
美 [hoʊ]英 [həʊ]
  • n.锄头;锄草;除草器
  • v.用锄(松土等);挖掘
  • 网络全息光学元件(Holographic Optical Element);用锄耕地;锄地

复数:hoes 现在分词:hoeing 过去分词:hoed



n. v.


新编大学英语单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... grumble v. 抱怨,发牢骚 hoe n. 锄头 hut n. 小屋 ...

全息光学元件(Holographic Optical Element)

全息光学元件(HoE)的制作方法与制作全息图一样,是用两束或多束相互干涉的光波产生干涉形成的衍射光学元件。HOE这个术 …


王玉梅托福词汇 Word_list_20_在线英语听力室 ... region,inland 词组 hoe 用锄耕地,锄 hollow 空心的,凹陷的 ...


锄_百度百科 ... 锄头〖 hoe;pickax;pick〗 锄地hoe(soil,weeds,etc.)〗 根除,铲除〖 eliminate〗 ...


单词记忆 ... joe 乔(男名)。 hoe 锄头;v.用锄耕地,锄。 roe 鱼子,雄鱼精 ...


国际贸易>风电词汇中英文对照表 ... hob 滚刀, 铁架 hoe 锄头,用锄耕地, 锄 hollow 空的,中空的 ...

I say to summarize such a wonderful life: the children play, chasing butterflies, elderly crane from hoe, childlike, all fun. 我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”
the hoe hoop is welded with the top of the hoe sheet as a whole; and the upper part of the hoe sheet is provided with a leaking hole. 本发明包括锄片和锄箍,锄箍与锄片顶部焊接为一体,所述锄片的上部设有漏孔。
At sunset, the old doctor carried his medicine basket on his back and took a hoe and went into the hill quietly. 太阳西落,老郎中肩扛锄头,身背药篓,悄悄地进了山。
When the snake stopped moving, the farmer put his hoe on his shoulder and went his way with a cheerful song. 当蛇再也不动了以后,农夫把锄头扛在肩上,哼着轻快的歌儿走了。
Mother's hands shook as she came up the steps, dumped her apron and reached for her hoe. 母亲走上台阶,摔下围裙,抓起锄头,两手发抖。
1'Be yourself, many hoe-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. 要做你自己。许多指导手册会建议你,阔步走入房间,以气宇轩昂的气质给人留下深刻印象。
The first few times, Jesse's father had taken the hoe from her hands, led her back to her house, but she'd soon be back in the field. 开始几次,他会把锄头从她手中拿开,送她进屋,但是不久她又会出现在地里。
So he dropped off his hoe and waited there. But day after day, there were no more rabbits coming. What was worse, all his crops were dead. 因此他扔掉了自己的犁在那里等。但是,一天天过去了,再没有兔子来了。更糟糕的是,他的庄稼都死了。
I saw a man stood in the garden with a hoe in hand, staring at a trophy, and outside the garden there also stood a man, looked unhappy. 我看见一个男人手里拿着锄头,看着一个奖杯站在花园里,在花园的外面,也站着一个男人,他不高兴。
After lunch, the farmers really busy busy. They also carry a hoe into the field to begin work. A look from above, like a scarecrow. 午餐过后,农民真是忙的不可开交。他们又扛起锄头,走向田野,开始工作了。从高处一看,就像个稻草人。
eyes, a hand hoe in the garden of human walking among the flowers, that is Tao is "not to bow to reality, " the Tao Yuan-ming. 眼前,一位手持锄头的田园中人漫步于花草之中,那是陶渊明,是“不为五斗米折腰”的陶渊明。
Their tools are a spade, shovel and hoe, and their landlord tills the garden for them in exchange for vegetables later on. 他们的工具就是铁铲、铁锨和锄头。后来,他们的房东为他们替他们做一些耕种的工作,他们以蔬菜作为交换条件。
Daily the beans saw me come to their rescue armed with a hoe, and thin the ranks of their enemies, filling up the trenches with weedy dead. 豆子每天都看到我带了锄头来助战,把它们的敌人杀伤了,战壕里填满了败草的尸体。
In so many ways, you may hoe a lonely row, but the fruits of your labor will come to fruition in a honey of a harvest. 在这么多方面,你可能锄头一孤单的排,但是你的水果劳动意志来对结果在一蜂蜜一收获。
We found him a picture of the farmer with a hoe over His shoulder. 我们发现他肩上扛着锄头,一副农民的样子。
All you need is to take a hoe (like a potato digger) and break through the snow and the thin layer of frozen twigs to get to the nuggets. 你所需要做的就是带上一个锄头,刨开雪和冻住的树枝层,把琥珀弄出来。
Kok Hoe enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience in IT with his students while improving his own spoken and written Mandarin. 国豪乐于和他的学生分享他在IT方面的知识和经验,与此同时提高自己普通话的交谈和书写能力。
Australia is so kind that, just tickle her with a hoe, and she laughs with a harvest. 澳洲是这么可亲,只要用锄头逗她发痒,她就会带着收获笑颜开了。
He was digging an irrigation ditch around a rice paddy, contemplating which tool was more effective, a hoe or a shovel. 他正在一片稻田周围挖掘一条灌溉渠,一边想着哪件工具更加有效,是锄头还是铁铲?
The environmental damage at issue is exactly the same as the damage you do with a hoe in a flower bed. 因此,所谓的环境损害,与你我用锄头在花床里造成的损害无异。
And the night market I wander in occupies too small room, so everybody has to move like a sardine. But it was not very hoe lat night. 这边的夜市总是场地很小,大家得像沙丁鱼一样挤来挤去,好在太还不是太热。
Maybe a few years after that, when the kid was big enough to pitch in, he learned to swing a hoe, too. 也许再过几年,当他的孩子也足够大,加入劳作,学会了如何挥锄头。
Still, most field work was done with hand tools like the spade, hoe, and scythe, or with hand- or animal-driven plows. 尽管如此,大多数的庄稼活仍以手工工具完成,比如铁锹、锄头、长柄镰刀,手推犁或者动物推犁等等。
So knowing hoe to ask for information politely is important . 所以明知锄头,要求详细信息礼貌是很重要的。
The state's name is thought to be an Indian name, Ee-dah-hoe, which means "gem of the mountains. " 一般认为爱达荷是一个印地安名字:Ee-dah-hoe,意即「山中的宝石」。
Abandoned for many years in a low-lying land, a hoe and digging down, suddenly pulls out a pile of small stones. 在一个多年荒废的低洼地,一锄挖下去,突然翻出一堆小石块。
He went back towards the tool-shed, but suddenly, quite close to him, he heard the noise of a hoe - scr-r-ritch, scratch, scratch, scratch. 他往回走去工具房,但是突然在颇近的地方,他听到锄头刮擦,刮擦,刮擦,刮擦的声音。
Hah man, you know man, I'm just deal in that hoe money. 哈,伙计,你知道我只是赚点妓女的钱。
Then the harrowing, hope rain, dressing, backwater hoe weeding, together with procedures, leads to a longing eyes. 然后耙地,盼雨,追肥,壅锄拔草,一道道工序,引出一个个企盼的眼神。
That's a tough road to hoe because here in the U. S. , carriers decide what software is pushed to handsets on their network. 这条路将会非常难走,因为在美国,运营商决定了在它们的网络中什么样的软件可以安装在手机中。