
美 [hɔl]英 [hɔːl]
  • v.拉;用力缓慢挪动到(某处);强迫(某人)去某处;使某人出庭受审
  • n.大批赃物;大量非法物品;很高的得分;旅行的距离
  • 网络拖;拖运;拖曳

第三人称单数:hauls 现在分词:hauling 过去式:hauled



v. n.

1.(用力)拖,拉,拽to pull sth/sb with a lot of effort

2.~ yourself up/out of, etc.用力缓慢挪动到(某处)to move yourself somewhere slowly and with a lot of effort

3.~ sb + adv./prep.强迫(某人)去某处to force sb to go somewhere they do not want to go

4.[usupass]~ sb (up) before sb/sth使某人出庭受审;把某人提交法庭to make sb appear in court in order to be judged


haul sb over the coals

严厉训斥(或斥责)某人to criticize sb severely because they have done sth wrong

新视野大学英语1-4册单词表 - 豆丁网 ... trashcan n. 垃圾桶 haul vt. 拉, continuous a. 不停的 ...

英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... lead( 领导,率领); haul( 拖运,); lug( 用力拖,用力拉); ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... lead( 领导,率领); haul拖运,拉); lug( 用力拖,用力拉); ...


Lesson 43Fully insured全保险 - 普特英语听力 ... shiver 打颤,发抖 haul 拖曳 hawser 粗缆绳 ...


六级最最核心词汇_许泽传Rocky_新浪博客 ... footprint n. 足迹, 脚印 haul vt. n. 用力拖拉 determine v. 决定,测定 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... hatherlite 歪长闪长岩 haul 运输 haul-in sheave 牵引滑轮 ...

TOEFL+21天 ... hatch v 孵化,孵,创造,使发生 haul v (用力),牵,拖,拖运 haunt v 常去,常到(某地);缠住(某人…

It for the long haul: for those who can often play with your opponent, you could not meet bet will win. 放长线钓大鱼:对于那些能经常和你玩的对手,千万不可以逢赌必赢。
Given the volatility, investors should be prepared to hang on for the long haul. 考虑到前沿市场的波动性,投资者应该做好打持久战的准备。
Debt repayment is a long, slow process and without some sort of inspiration it can be very hard to keep it up over the long haul. 债务偿还是个漫长而缓慢的过程,没有动力的激发,很难在长时间内坚持下来。
They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。
Like, I'm really gonna be devastated now if I don't get it, because we auditioned for 18 months, you know? So it was a long, long haul. 就像现在我变得心力交瘁而不能完成,因为试听花了18个月的时间,你知道吗?这是多么长的时间,漫长的过程。
Social networking sites might have seemed as if they'd follow the same route, but all signs suggest they're here for the long haul. 社交网站似乎要重蹈上述覆辙,但是所有的迹象都表明它们要经受长时间的检验。
Giving her the opportunity to work with and learn from someone like Hamada can only help improve her over the long haul. 让她有机会与像滨田和借鉴别人只能帮助提高她的从长远来看。
But your percentage of the annual haul was fixed, and this piece of paper entitled you to it in perpetuity. 但是你每年捕捞量的百分比份额是固定的,并且这张文书保证你的永久捕捞权。
His successor also seems to be settling in for the long haul. 他的继任似乎也想长期干下去。
Both of you value honesty and open communication, something that will keep your relationship going over the long haul. 白羊和水瓶都很看重诚实和坦率的交流,这些是让情侣继续爱情长跑的因素。
Remind yourself that this is important to you and that you're in it for the long haul. 提醒自己,这对自己很重要,你将一直做下去。
"Every night after the bees were asleep, I weighed the flipped hives, " she said, but the bees continued to haul in as much nectar as ever. “每天晚上蜜蜂熟睡后,我都会称量反转过的蜂箱”,她说,但蜜蜂们继续采回花蜜,像往常一样多。
And I suppose I liked that part of it. But over the long haul it wore me out. 我想我喜欢这样,只是长期下来,这让我筋疲力尽了。
We haul their butts out in the snow too. You want to know cars outside? Well, you've got to stand outside to do this. 你想知道室外的车子吗?那你就得站在外面。
"China is not the blank canvas that you imagine, " Panesar said. "We're just crawling really, but we're here for the long haul. " Panesar说:“中国不是想象中的一张空白画布。我们实际上是在慢慢爬行,但是我们在这里还要等待很长时间才会有所收获。”
Many young people have great interests for the business, but are unable to sustain it over the long haul. 许多年轻人对这一行特别感兴趣,但是却不能始终保持这种坚持不懈的精神。
Having actually been a sperm donor, I can say that you had better be prepared for a long haul. 作为一名曾经的捐精者,我得说你最好做打持久战的准备。
"I said if I have to haul us kicking and screaming into single-digit interest rates, I'll do it, " he recalls. “我说过,如果我们不得不反抗,并为个位数的利率狂叫不已,那我就会实施惩罚性税收的征收。”亚杜里•肖回忆道。
The questions are two: how to restructure regulation for the long haul; and how much of their crisis tool box to use now. 这个问题可分为两方面:如何对长期监管进行调整;它们手头现在有多少危机工具可以用。
Remove all bedding and let the mattress air out for a few hours. If possible, haul it outside for the day to get fresh air. 将所有铺盖拿走,让床垫在空气中暴露几个小时的时间。如果可能的话,白天把床垫拖到外面接触新鲜空气。
He said ships and boats have been dispatched from two other coastal cities, Rizhao and Yantai, to help haul away the algae. 他说他们还从另外两个沿海城市日照和烟台抽调了船只以协助清理。
Btuitut over the long haul, capitalism tends to act as a moderating force on the bastard-crushing fantasies of the web's pioneers. 但是从长远看,资本主义倾向于减缓对于这个“混蛋粉碎者”先锋的压力。
The ARC said that booking well in advance is best advised for busy routes or long haul flights, as the price only tends to go up. 航空公司报告委员会说,在航线繁忙或长途飞行的情况下,最好是提前一大段时间订票,价格越往后只会一直往上涨。
Example: You have to think how the company will perform in the long haul. 你应该考虑公司的长期的运转。
How should Doris proceed over the long haul to help Migdi develop managers capable of winning in a collaborative SC world ? 应如何着手的多丽丝长途帮助开发经理能够赢得一个合作常设委员会在世界?
Some technical and sentiment indicators auger for a near-term drop in stocks, but investors remain optimistic over the long haul. 一些技术和人气指标显示股市短期可能回调,但投资人仍对长线乐观。
Why don't you go on to college? Over the long haul, it's important for your future to have a college degree. 为什么你不上大学?从长远来看,大学毕业对你将来在事业上的发展是很重要的。
We know we are in it for the long haul, and that steadfast determination will be as important as the discovery and development of new tools. 我们知道这是一个漫长的过程,坚定的决心与发现和发展新方法同等重要。
But you dishonored the poor person. Are not the rich oppressing you? And do they themselves not haul you off to court? 可是你们,竟侮辱穷人!岂不是富贵人仗势欺压你们,亲自拉你们上法庭吗?
SEO remains one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies , especially over the long haul. 搜索引擎之一,仍然是最经济有效的营销策略,尤其是在长途。