
美 [ˈhevɪli]英 ['hevɪli]
  • adv.沉重地;大量地;在很大程度上;以猛力
  • 网络猛烈地;重重地;厉害地



1.在很大程度上;大量地to a great degree; in large amounts

2.以猛力;沉重地with a lot of force or effort

4.缓慢又高声地slowly and loudly

5.缓慢而忧郁地;悲伤地in a slow way that sounds as though you are worried or sad

6.令人心情沉重in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or anxious

7.~ loaded/laden装满(或装载)重物的;重载的full of or loaded with heavy things


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... heavy a. 重的 heavily ad. 重地,大量地 heel n. 脚后跟 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... tooth n. 牙齿,嗜好 heavily ad. 大量地,沉重地 top n. 顶部,尖端,头 ...


1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度文库 ... 大的 large 大量地;猛烈地 heavily 大陆;本土 mainland ...


初二英语单词表_百度知道 ... gently adv. 轻轻地,柔和的 heavily adv. 重重地,很重的 stay up 呆在空中,熬夜 ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... heart n. 心(脏) heavily adv. 大量地;猛烈地;厉害地 heavy adj. 重的 ...


初二英语单词表_百度知道 ... gently adv. 轻轻地,柔和的 heavily adv. 重重地,很重的 stay up 呆在空中,熬夜 ...

It had become a byword for reckless lending , offering home loans of up to 125% and borrowing heavily on the international money markets. 银行发放高达125%的房贷,并在国际货币市场上大量举债,这一挤兑事件使该银行成为了不计后果发放借款的“代名词”。
It had been snowing heavily, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. 雪一直下得很大,地面有了厚厚的一层雪。
It was raining heavily. Jane felt cold, so she got close to her mother. 雨下得很大。简感到冷,所以紧靠着母亲。
We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly. 就在我们要离开时,天突然下起了大雨。
That might weigh heavily on women who haven't decided whether to continue the pregnancy or not, she said. 这有可能不利于那些没有决定是否继续怀孕的妇女。她说。
When he took office in 2004 the city was heavily indebted, transport links were poor and there was almost no foreign investment. 2004年他走马上任时,该市负债累累,交通联系缺乏,罕有外资。
The bottom of his trousers swayed heavily with his strides as they collected the dew from the dense grass and brush. 随着他大踏步的往前走,他的裤管底部从浓密的草丛和灌木中沾上了露水而剧烈的摇摆。
Because that day, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, so there is no way our whole family to look for chicks. 因为那天,天空突然下起了大雨,所以,我们全家没有办法去找小鸡。
A modern CMS provides analytic feedback and can point to areas of your community that are either used heavily or not at all. 现代的CMS提供分析反馈,可用于指出社区中使用率很高或很低的区域。
One day he tried to sneak across the heavily guarded Swiss border to offer his services as a spy to the British . 一天作为英国间谍的他偷偷溜过瑞士军官重守的边境去交流信息。
It invests heavily in education research and "is at the forefront of doing research to help teachers teach better, " Miller says. 它在教育科研上大量投入,并且“在帮助老师提升教学方法的研究中拔得头筹”,米勒说。
Man: My father used to drink heavily, you know. Every night he'd have a bottle of Scotch. Maybe that's why I've always been a teetotaler. 我父亲过去是个酒鬼每晚他都会喝一瓶苏格兰威士忌。这也许是我为什么滴酒不沾的原因。
Breathing heavily, MARTIN WELLS pulls out the photos of the murder. He sobs as he forces himself to look at the images of his dead wife. 沉重的呼吸,马丁威尔斯拿出谋杀的照片。他在强迫自己看他的妻子死亡的照片的时候,在啜泣。
When I get back to the arcade, I walk through a line of men coming out the door of a heavily occupied booth. 我从拱廊回来时候要穿过一群在客满的格子间外排队的男人。
Their star striker has so far resisted surgery but his workload over the past few years is beginning to weigh heavily. 他们的当家射手一直拒绝手术,但在过去几年里他的比赛负荷实在太大。
The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind. 老板这多少天噤若寒蝉,看起来似乎是心事重重的。
Something seems to have been weighing heavily on his mind recently. Do you know what that something is ? 他看起来有些心事重重的。你知道他有什么心事吗?
If you use a utility heavily enough , the cost of writing it in a compiled language might be justified by the performance gain . 如果您对某个实用程序使用得足够频繁,那么用编译型语言来编写它的成本也许能通过性能提升来获得回报。
On the next day, though it was raining heavily, another member walked into the church and gave away his three year saving. 隔一天,另一个弟兄冒著大雨撑著雨伞,步行到教会将其三年之储蓄献上。
Yet a method heavily grounded on those same quantitative and theoretical principles, called Value at Risk, continued to be widely used. 不过,一个严重依赖于相同定量和理论原则的方法还在广泛使用。
After being quarreled with my husband. I stood in the yard facing the gate with the wet messy hair, and let the wind brow it heavily. 刚跟丈夫怄过气,一头湿漉漉的乱发披散,站在院子的当口,让风使劲吹着。
As you know, for different activities we rely more heavily on either our left or right brain hemispheres. 正如你知道的,我们不同的行为活动主要依靠我们的左右脑半球。
Perhaps this was one of those pack-a-day smokers or somebody a bit older who smoked heavily in their early years? 或许这是发生那些一天一包烟的烟民或者是早年抽烟抽得很厉害的老烟民的身上。
'Dear boy! 'he said, putting his hand on my shoulder as he sat down heavily in the boat. 'Thank you! ' “亲爱的孩子!”他说,他重重地在船上坐下,把手搭在我的肩上说,“谢谢你”。
Some physicists heavily criticised the paper, while others gave it a cautious welcome. 一些物理学家猛烈批评了这篇论文,另有一些对它表示谨慎的欢迎。
The manufacture of cars and car parts is often heavily unionised and located in important Midwest states. 汽车和汽车零部件制造业往往普遍成立了工会组织,这些产业分布于重要的中西部各州。
In areas of poor soils, within two years of cultivation, synthetic nitrogen and mineral fertilizers have to be applied heavily. 在土壤养分贫乏的地区,经过两年内的种植后就必须很大量应用合成氮肥与矿物肥料。
A stunning brunette behind the bar made her way over and asked me in heavily accented Saffer if I would like a drink. 一个很漂亮的,褐色皮肤的白人女招待走过来,用很重的口音问我是不是要喝上一杯。
I've become a bit lazy, leaning too heavily on my 5DMKII and my fancy L-lenses because it is so easy to let the camera do all the work. 我变得有点懒惰,过分依赖于我的5DMKII和强大的L镜头,因为太容易就可以让相机为我完成一切。
In the medium term, the best and most likely policy would be a move to a heavily managed float, rather than an upward adjustment of the peg. 从中期来看,最好也是最有可能采取的政策是过渡到严格管理的浮动,而不是对盯住汇率向上进行调整。