
美 [hæŋ]英 [hæŋ]
  • v.悬挂;吊;下垂;垂下
  • n.下垂
  • 网络挂起;悬挂的方式;暂停

过去式:hung 过去分词:hanged 第三人称单数:hangs 现在分词:hanging

Hang picture,Hang head,Hang hat,Hang painting


v. n.

悬挂attach from top

1.[t][i]悬挂;吊to attach sth, or to be attached, at the top so that the lower part is free or loose

垂落fall loosely

2.[i]+ adv./prep.垂下;垂落when sthhangs in a particular way, it falls in that way

下垂bend downwards

3.[i][t](使)低垂,下垂to bend or let sth bend downwards

杀人kill sb

4.[t][i]~ (sb/yourself)(被)绞死,施以绞刑to kill sb, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way


5.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)挂在墙上to attach sth, especially a picture, to a hook on a wall; to be attached in this way

6.[t][usupass]~ sth with sth挂图画等装饰(某处)to decorate a place by placing paintings, etc. on a wall

悬在空中stay in the air

9.[i]+ adv./prep.悬浮(在空中)to stay in the air


hang sth

不在乎;不管used to say that you are not going to worry about sth

hang a left/right

向左╱向右转to take a left/right turn

hang by a hair/thread

命悬一线;气若游丝;危在旦夕to be in great danger

hang (on) in there

保持信心;坚持下去;不气馁to remain determined to succeed even when a situation is difficult

hang on sbs words/on sbs every word

专心致志地听所崇拜的人讲话;洗耳恭听某人的话to listen with great attention to sb you admire

hang tough

立场坚定;态度坚决to be determined and refuse to change your attitude or ideas

let it all hang out

宣泄情感to express your feelings freely




《Friends》词汇表A ... sing v. 唱, 演唱 hangs n. 悬挂的方式, (动作的)暂停, 中止 bye n. 枝节的问题, 不重要或次要的东西 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... sing v. 唱, 演唱 hangs n. 悬挂的方式, (动作的)暂停, 中止 bye n. 枝节的问题, 不重要或次要的东西 ...


若要使用Ice for Java的SSL插件,可能会偶然遇到挂起状况hangs),最大的可能是内核熵池空了,如果你有足够的系统权限…


首页-玛纳路归零清理能量工具专店-淘宝网 ... 标贴 Seals 挂件 Hangs 首饰 Jewelry ...


首页-皮皮豆旗舰店-- 天猫Tmall.com ... 抱枕靠枕/ CUSION 小挂件/ HANGS 价格区间/ PRICE ...

