
美 [heɪ]英 [heɪ]
  • int.喂;(表示不真正在意或认为不重要)嘿
  • 网络嘿(Hey.);嗨;你好



1.(用以引起注意或表示兴趣、惊讶或生气)嘿,喂used to attract sb's attention or to express interest, surprise or anger

2.(表示不真正在意或认为不重要)嘿used to show that you do not really care about sth or that you think it is not important

3.(用于陈述句末尾,表示话已说完,或构成问题或请求回答)就这样,怎么样,你说呢used at the end of a statement, to show that you have finished speaking, or to form a question or invite sb to reply


earth song_百度百科 ... Although I know we've drifted far 只知道我们已漂得太远 Hey Do we give a damn 我们真的不在乎吗 ...

小学英语单词(带音标)_百度文库 ... small 小的 hey young 年轻的 ...

八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... subway 地铁;地下火车 hey 嘿; train 火车 ...


憨豆先生的假期 英文剧本台词 - 豆丁网 ... Bean:Come on. 走吧。 - Boy:Hey. 你好。 - -Girl:Hello. 你好。 ...

–柏杨 (Hey) 2011-10-28 发短消息 我恰好是你的一半,不要害怕做错什么,即使错了,也不必懊恼,人生就是对对错错,何 …


dream_nimin131_wordpress_blog ... 吓声 吓声/ ho/ 嘿 嘿/ hey/ 黑板 黑板/ blackboard/ ...

Echoes of Old Russia ... Rustling Reeds 芦苇沙沙响 Hey,Andruzia ,安德露西亚 Kalinka 卡林卡 ...


惠州农校吧_百度贴吧 ... Hey_ 嘿嘿嘿 Hey_ 嘿嘿嘿 9-3 ...

