
美 [ˈhaɪr]英 [ˈhaɪə(r)]
  • v.雇佣;租用;出租
  • n.雇佣;租金;酬金;工钱
  • 网络雇用;受雇;受雇的

第三人称单数:hires 现在分词:hiring 过去式:hired

hire car,hire someone,hire employee,hire staff,hire person



英文简历基本用词 ... Helped 帮助 Hired 雇用 Identified 鉴定,确认 ...


148个简历常用Action Words A - 豆丁网 ... helped 帮助 hired 受雇 I identified 鉴定 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... asses n. 驴, 笨人, 臀部 hired n. 租金, 工钱, 租用, 雇用 drummer n. 鼓手, <美> 旅行推销员 ...


雅思口语第一部分分类词汇_百度文库 ... employed 被雇佣的 hired 受雇的 routine 惯例 ...


也可以说雇员是雇主雇佣(hired)来做一份工作(job)的. 在现代经济体(modern economies)中,通常雇员和雇主是个人(individual)和 …


+英文小知识+ - 英语 - 清心国度 - Powered... ... generated 产生,发生(热,电,光等) hired 租,租借 implemented 履行;实施;执行 ...


第一公主婚纱摄影 ... 消费保证 PROMISE 店长推荐 HIRED 在线预约 ORDER ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... asses n. 驴, 笨人, 臀部 hired n. 租金, 工钱, 租用, 雇用 drummer n. 鼓手, <美> 旅行推销员 ...

You may disagree with someone with whom you hired to help you with your space, or with a roommate, tenant, landlord, or family member. 你可以不同意去与你雇用帮助您的空间,或与室友,租客,业主,或家庭成员你。
In early 1983, I hired Lynda Dixon, who took care of me for a decade and continued to work in my Arkansas office when I became President. 1983年初,我雇了琳达.迪克逊,她在我身边服务了10年,而且,在我当上总统之后,仍留在我的阿肯色州办公室工作。
I started this job about a year ago, as a temp who was quickly hired into a high-powered position. 一年前,我开始做这份工作,很快就从临时工转成了正式职工,还是一个非常有权力的职位。
Similarly, he probably hired Mr Coulson not through any amoral calculation but because he did not think through the risks involved. 同样地,他聘用库尔森也许并非是一点私心都没有,只是他当时还未看透其中隐藏的危险。
We had hired a cab to come pick me up but we told him to park around the corner so no one would notice him. 我们已经聘请了一位出租车来接我,但我们告诉他公园里一角,没有人会注意到他。
The latter was surprised but soon recovered to ask her, "How do you know we don't phone those who shall not be hired? " 人事经理一下子呆住了,不过他很快就回过神来问:“你怎么知道我们就不给没有录取的人打电话呢?”
No one to repair it, but the general can not air conditioning, so people do not know which hired the office of a large candy jar the water. 没人来修,但总不能不开空调,于是不知道办公室哪个人找来了一个大糖果罐接水。
The two men had worked together at the Sun newspaper and then Mr. Coulson had hired him to the News of the World, Mr. Hoare told the BBC. 霍尔对英国广播公司说,两人曾在《太阳报》(Sun)共事,之后库尔森把他聘到了《世界新闻报》。
Back in Portugal, I was hired by an engineering company for a grandiose project to remodel all our cement plants. 回到葡萄牙后,我受聘于一家工程公司,参与了一项宏大的工程:改装所有水泥厂。
She even got a job, sort of. She had a 90-day trial, but was not hired at the end of it. 遗憾的是,后来虽然经过了90天的上岗实践,但一份基本到手的工作最后还是“抛弃”了她。
These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are. 在整个经营周期中招聘或解雇这些工人,与美国对雇员的做法也无不同之处。
We've hired three young journalists, but it's tough to say whether these jobs would show up in educational services or in journalism. 我们已经雇佣了三位年轻的记者,但是还很难说这些工作是否会在教育服务或者新闻业中出现。
It must have been a shock for the newcomers; this time around, Chid and Adam had hired the entire group from the slum of West Point. 对于新手来说,一切都是那么震撼人心。这次,奇德和亚当直接雇用了WestPoint贫民窟的一整个妇女团体。
This fall, the company hired a new general counsel and chief compliance officer as part of a broader overhaul of its compliance system. 今年秋季,该公司雇请了新的法律顾问及首席执法长,这是对其遵纪守法体系进行全面改革的组成部分。
By the time I got the letter that I was hired, I was ready to climb the wall. 当收到被录用的信时,我欣喜若狂。
There was no room in the caravan for me, a translator, and a photographer, so we hired a driver and a Toyota Corolla. 但是一名翻译,一名摄影师和我却没有位子,我们雇了一台丰田花冠轿车和一名司机。
When Bruce Botnick arrived to produce the album, he found a band in such a bad way that he immediately hired session musicians. 当布鲁斯·波特尼克赶来制作这张专辑时,他发现乐队处在一个极其糟糕的状态,他随即解雇了一些临时乐手。
In the 1940s, she was one of the first black performers hired to sing with a major white band, the Charlie Barnet Orchestra. 在20世纪40年代,她唱的雇用与主要白人乐队的第一位黑人演员之一,查理巴内特乐团。
In nineteen ninety-nine, the Children's Defense Fund hired her to build a library on a farm it owns in the state of Tennessee. 年,儿童防御基金委托她在一个吏属于田纳西州的农场上设计一个图书馆。
Due to the same constraints I'm fired and re hired (or not) at the end of every semester. 也因为这些限制,我每个学期都可能被解聘、重新续聘(或没有续聘)。
A few months later, he hired her to work on a consulting project for another agency. 几个月后,迈克尔聘请她为另一家机构做项目咨询。
Doc Mudd I get the distinct impression you are a definite hired goon intent on not seeing the truth of the matter. 我明显觉得到你是一个受雇的枪手,目的就是要掩盖真相。
In the end, because of my sloppiness, I had to spend thousands more in legal fees than I would have had I hired an attorney at the start. 最后,公司因为我的疏忽,不得不花费比起初(如果雇用律师的话)更多的钱。
In the end Susan gave in, not without a secret satisfaction that Mary Maria Blythe would see that she was no common hired girl. 最终苏珊屈服了,心里却偷偷地满足极了,玛丽·玛利亚·布莱特会看到她并不是普通的女佣。
But the company recently said it had hired counselors, was planning to bring in monks and had set up a help line. 但富士康近来声称其已聘请了心理疏导专家,已经设立了一条帮助热线,并将聘请法师做法事。
Two years ago Brazil also hired a Canadian coach for its men's team, although it did not qualify for this year's Olympics. 两年前,巴西也聘请了一名加拿大教练执教冰壶男队,但没有获得参加本届冬奥会的资格。
GMG, supplier of color management and proofing solutions, has hired Christian Schwarze to be worldwide sales director of the company. 移徙小组,供应商的色彩管理和打样解决方案,聘请了基督教黑将全球销售该公司的董事。
Ms. Lanza spoke often of her landscaping, Mr. Holmes recalled, and later hired him to do work on her home. 据霍姆斯回忆,南希·兰扎经常谈论景观美化,后来还雇用了霍姆斯来美化自己的家。
So, the first thing I did was I hired a geologist. It cost me over a thousand dollars and I knew it was the best money I could spend. 因此第一件事,我雇用了一位地质学家,花了我千多元,但那是最值得花的钱。
time and again, she would order the boy him to pass her something such as teats , stockings etc. , as if i were a servant newly hired. 她还不时的命令,给她递上她需要的东西,象乳罩,拖鞋等等,好像不是她的老师,而是她新雇来的仆人似的。