In Europe's frothier markets unpaid debt hangs around the necks of borrowers, giving them a bigger incentive to tough it out in their homes. 在泡沫更严重的欧洲市场中,未偿还债务紧紧地扼住了借款人的喉咙,给了他们更大的弃屋而走激励。
Her picture hangs on the wall of my office, reminding me that, thousands of miles away in Asia, a nation is oppressed. 她的照片就挂在我办公室的墙上的,提醒我,远在千里之外的亚洲,有一个国家正在遭受压迫。
SCULLY hangs up the phone, then turns toward the door as she hears a creaking floorboard. 史高丽挂上电话,她听到了地板吱吱作响于是往门口走。
He spends a few more minutes on the phone, then hangs up again and asks me to sit. Chita is on his way. 他又打了几分钟电话,再次挂断以后让我坐在这里等,契塔已经在路上了。
a massive axe in his hands, while an equally massive bow hangs from his back. 他手上拿着一把粗大的斧子,在他的背上挂着一把同样巨大的战弓。
She hangs out with her peer group. 2. He's like a kid brother to me. 她和同辈的好友们往来2.他与我情同手足。
Grief hangs over the frail face of Bui Thi Me, a communist intellectual contemplating the deaths of three of her sons. 悲伤笼罩着我的裴氏,共产主义的知识分子考虑对她的三个儿子的死亡体弱的脸。
Don't you know Sandra? Tall girl. Blonde hair. She always hangs out in Bakers with the media crowd. 你不认识桑德拉吗?高高的女孩。金色头发。她总是与一帮做媒体的人去“Bakers”玩。
I can usually tell what he had for breakfast, since it hangs out on his chin for a while. 我通常能说出他早饭吃了些什么,因为他的早餐总是会从下巴那露出来,垂在外面一会儿。
Ms. Han works in a government office. Every weekend, this young lady hangs out with her friends from many other circles. 在政府机关工作的韩女士,每个周末都会和在其他行业工作的朋友一起出去玩。
Here she reconnects with her mother, hangs out with a group of elderly women and teaches poetry to a class of seven pubescent girls. 在故乡,米娅恢复了和母亲的关系,与一群年长的女人一同交往,还给7个青春期的女孩上诗歌课。
A homemade banner, made of sheets, hangs over the main motorway in Reykjavik, tied to the railings of a bridge. 一条用被单自制的横幅悬在雷克雅未克高速公路主干道上,系在一座桥的栏杆上。
Making straight for the door is much wiser, since he who hangs around risks being eaten by his consort. 交配后继续逗留的雄蜘蛛有葬身其配偶之口的危险,因此立刻抽身而退更为明智。
The distant moon hangs in the sky with the dry twigs swaying in the wind and lingering with the night. 远处的明月悬挂在空中,已干枯的枝条随风摆舞,与夜缠绵。
In fact, Stec hangs out with Mayor Stubbs most days at Nagley's General Store, even though she notes, "He's growling at me right now. " 事实上,Stec整天与市长Stubbs在杂货店办公,虽然,她写道,“他正在对着我咆哮。”
Because this was Mao's favorite place to watch the people walking below, in his honor a gigantic portrait of him hangs there today. 因为这是毛主席最喜欢的地方,可以看见他的人民走在下面,为了纪念他的荣誉至今他的巨大的肖像仍挂在门上。
Above the bed in his tiny, cigarette-strewn hotel room hangs a framed photo of him and the matronly AIDS worker. 在他那间小小的、到处扔着烟头的酒店房间里,床头上方挂着他自己和这位耐心的艾滋病工作者的照片。
Group of Chinese harbour construction hangs out his shingle formally hold water already two years many. 中国港湾建设集团正式挂牌成立已经两年多了。
A bit of the north door, broken by the French, hangs suspended to the wall. 北门被法军打破的一块门板至今还挂在墙上。
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Okay, " he says, "they're coming for Christmas and paying their own way. " 老人挂上电话,转身对妻子说:“好了,他们明天就回来过圣诞节,并且自己付路费。”
A girl with Japanese kanji characters written on her face hangs out in Tokyo's Harajuku district. 在东京时尚街区原宿,一名女孩的脖子和脸上都写满了日本汉字。
A Tokay gecko hangs upside down in its terrarium at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 宾夕法尼亚州,费城自然科学学院,一只大壁虎把自己悬挂在培养箱顶面上。
He falls and hangs when his hand hurts, but, in less than 15 minutes, Graham has made his way up a possible . 14b. 手痛的时候他会脱手冲坠,或者悬吊在空中,不过不到15分钟,他就爬到了这条14b的顶点。
Some of it, like the rosemary, is so well established, it hangs over the front of the building. 其中的一些,如迷迭香,长得非常好,挂满了房子的正面。
As a journalist who hangs out in all sorts of locker rooms and clubhouses, I enjoy dealing with NBA players more than any other athletes. 作为一个常出入各种球员更衣室的记者,我最喜欢和NBA球员打交道。他们随和,老练,对自身的富有习以为常。
A little sadness hangs on his face as if he were a baby deprived of mother and were a stray lamb, looking silly. 他的面容略带忧伤,好像失去母亲的婴儿。看起来笨笨的,就好像迷途的羔羊似的。
They are overgrown with foliage at the top, and a straggly beard of vines hangs down beneath them like the roots of an air-fern. 在它们的顶端长满了树叶底端则长满了像王紫萁根一样的树藤挂在下面好像一把胡子。
The future of this company hangs by a thread. Unless we get two or three big orders by the end of the month, we're finished. 公司的前途岌岌可危,要是月底前拿不到两三个大订单,我们就完了。
A haze hangs in the air even on good days, and for much of the rest of the year the city's skyline simply disappears at any distance. 即使是好天气,空气中也有着烟霭,在这一年余下的大部门时间重庆的天际线在任何距离都看不到。
Janny's never made her own decisions. She always hangs on her mother's sleeve. 简妮从来不自己做决定,总是依赖她的妈妈。