades, nothing but negativity, a real bummer. 我不想再跟布莱恩交往下去了,他是万事通万事不精,真是个失败的人。
Think of Ireland. Rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, make it a third bigger and hang it like a pendant from the Arctic Circle. 设想把爱尔兰顺时针旋转90度,放大三分之一,就好像挂在北极圈上的一块坠子。
Given the volatility, investors should be prepared to hang on for the long haul. 考虑到前沿市场的波动性,投资者应该做好打持久战的准备。
His name is Tony Hang, he is wearing black glasses, and he behaves boldly, as if he were the prosecutor in this case. 这位律师姓黄(TonyHang),戴着黑色眼镜,举止果断,似乎他才是这宗案件的起诉人。
A few months ago, a Ugandan newspaper ran an antigay diatribe with Mr. Kato's picture on the front page under a banner urging, "Hang Them. " 几个月前,一家乌干达报纸发表了一篇诽谤同性恋的文章,并在首版配上了卡托的照片,下面还有一行标语“绞死他们”。
Each of his fingers bears a blue chunk set in silver, and at least a dozen strands of blue and green beads hang from his neck. 他发亮的头发垂在背后,每根手指都带着银光闪闪的蓝石头,脖子上至少戴着十二根蓝绿色珠子串起来的项链。
But as she smashed it repeatedly into a wall the other day, she soon got the hang of it. 不过,随着这几天反复用它击碎一堵围墙,她很快掌握了其中要领。
In the sky a little later, the sun all downhill on the sea and the ship the night roads hang the lights. 天色稍在晚一点,太阳全落山时,海面上条条夜航船挂起了灯。
Indeed, so as to hang on to power, he may be prepared to undermine the institution of a strong presidency that he helped to create. 的确,普京为了能继续担任总统,他可能会准备破坏他一同建立起来的总统制度。
dan, I know that you're mr. soccer now, But you and I both know you prefer to hang out with girls. Vanessa, serena, once upon a time. 丹,我知道你现在是足球小子,但你知我知,你喜欢和女孩混在一起。从前的,瓦内萨,瑟琳娜。
The first is a linguistic hang-up over the idea of me growing myself: I might be a can of beans but am not a tomato. 首先,是有关自我发展这种想法的语言障碍:我或许是一罐豆子,但我不是一个西红柿。
" It was not a party. It was just a get- together . You know , come over and hang out, " the person said. 这位拍摄者说:“当时我们并没有开派对,只是一个朋友聚会,就是大家过来,一起玩玩。”
He seems to like to leave his feet to pass, which could make him charge prone, but he can hang in the air and put the ball on the money. 他传球的时候好像喜欢离地,所以导致他容易常失误,但他弹跳能力不错也可以在关键时刻得分。
You can both promise to write, to call, or to hang out together in the future, but in your heart you know it won't be quite the same. 尽管你和她定好将来要互相写信、打电话或一起出去玩,但内心深处你知道,事非如此。
I don't want you to hang out with him anymore. 我再也不许你跟他出去,
His wife watches TV all day and his three teenage kids have dropped out of high school to hang around with the local toughs. 他的妻子每天只顾看电视,三个孩子都辍学了,并和当地的地痞流氓混在一起。
You're not sure how much longer you can hang on. 你不知道自己还可以撑多久。
The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the basket. 球碰在了篮筐上,仿佛还在那停留了一小会儿,终于,它从篮筐内坠了下来。
'I can hang out with you, but I'm not bound to you. That's a choice. ' 33岁打算独身的会计张小姐说,“我可以跟你约会,但不会受你束缚,这就是多种选择中的一种。”
Such a case might be considered more of a performance issue than a hang. 这样的情况更应该看成是性能问题,而不是挂起。
The computer lab was one of the best places to hang out on 100-degree F. afternoons in Austin, Texas. 在德克萨斯州奥斯丁炎热的午后,只有这里的计算机实验室可以完好的将温度保持在100华氏度上下。
The president leaned back to let that thought hang in the air for a moment. 总统向后靠了靠,好让这种在阿尔巴托夫的脑际萦绕片刻。
Examples include the roots of epiphytes and climbers, which hang down in the air or stick to a trunk or branch. 包括附生植物和攀援植物的根,这些根或悬挂在空气中或直立于树干或枝条上。
The next step is to ask volunteers to hang out in iSpace for four two-hour sessions sometime this fall. 下一步就是要在这个秋季请志愿者们在iSpace里呆4次,每次呆2小时。
He never quite got the hang of it, only to be rescued by the digital age. 对此他一直不得门径,只有到了数字时代才如释负重。
Those kids do nothing but hang around in the mall all day. 那些孩子什么都不做,成天就只是在购物中心闲晃。
A way out of this problem is to "hang a lantern" --to have an on-screen character question the same logic an audience is likely to question. 解决这个问题的一个办法就是“挂灯笼”,即让屏幕里面的角色提出根据逻辑观众可能会提出的问题。