
美 [hɜrd]英 [hɜː(r)d]
  • n.牧群;兽群;人群;芸芸众生
  • v.(使)向…移动;牧放(牲畜、兽群)
  • 网络牛群;放牧;畜群

复数:herds 现在分词:herding 过去式:herded

herd cattle


n. v.

1.兽群;牧群a group of animals of the same type that live and feed together

2.人群;芸芸众生a large group of people of the same type


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... hence ad. 因此,所以;今后,从此 690. herd n. 兽群,牧群 (to) 抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的 174. ...


牧字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 牧犬〖 shepherd〗 牧群herd〗 牧师〖 pastor;minister;clergyman〗 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... henceforth 今后 herd 群,兽群,牛群 heroin 海洛因 ...


... herb 药草 herd 放牧 hernia 疝气 ...


畜多音字组词_百度知道 ... 畜力[ animal power] 畜群[ herd] 畜生[ beastman] ...


血鬼会豢养牲畜herd),这些牲畜并非牛、羊之类的动物,而是一些因为某种原因 自愿贡献鲜血的人类;另一些吸血鬼会利 …


高中英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... chief n. 首长,头子 herd n. (动物)一群 deer n. 鹿 ...

The small and yellow spark in the morning can draw on Sprit to leave herd of horses then, the body takes a risk. 一点晨雾中的淡黄星火,便能吸引小马王离开马群,孤身冒险。
A good cowhand or buckaroo needs to be alert at all times, as the task of leading a herd back to the ranch can be a tricky one. 一个好牧童或好牛仔需要时时保持警觉,因为将牛群带回牧场是一项困难的任务。
The hunter would not have fired the shots if he had not seen a herd of elephants coming towards his campsite. 如若猎人没有看到一群象朝他的营地走来,他就不会开枪。
Jouda himself decided to sell half his herd of goats; another man asked if he might offer a young woman from his family as a bride. Jouda自己决定卖掉一半的羊;另一个族人询问他会不会把自己家族中的一位年轻女子嫁给Zaidi。
On the second day you shall offer twelve calves of the herd, two rams and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish. 应献公牛犊十二头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。
He cried out in great pain. This frightened the other fawns , who ran back to the herd and told his mother. 他在剧烈的疼痛中大声叫喊,吓坏了其它鹿,它们跑回鹿群中告诉了他妈妈。
It would be a fine consummation to take the upper hand, and drive him like a herd of sheep. 要是能占了他的上风,把他像羊似的赶来赶去,那倒是件无比的妙事。
The idea of the herd of elephants made the little prince laugh. "We would have to put them one on top of the other, " he said. 一群大象这种想法使小王子发笑:“那可得把这些大象一只叠一只地垒起来。”
A herd of twenty caribou passed by within rifle range. He felt like running after them, but he knew such an effort would be senseless. 一群鹿足有二十多只在步枪射程之内经过,他知道要去追他们是不可能的。
33When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. 鬼就从那人出来,进入猪里去。于是那群猪闯下山崖,投在湖里淹死了。
THE moment when a throng of peacefully moving people turns into a panicked herd is difficult to predict. 一群和平行进中的人在什么时候会变成一群恐慌者是难以预料的。
The tall sleek red-furred Beauty, was wise enough to understand the danger to his moving herd. 身材高挑、长着一身光滑红色毛皮的布提,十分明智地知悉他迁徙的鹿群会遇到的危险。
all his young male friends -- you know, like a herd of stags . . . you know. 与他年轻的男性朋友们一起-你知道,一群男人…。你知道。
Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. 后来,赫密士看管他的牧群的时候发明了潘神销,是由芦苇制成。
Soon there were over 35 hyenas feeding on the buffalo, which had finallysuccumbed, and its herd mates were no longer trying to defend it. 很快,有超过35只鬣狗大快朵颐,而那头水牛终于咽气,它(水牛)的同伴也不再试图保护它了。
Not to hide behind the hatred of a herd, the roar of the crowd, but to aim, hard as it might be, towards the "good" life. 不要躲在愤怒的、咆哮的兽群之后,这也许会很困难,但也要找准目标,向“美好”的生活前进。
Pure beauty is the sun setting on the African plains as you watch an antelope herd from the back of a Land Rover. 纯洁之美是夕阳非洲平原当你看到一个羚羊群从后面的路虎。
The first offspring of every womb belongs to me, including all the firstborn males of your livestock, whether from herd or flock. 凡头生的都是我的;一切牲畜头生的,无论是牛是羊,公的都是我的。
The herd mentality was especially affecting large cap British companies, and was also affecting some midcaps in Europe, he said. 他表示,一窝蜂心态对英国大型股的影响尤为明显,同时业正影响到一些欧洲的中盘股。
He had been most anxious to try to establish a herd of this new Chinese deer in his own ranch. 他一直渴望能在自己的庄园里养上一群这种新奇的中国鹿。
As they began to settle, grow plants and herd animals, the need for a sophisticated number system become paramount. 当他们开始定居、种植和养殖的时候,计数就显得更加重要了。
Due to the alarm, the inmates from Psych Ward filter out into the dark yard. Michael peeks up as a herd of white jumpsuits draws near. 由于警报响起,犯人们慢慢从精神病区走出,来到漆黑的院子里。Michael从井下偷看,一队穿着白色病号服的犯人走到了附近。
Jack turned the page. There was a picture of a herd of horses. Two of them even looked like the beautiful mare and her colt. 杰克翻开了另一页,有一幅画描写的是一群马,其中两匹马看起来很像那匹漂亮的枣红马和她的小马。
The calf's battle and the herd's assist have become to me a metaphor for countless struggles taking place around the globe. 小牛的奋争和群牛的协助,让我联想到正在世界各地进行的数不清的战斗。
The big Klaus felt happy and went back to his house, but he saw the little Klaus driving a herd of cattle. 大克劳斯感到很痛快,回家了,但他看见小克劳斯正赶着一群牛。
A single calf is born to each mother (3) the next spring. In a few days the young can run with the herd in the constant search for grass. 次年春天,野牛妈妈生下唯一的牛犊。几天之内,小野牛便能够一直跟着牛群奔跑,寻找青草。
followed with enmity as if to harm: running and leaping like a herd of pursued antelopes. 如同被敌人跟踪而带来伤害的:象一群被追赶的羚羊一样跑着跳着。
she thought, raising a timid hand as far as she could as a herd of her prey suddenly appeared. 她想。一群她要找的猎物突然出现,她让自己那只羞怯的手能伸多远就伸多远。
Every spring, he would move the herd down a long ramp, through a wooden gate and into a holding pen for inspection. 每年春,他会将牛群赶下一个长斜坡,通过一个木门,进入一个圈中进行检验…
Once, there was a dishonest and naughty boy, everyday, he would tend to a herd of sheep on the land nearby the village. 有一个调皮而又爱撒谎的孩子,每天都在离村子不远的一片草地上放羊。