hanging on

  • v.坚守;守住;坚持;支撑着
  • 网络挂在;挂着;守护

第三人称单数:hangs on 现在分词:hanging on 过去式:hung on

hanging onhanging on

hanging on


梦想飞跃的悦单:躲在角落里的女音之声... ... 233884 Broken Arrow 断箭 4 247730 Hanging On 挂在 30 257671 Edie 伊迪 1 ...


房子 flashcards | Quizlet ... 放着 placed on 挂着 hanging on 躺在 lie on ...


阿森纳重振旗鼓 ... resilience 坚忍不拔 hanging on 坚持 took the initiative 采取主动 ...


迈克学摇滚:北欧神话 - 欧美流行 -... ... 05. Please Forgive Me 原谅我 06. Hanging On 守护 07. Shanghaid In Tokyo 迷失东京 ...


《神秘海域3:德雷克的诡计》中英文奖杯列表 -... ... Key Master 头目杀手 Hanging On 空中表演 Invincible 不敢 ...


愉快脸图片 happy... ... 地铁镜头组接图片 subway montage 1 取决于图片 hanging on 2 探戈舞跳舞的人图片 tango dancers 2 ...


Flickr: 彼得阿龙 Peter Tuan's Photostream ... 阿格拉堡 Agra fort 快掉了 Hanging on 看门牛 Watch cow ...

Once more, the markets seem to be hanging on the fate of one big financial institution. 各大金融市场的走向似乎再一次系于某家大型金融机构的命运。
India will also have overtaken the US, and the UK will be lucky to be hanging on to its place in the economic top 10. 印度也会超越美国,英国则很幸运地能保留自己在经济实力排名榜前10的位置。
Hanging on to the bank until stockmarkets picked up might have sharply diminished its remaining franchise value. 持有该行直至股市涨回去可能会大大降低它残存的特许权价值。
bake-off seaweed pack Liang Liang's rice, rice directly on the package is only hanging on for a while, not too hot on the line. 烤过紫菜包梁亮的大米,大米在包装上直接只挂了一段时间,不太上线热。
It seemed to be merely an ordinary farmyard, with one big red lantern hanging on each side of the door. 从外面看不过是普通的农家院,门口高悬两盏红灯笼。
Like their aquatic counterparts, pet chickens don't have very long life expectancies, usually hanging on for just a few days or weeks. 跟他们水生的同伴一样,宠物小鸡不会活得很长,通常能活几天或者几周。
It's not unusual to see the bumpers on Geely cars barely hanging on after a few years of use. 比如,吉利汽车的保险杠在使用几年后常常会出现不牢靠的情况。
Consequently, hanging on to approval-seeking as a way of life will help you to conveniently avoid any risk-taking activities in your life. 因此,坚持寻求赞许的生活方式使你可以避免生活中没有把握的事情。
We being women were crying, both of us, one woman with a baby in her arms and another hanging on her skirt. 我们做女人的,都哭起来,两人都哭了,其中一个怀里抱着婴儿,裙边还有一个婴儿倚着。
As if it was just hanging on a stick. 就很像挂在树枝上的衣服。
Makes you feel warmer when you're trying to remember what you heard, she likes to leave you hanging on her word. 让你感到更加的温暖,当你试图记住你所听到的,她喜欢把你挂在她的嘴边。
The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw one of his white shirts hanging' on the clothes-line in the garden. 第二天早晨,纳斯瑞丁出来看见他的一件白衬衣挂在花园里的晒衣绳上。
Back at home, Captain and Maria return. Captain pulls down the Nazi flag hanging on the front house, tearing it apart. The children come in. 上校、玛丽亚已返回家中。上校扯下门前悬挂的纳粹党旗。这时孩子们进来了。
He said he'd retire when his current contract is up, but he's just hurting the team by hanging on. 他说过,当自己的合同期满后,他就会退役,但现在他赖在那里不退,耽误了整支球队。
Welsh woman trying to call British telecoms operator BT was left hanging on the telephone for a total of 20 hours. 一位想接通英国电信的威尔士妇女不得不在线等了整整二十小时。
He knew at the Last Supper that He would be hanging on a cross within a few hours. 他在最后的晚餐上就知道他几个小时后将在十字架上被钉死。
He paused and looked at her, but she was listening intently, hanging on to his every word. He gained confidence. 他停下来看看她。她听得十分认真,恨不得想记住他所说的每一句话。于是他更自信了。
When you visit an American home you're likely to see a cheerful message or two hanging on the wall. 当你到美国家庭拜访时,大都会看到墙上挂有一,两个激励人生的格言牌。
At this point, the hooks, like the crescent quietly hanging on the horizon, shining little star . 此时,弯钩一样的新月静静地挂在天边,点点星光闪闪烁烁。
At the time I gave up several foods to match them, but I still had a few favorites I was hanging on to. 那时我戒了一些食物来和他们配上,但是我还是保住了一些我最爱吃的。
"That was a pretty bit of muslin hanging on your arm-who was she? " asked the fascinating student. “那个靠在你胳膊上的小妞儿可真不赖呐,她是谁?”着魔的门徒问。
When the young girl looked into the mirror hanging on the wall, she saw her mother standing behind her. 当小女孩对着挂在墙上的镜子照时,她看见妈妈站在她身后。
She fought her way out of the watery grave, hanging on to the little girl in a death grip, and she felt her strength ebbing. 她死死抓住那个女孩儿不放,拼命挣扎,想摆脱这座水的坟墓,可是她感到自己的体力越来越弱。
River, the sky into the same color, there is no small dust, and only a solitary bright hanging on the air. 江水、天空成一色,没有些微灰尘,只有明亮的一轮孤月高悬空中。
When I was a boy, we used to lower each other down there in turns, hanging on a rope. We did not think it was special. 小时候,我们常用绳子轮流把对方垂吊下去。我们从来不认为它有什麽特别。
Then I note that the piece oil paintings hanging on the wall : a small lamas gather in the wood upstairs seemed to be waiting for morning. 这时我注意到墙上挂着的一幅油画:一群小喇嘛聚在木楼上,似乎在等候晨祷。
Begin on toprope. Get used to the feeling of hanging on the rope, perhaps "running" or "pedaling" back and forth across the rock. 从顶绳开始,适应悬在绳子上的感觉,甚至可以尝试在岩壁上来回“跑动”或者“踏步”。
If I were brave, would the ending be different? If you were hanging on, would the memories be different? 如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。如果当时你坚持,回忆会不会不这样。
Public buildings of every kind have brilliant window boxes and sometimes baskets of flowers are hanging on them. 各种公共建筑,有辉煌的窗台,有时花篮挂在窗上但是为什么英国人享用的是事物的自身。
I shall wear a large bonnet, and bring one of my little baskets hanging on my arm. 我要戴一顶大帽子,胳膊上挎着一只小篮子。