
美 [hiv]英 [hiːv]
  • n.举;起伏;拖;拉
  • v.拖;(强烈而有节奏地)起伏;(常指吃力地)缓慢发出(声音);恶心
  • 网络举起;抛;扔

第三人称单数:heaves 现在分词:heaving 过去式:heaved



v. n.

1.[t][i](用力)举起,拖,拉,抛to lift, pull or throw sb/sth very heavy with one great effort

2.[i](强烈而有节奏地)起伏to rise up and down with strong, regular movements

3.[t]~ a sigh, etc.(常指吃力地)缓慢发出(声音)to make a sound slowly and often with effort

4.[i]恶心to experience the tight feeling in your stomach that you get before you vomit


heave into sight/view

(从远处)出现;进入视野to appear, especially when moving gradually closer from a long way off


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... heather 石南属 heave 举起 heaven 天堂 ...

2011考研英语新增大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... harsh a. 严厉的,刺耳的 heave vt. (用力地)举起, herb n. 药草,香草 ...


大学科技英语 ... rumbling: 隆隆声 heave起伏 imperceptible: 细微的 ...

【转贴】PB学习笔记 很不错~_越狱吧_百度贴吧 ... clipping: 剪报 heave: 抛, grenade: 手榴弹 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... heave to 逆风停船 heave 隆起 heaved block 脊状断块 ...


船舶专业英语_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... hawsehole 锚链孔 heave 垂荡 heel 横倾 ...


六级听力常考词汇(免费-新东方整理)_百度文库 ... haul vt.n. 拖,拉;运送 heave v. 举起,发出(叹息) hinder v. 阻碍,妨碍 ...

The body weighed a ton, and it was all he could do to heave him up again on to the bed and prop his head on the pillow. 那孩子忙抢上扶住,这人身子极重,奋力将他扶正,将他脑袋放在枕上。
Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the LORD, of all the best thereof, even the hallowed part thereof out of it. 奉给你们的一切礼物,要从其中将至好的,就是分别为圣的,献给耶和华为举祭。
Yeah. (Heave is sigh) Ed is indeed a gentleman. He has wonderful manners and is respectful of me. But I'm really bothered by his past! 是的。(叹了口气)埃德的确是一个绅士。他很有教养,也很尊重我。但他的过去老是困扰着我。
The ship began to plunge and heave, as if she were a living creature, impatient to be off. 那船就开始起伏波动,好象活的动物一样,等不及要出发了。
Wu shrugged his shoulders and began to heave bags from his tricycle on to the scales. 吴文修耸耸肩,开始把袋子从他的三轮车搬到秤上去。
Why not the gray one? It's not as heave as the brown one. It may rain today but it won't be very cold. 为什么不穿灰色的?它没有褐色的那件那样厚。今天可能会下雨但是不会太冷。
Has as if heard before the millennium here peddler's yo-heave-ho, saw the wheelbarrow carries the rice to pass through from the side. 彷佛听到了千年前的这里小贩的吆喝声,看到独轮车载着大米从身边走过。
Underwater cameras give a live feed from the source, a mile below the surface: oil gushing up from the seabed in a sinuous, ceaseless heave. 水下照相机从位于一英里深的海底,实时提供着信息资料:原油正从一个蜿蜒不断的隆起处涌出。
Today's shops heave with Jubilee cakes, disposable decorations and flag-emblazoned baubles, letting consumers buy patriotism out of a box. 今时今日的商店装满了登基庆典蛋糕,一次性的装饰品和印着国旗的彩球,消费者可以直接盒装购买爱国主义。
Under a fine blanket of rain, we heave ourselves up slope after slope, the valley disappearing in fog. 在蒙蒙细雨中,我们爬过了一个又一个坡,身后的峡谷慢慢消失在了雾气之中。
The finding could help explain why being given the heave-ho can be so painful for so long. 这项发现有助于解释为何分手会让人长久痛苦。
Then, The Steampunk Seagull gave an almighty heave, thrusting himself forwards and through the door. 然后,介绍了蒸汽朋克海鸥全能凸起,向前冲,并通过自己的门。
Roots of trees and shrubs can pierce the surface of the path or cause it to heave and break apart. 大树和灌木的树根能穿破道路的表面或者造成路面隆起、破裂。
The land before you will heave up, up to several hundred feet high, and tumble toward you. 你面前的陆地将会鼓起达几百英尺高,并且朝着你跌落下来。
Euphonic is with amuse of, the voice also has no to heave and fall too greatly. 语调是随兴的,声音也没有太大的起伏。
And it shall be theirs as a heave offering from the heave offering of the land, most holy, alongside the territory of the Levites. 这要归与他们,作献为举祭之地中的举祭,是至圣的,挨着利未人的地界。
The ship in waves can produce six degrees of motion as well as any rigid body: heave, sway, surge, pitch, roll and yaw. 在波浪中航行的船舶像任何刚体一样可以产生6个自由度的运动分量:垂荡、横荡、纵荡、纵摇、横摇、艏摇。
The analysis result shows that the ground deformation due to the frost heave is within the permissible limit of ground displacement. 结果表明:水平冻胀引起的地面变形均满足地面变形控制要求。
The result of practical experimentation indicates that the problem of floor heave in gas tail gateway having been basically solved. 工业性试验结果表明,工作面瓦斯尾巷巷道支护状况良好,底鼓问题基本得到了解决。
Simulation results indicate that the destruction form of rib spalling, floor heave and roof falling occur when the drifts are excavated. 结果表明:随着进路开挖,进路会出现片帮、底鼓和顶板下沉等现象;
The top players earn tens of millions of pounds a year. Stadiums heave with upwards of 50, 000 spectators each week. 顶级球员每年收入超过千万英镑,体育场中每周都有五万以上观众,报纸则预留整个版面对赛事进行跟踪报道。
Once the corner of mouth hang up, a words easily spew from the lip Cape "from when heave, Yi snow becomes thus weak in character. " 嘴角一勾,一句话淡淡的从唇角吐出“从什么时候起,伊雪变得如此懦弱。”
In-situ measurement shows that good result of controlling the floor heave is obtained with the scheme. 现场观测表明,该方案取得了良好的底鼓控制效果。
Then it shall be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall offer up an heave offering unto the LORD. 吃那地的粮食,就要把举祭献给耶和华。
The construction disturbance mainly occurs within the plastic zone with the heave of ground surface as a byproduct. 施工扰动以塑性区为主,塑性区地面发生隆起。
The "stick men" , as they are called, hang the items from either end of the poles and heave them up over their shoulders. “挑夫”,当地人这样称呼他们,提起竹竿的一端,把货物伏在肩上。
In the other side, since the frost heave is a strongly non-linear problem, the neural networks prediction model is established. 针对冻胀这一强非线性问题,相对于机理模型,建立了路基土冻胀的神经网络预报模型。
With a roar of exertion, they heave a piece of rail into place with a loud clanging of hammers and crowbars. 随着一阵喊声,伴随着锤子和铁橇的咣铛声,他们将一节铁轨放入正确的地方。
With iron spikes they lever them into position, hack out any stones embedded in the pungent orange flesh and heave the logs on to a runner. 他们用铁撬将原木撬到位,敲掉嵌入刺鼻的原木中的石头,将原木抬上滑槽。
The heave offering that you shall offer to Jehovah shall be twenty-five thousand reeds in length and ten thousand reeds in width. 你们献与耶和华为举祭的地要长二万五千苇,宽一万苇。