
美 [haɪd]英 [haɪd]
  • v.藏;掩盖;躲避;遮住;藏;隐瞒;向…守秘密;包庇;隐藏;隐瞒;向…守秘密;包庇
  • n.兽皮;(对野兽摄影或打猎用的)隐藏处;〈口〉(人的)皮肤;皮革;(对野兽摄影或打猎用的)隐藏处;〈口〉(人的)皮肤;藏身处;(尤指买卖或用作皮革的)皮;人身安全

过去式:hid hidden 过去式:hid 现在分词:hid hiding 现在分词:hiding 第三人称单数:hides

hide face,hide truth,hide shame,hide fact,hide embarrassment


v. n.

1.[t]藏;隐蔽to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found

2.[i][t]躲避;隐匿to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found

3.[t]遮住;遮挡to cover sth so that it cannot be seen

4.[t]~ sth掩盖,隐瞒(尤指感情)to keep sth secret, especially your feelings


hide your light under a bushel

不显露才能;不露锋芒to not let people know that you are good at sth

The sky hides what I wanna see. Stars are like eyes, they're watching the dark. 天空隐藏了我想要看的景象,星星就好像眼睛,它们看着埋藏在还暗中的秘密。
One of the most obvious examples of this hides in plain sight, and is a fundamental part of every Apple product. 关于这一点,最明显的例子之一显而易见,而且是每一款苹果产品的重要部分。
But no a few people know how much it hides a bitter smile, how much sweat, how much effort. 但是却没几个人知道这笑脸背后隐藏着多少辛酸,多少汗水,多少努力。
'Wu Xia' is a cat-and-mouse thriller about a repentant killer whose past catches up with him as he hides out in a remote village. 《武侠》是一部“猫捉老鼠”式的惊悚片,讲述的是一个躲藏在偏远山村希望悔过自新的杀手受到其过去经历纠缠的故事。
With the arrival of the climax of procurement, animal hides fur apparel sales have been a certain degree of increase. 动物皮革毛皮服装的销售一直是一定程度的增加。
His eyes brimmed with tears, the master from the south hides in the dark corner, waiting for the innermost redemption. 来自江南的主人躲在暗角,两眼噙泪。他在等待着内心的救赎。
Simsii is a beautiful but autistic woman. She hides herself in dark apartment all day long, waiting for return of her busy husband. 杜鹃是个美丽而自闭的女人,终日躲藏在黑暗的公寓里等待着忙碌的丈夫归来,同时幻想着男邻居强壮性感的身体。
Husband hides behind the door, holding video camera ready to shoot. Wife serves dishes waiting for the bastard taking advantage. 丈夫就躲在门后准备好拍摄,妻子上菜等混蛋现行。
The pope said terrorism is all the more deplorable when it "hides behind religion, bringing God's truth down" to the terrorists' own level. 教皇说,更应谴责的是,恐怖主义打着宗教的幌子,把上帝的真理降低到了恐怖分子自己的水平。
Indicates that this delegate redeclares and hides an identically named programming element, or set of overloaded elements, in a base class. 指定此委托重新声明并隐藏基类中的同名编程元素或重载元素集。
Gap Generator - Instead of being able to use its gun, a cloaking field in a moderate distance around the Mirage Tank hides friendly units. 电子干扰器——代替他的主炮,一个中型隐形场建立在幻影坦克周围,以隐藏友军单位。
The baby often seems enveloped in a protective bubble, perhaps an embryonic sack in which he hides but peers inquisitively out to the world. 画中婴儿像一个被包覆在保护膜中的胚胎,好奇地观看这个世界。
Ask God to help you and your spouse be completely honest with each other so that neither one of you hides anything from the other. 求神帮助你和你的爱人彼此完全的忠诚,谁对谁都不隐藏任何东西。
Perhaps the person of that in a dream hides deep place at the white cloud, past fog of the eyeful, was fond of me to return of footstep. 也许那梦中的人藏匿在白云深处,故揽了满眼的雾,迷了我归去的脚步。
She says if Shrike is not inside she will let him in. Miss Lonelyhearts hides as Shrike comes to the door. 她说,如果不是内部伯劳鸟,她将让他英寸小姐Lonelyhearts隐藏的伯劳鸟来到门口。
The sand hides most of the relic's contour. So the extracted contour is usually just a part of the whole contour. 由于泥沙的掩埋,提取出来的文物轮廓曲线通常只是原物的一部分轮廓,而且变形严重。
He hides in the catwalks with a three foot piece of pipe in his hands. 他躲在过道上,手拿着一支一米左右的金属管。
If he misses one opportunity he never hides, he's always there to get himself in the right position for the next time. 如果他错过了机会是不会遮遮掩掩的,他总是让自己下次出现在正确的位置上。
See therefore and take note of all the lurking places where he hides, and come back to me with sure information. Then I will go with you. 所以要看准他藏匿的地方,回来据实地告诉我,我就与你们同去。
When a man hides from his fears, he knows he's fallen out of alignment with his true self. 当一个男人掩饰自己的恐惧时,他清楚自己在丧失自我。
When a text list is scrolled horizontally, it hides from view one or more of the first letters of every single line of text showing. 当水平滚动文本列表时,文本显示的每一行前几个字都会被视图遮盖。
As Kim hides among the docks at the port, Andre orders his men to keep searching for her. 金姆藏在港口的码头之中,安德烈命令他的手下继续寻找她的下落。
Perception is kind of like a colored lens that hides the true nature of things from you. 感知力像是一个有色镜头,它对你隐藏了事物的本质。
NoItemAndPropertyList: Hides the list of items and properties displayed at the beginning of each project build in diagnostic verbosity. NoItemAndPropertyList:在diagnostic详细级别下,隐藏在每次开始生成项目时显示的项和属性的列表。
When he sees that none of the other agents are at their posts, he grows suspicious and hides Teri and Kim in a closet. 当他看到没有一名特工在他们的岗位上时,他疑心起来,将泰瑞和金姆藏在了一个储藏室里。
Some lighter said he thinks he's famous writers, sell hides, common some plasters that we love of lu xun, old. . . Such various. 轻些的说他自以为著名文豪,卖狗皮膏药,平常一些的说是我们敬爱的鲁迅先生老了……诸如此类种种。
He hides this secret from everyone as he battles the evil Green Goblin, who in normal life is the father of his best friend. 他一直保守着这个秘密,他与邪恶的格林·高布林交战,而实际上高布林在生活中是他最好朋友的父亲。
Also, it hides the assignment code, which can simplify things quite a bit if you're also doing some formatting along the way. 此外,它还将隐藏赋值代码,如果同时还要设定格式,这样可以极大地简化工作。
Perl hides this layer of complexity from us, creating a sort of encapsulation very similar to what exists in OOP. Perl通过创建一种封装向我们隐藏了这层复杂性,这种封装十分类似于OOP中的封装。
30 p. m. - Up the main street, visit the Principe Real square with a century-old cedar tree that hides a dozen benches in its mighty shade. 晚7点半--沿着主干道向前走,参观PrincipeReal广场,那里有一棵百年雪松树,其树荫下还藏有十几个长凳。