Hey. . . you know what, someday. . . someday, you guys might thank me for this. -Or not. 嘿…你知道吗,有一天…有一天,你们会感谢我这样做。-或者不会。
T[color=Red]hey haven't til tomorrow afternoon to sign up to try to be one of the 8750 people to get free tickets. 歌迷们得等到明天下午才能尝试申请免费的入场券,一共有8750个人可以得到免费入场券。
Now this will only work if she agrees to show you her cell phone records, hey while you're at it check their text message counts as well. 现在最好的办法就是如果她同意向你展示她的手机记录,你就可以检查她们的短信数。
And at least we are flexible enough to react when people say "Hey you know you guys got this guy wrong. " 而且至少我们有足够的弹性反应,当人们说“喂,你知道你们错了这傢伙。”
Q: Hey Vince my name is Adrian I saw you taking all sorts of shots and I just wanted to ask you what your favorite type of shot is? 嘿文斯,我叫Adrian,我看到你做过各种各样的投篮,我想问哪一种是你最喜欢的呢?
Boy: Hey, buddy, he said he likes Peking Duck. 男孩:嘿!伙计,他说他喜欢北京烤鸭。
Hey, you know how much I love you, Amanda? 你知道我有多爱你吗,阿曼达?
Hey, never take her to a horror movie again. She was scared out of her wits when the disfigured man took off his mask. 嘿,别再带她去看恐怖电影了!当那个毁容男摘下面具的时候,她吓得魂不附体了。
Wendy wonders: Hey, I haven't contacted you in a while, so just wanted to see how you were. 嘿,有段时间没联系你了,只是想知道你好吗。
No, but I'm really glad there's a fire station only a few blocks away. Hey look, there's the fire engine. Here come the firefighters! 没有,但我很高兴知道离着不远有一家消防站。嘿,瞧,那边有辆消防车。从里面出来了几位消防员!
That 14-year-old kid would say: "Oh, well . . . " You know, he would say to his friends, "Hey, look at all the money I got in the gang. " 于是那个14岁的孩子说:“噢,好吧……”然后他会告诉他的朋友们,“看看我在黑帮里赚到的钱。”
Hey. . . don't push me so far. I have already explained to you kindly. But you are very rude! I have had enough with your temper! 嘿……不要把我推这么远。我好心和你解释,你却如此粗鲁!我受够你的臭脾气了!
What's your definition of the one? What you really want him to become? Hey, no matter what I sacrifice, it's still never enough. 你对一个人的定义是什么?你到底希望他成为什么?嘿,无论我牺牲什么,仍永远不够。
They may get some mileage out of it until people realize, 'Hey, I don't get jiggled like with a real speed hump. 人们可能为逃避这种减速带有一定里程,但一旦他们意识到,‘哎,好象没有真减速带那样产生摇动啊!
No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! ' “你们这种人不值得叫警察,”堂倌说,他的声音粘糊糊的像奶油蛋糕,一只眼睛像曼哈顿鸡尾酒里的一颗樱桃。“嗨,你这个罪犯!”
The location is perfect, my brother has found a great chef and a real bargain on equipment - hey, believe me, it's money in the bank. 饭店的地段再好不过了,我哥哥又请到了一位了不起的厨师,他还买到了廉价合算的设备-嘿,相信我,你稳赚!
And I think that search of his trying to orient like, [looks up to God] 'Hey, fella, I'm doing' all this work, what are you doing to me? 我想他会尝试寻找,‘嘿,家伙,我在全心全意做这项工作,为什么你要这样对我?’
Hey Hey, this day can have no white to escape, can show her to deal affairs competence only and was worth! 嘿嘿,这段日子可没白跑,能让她看到自己的办事能力,值了!
After about an hour or so, the had calmed down, and started to think hey may have been a little hard on son. his son. 约一小时后,他平静下来了,约一小时后,他平静下来了,开始想着他可能对孩子太凶了
Hey, you know what, here's a thought. Why don't you stay home from work today and just thought hang out with me. 我有一个想法,你干脆别去上班,跟我在一起就好了。
When you talk with a Chinese government official and say "Hey, wait a minute , appreciation is going to hurt really our employment. " 当你同一个中国官员说起这一问题,他会说,等一下,让人民币升值会影响我国的就业。
Mr. Lee: I'd like to use my Master Card, if I could. Hey, wait a minute! This is a bit more than I expected. Why is it so high? 如果可以的话,我想用万事达信用卡结账。等等!这比我估计的要高。怎么会这么高?
Hey Mama, I know it's my cash you seek. . . You know they treat me like an ATM, but y'all know that I'm too good for 'em. 妈妈,你只想要我的钱,你知道他们把我当作自动取款机,但是我能做可远远不止这些。
Well, does he leave a little note to tell you, you are on his mind? Send you yellow flowers when the sky is gray? Hey! 好吧,他是否留下了一点暗示告诉你,你在他心中?当天阴暗时他是否送你黄色的花儿?嘿!
I told him i'd see him in Seattle when we parted ways at the airport. (Not sure if I can deliver, but hey). 在机场和他分开的时候我告诉他我会和他在西雅图会面(我也不确定能否履行这个承诺,不过还是要打个招呼)
Be honest enough to own it, and that what I said in the town was true, though your fancy-man was so up about it - hey, my sly one? 你老实地承认吧,那天我在镇里说的话是真的,尽管你那个情人听了发脾气——喂,我狡猾的野姑娘,是不是?
So I started to say, "Hey man, you are too much! You could cry about this. " 所以我开始说:“老兄,你太过分了!你还是哭出来吧。”
Hey, sit down! As I said before, if you're not careful, you'll get your head taken off in this factory. Now, try to pay attention. 嘿,坐下!正如我之前说的,你必须要仔细,不然你的脑袋就可能会搬家。现在试着集中注意力。
And I was told, 'Hey, you know what, if you go against the things we sent you there for, we are going to work just as hard to get you out. 有人告诉我,‘嘿,如果你反对我们选举你要你去做的事情,我们就会用同样的努力把你选掉。
She was such a pretty girl, with glowing eyes and yellow curls. Hey hey hey! 她是如此美的小女孩,她有着闪闪发亮的眼睛和一头金黄色的卷发。