hold up

  • v.举起;支撑;耽误;抢劫
  • n.抢劫;延误;堵车
  • 网络阻挡;耽搁;拿起


hold uphold up

hold up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 hold water (容器等)盛得住水 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... hold out 伸出;坚持,维持 hold up 阻挡,使停顿 hundreds of 几百,成百上千 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 hold water (容器等)盛得住水 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... hold out 伸出;坚持;支持 hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 hold water (容器等)盛得住水 ...


英语三级短语_百度文库 ... help oneself 自取所需 hold up 举起;支撑;阻碍;使 停止 knock down 撞倒,击倒 ...


字典中 举 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ raise;lift up] (4) 拿起;提起[ hold up] (6) 飞,飞起;飘动[ fly] ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... hold good 仍然有效;适用 hold up 举起;阻挡;拦截 hold on to something 抓住...不放 ...


四级真题词汇 - 豆丁网 ... hold to 紧握 hold up 支持 hope for 期望, ...

This virtual reality tool allows users to see a home built today and fast-forward 10 years to see how the building products will hold up. 这种虚拟现实工具允许用户看到一个家现在建设和快进10年时间才能看到的建筑产品将抱了起来。
He'll ever be able to hold up his head in this town after being so disloyal to his father. 由于对父亲如此不忠诚,他今后在这个镇里永远也抬不起头来。
A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a woman's stocking. 吊袜带有系结物的一种吊带,连于腰带之上用来撑起女子的长统袜
women are often said to " be able to hold up half the sky " , especially in recent years , they have behaved very actively. 女性们常被称为是能顶半边天,特别是近年来显得尤其活跃。
If it is possible, hold up the part of the body which is bleading. 如有可能,就把出血的那个部位抬起来。
onto the bleeding point and hold it there. If it is possible, hold up the part of. 出血点上,并按住不动。如果可能,就把出血的。
Atlas answered, 'My head and arms and shoulders all ache. Could you hold up the sky while I fetch the golden apples for you? 我的头,手臂和肩膀都很痛。我摘金苹果时可以替我顶着天吗?。
Put your hand on her hand to let her know you recognize her, then hold up your hand to signal she needs to wait. 把你的手放在她的手上,让她知道你认识她,然后举起手示意她得等一下。
The environmentalist know how to hold up the process of a big project, and it's not easy to let them away. 环保人士最知道怎样拖延大型项目的进程,并且不会轻易地打发走。
I hold up my hands for silence, and I suggest, why don't we all just call it a night. 我高举双手,示意大家肃静,我建议道,我们今晚到此为止。
Or you can avoid all that and just observe giddy visitors pretend to "hold up" the tower in front of a camera on the ground floor. 或者你也可以避免这些,只是观看着这些头晕目眩的游客们,站在一层地面的照相机前面假装着在“支撑”斜塔。
I hear there's likely to be a bit of a hold-up at the 18th, and it won't just be the usual duffer refusing to give up on a lost ball. 听说第18号球道可能会有点堵,而且不是因为技艺欠佳的高球爱好者拒绝放弃“遗失球”之类的稀松平常的原因。
None of his arguments seemed to me to hold up. 他的论点在我看来都站不住脚。
This decision cheered her a little, for though she knew the future was bleak, at least for the time being she could hold up her head. 这个决定使她又快乐了点,虽然明知将来是不得了,可是目前总不会立刻就头朝了下;
One of Mao's more famous maxims was that women hold up half the sky. 毛泽东有句箴言:女人撑起半边天。
But in the whole of the dawn appear less, enough to hold up the main characters yet-to-be-titled biopic mei lanfang. 而黎明在整个剧中的戏份少了一些,还不足以撑起人物传记片梅兰芳这个主角的地位。
It would be poor timing to announce that you have three points, pause for a second or two, and then hold up three fingers. 如果你说完三点后又停顿了一两秒才竖起三根手指,那就糟糕了。
If the iPad had come first, we wouldn't think of the iPhone as a phone; we'd think of it as a tablet small enough to hold up to your ear. 如果iPad先发布的话,我们很可能不会把iPhone想成是一部手机;我们会想它是个小到可以放在耳旁当电话使的平板。
People who were trying to hold up the Tibetan flag or wear orange in support of the Tibetan monks were often met with profanity. 那些企图举起西藏旗帜或身穿橙色服装支持西藏喇嘛的人,通常会遭到周围人群的辱骂。
"We keep trying to figure it out, " he said. "Where is the money going? We think it may be going to hold up the owner's other businesses. " “我们一直在试着搞清楚,”埃尔南德斯说,“那些钱去了哪里?我们认为,它可能会被用在雇主的其他生意上。”
And the two officials who were following him took great trouble to pretend to hold up higher the train of the robe that wasn't there at all. 那两个跟在他后面的官员不辞辛苦地装着把那条根本不存在的长袍拖裙托得更高了。
Liquid velocity increased with draft-tube height, while gas hold up in the riser decreased with it. 导流筒位置升高,液相循环速度和循环量均增大,上升段气含率减小。
Granted, this is usually specific to the business domain, but this rule of thumb seems to hold up in most circumstances. 当然,上述讨论通常特定于商业领域,但这种经验之谈往往在很多情况下出现。
He was afraid he would never be able to hold up his head again. 那时他担心他再也抬不起头来了。
We are ready to impose this black out. The conditions are present; the only hold up is Christ Michael giving the order. 我们已准备好实施这个黑暗过程。各种条件已就位;唯一的条件是等待基督迈克给与命令。
But the hastily built levees will still have to hold up against the ice-laden water that's expected to remain high for at least a week. 不过,临时建起的大堤仍旧要控制住融雪覆盖的洪水,此次洪水预计会保持高位至少一周。
Some analysts say it allowed the authorities to hold up the deal without offending China, even if it was only to drive a harder bargain. 一些分析师称,此举可以让越南当局在不触怒中国的情况下搁置阻挠这笔交易,哪怕只是会让谈判变得更艰苦。
If it is possible, hold up the part of the body which is bleeding. 如有可能,就把流血的身体部位抬高。
Impressive round trunks hold up the front facades of the houses, which are sometimes hidden behind high walls. 我一直记着顶着房子前沿的几根圆柱子,有时候在高墙遮盖下它们又都隐去了。
Palermo striker Amauri is still expected to join Juventus, even if there has been yet another hold up in his proposed transfer. 帕勒莫前锋阿毛里仍然很有可能加盟尤文图斯,尽管他的转会再次受到了阻碍。