
美 [hoʊp]英 [həʊp]
  • v.希望;期望;相信
  • n.希望;愿望;霍普;寄予希望的人[物]
  • 网络期待;盼望;是希望

复数:hopes 现在分词:hoping 过去式:hoped

hope see,hope give,hope bring,lose hope,best hope
sincerely hope,realistically hope,fervently hope
great hope,fresh hope,vain hope,sincere hope,false hope



《Friends》词... ... contemplate v. 凝视, 沉思, 预期, 企图 hoped n. 希望, 信心v.希望, 盼望, 期待, 信赖 prettily adv. 悦人地 ...


《Friends》词... ... contemplate v. 凝视, 沉思, 预期, 企图 hoped n. 希望, 信心v.希望, 盼望, 期待, 信赖 prettily adv. 悦人地 ...


《Friends》词... ... contemplate v. 凝视, 沉思, 预期, 企图 hoped n. 希望, 信心v.希望, 盼望, 期待, 信赖 prettily adv. 悦人地 ...


一道英语题,请详细解答,为什么?谢谢_百度知道 ... 3.allowed 是允许 4.hoped 是希望 2.reminded 是使..回忆,使..想起 ...


英语 高中 一题单选_百度知道 ... demanded 是被命令 hoped 是被希望。。。 scheduled 原定 ...


麻烦请各位优秀的英文高手翻译!!!!! -... ... Language study:( 语言学习) Hoped:( 自我期许) Self introduction:( 自我介绍) ...


2012年职称英语理工类考试历... ... hoped 意为希望;例句: Things are not moving as fast as we hoped. 事情的进展不像我 …

Speaking to pilgrims on March 17th, he said he hoped it would help "repentance, healing and renewal" of a "severely shaken" church. 教皇于3月17日对朝圣者说,他希望这封信能够有助于“摇摇欲坠的教会进行忏悔,进而得到复原和新生。”
He Hoped the tape recorder would still work. It was one of those small portable ones often used in schools or libraries. 他希望录音机还能用——这是在学校或图书馆常用的便携设备之一。
I told him I hoped he would make no dishonourable proposal to me, especially in his own house. 我告诉他,我不希望他向我提出卑鄙的建议,尤其是在他家里。
A man who shuns the limelight, Mo Yan hoped that the hype would die down in a month so he could return to writing. 躲开聚光灯的莫言希望大肆的媒体报道可以在一个月后逐渐沉寂,那时他可以继续写作。
Then he did what I had hoped for . He took another long drink of wine and said , 'Let's double the stakes . 然后,正如我所期望的那样,他又足足地灌了一大口酒,说道:“咱们把赌注加倍吧。”
you won't have to wonder whether the flowers you ordered for your mother by telephone were really as stunning as you'd hoped. 你将不必怀疑你通过电话为母亲预定的鲜花是不是真如你所希望的那样漂亮。
James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious views. 詹姆斯二世从小在欧洲流亡长大,是个天主教徒,他希望不放弃个人宗教信仰统治国家。
He had been surprised when she had called him in. He hoped it didn't mean she had another assignment for him. CatherineWeaver叫他来找自己,这着实出乎他的意料,他希望这不是说她又有任务要交给他了。
President Bush said he hoped Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, has the same desire to move the bill forward as he does. 布什总统表示他希望参议院多数党领导人、内华达州民主党人哈里·里德与自己一样有意推动立法进展。
Looking on the bright side, it looks like I'll get to go to bed a little earlier than I'd hoped to tonight. 想想好的一面,似乎我今晚可以比期望的早一点儿上床睡觉。
While I certainly hoped that this would lead me to a speaking engagement, I did not expect it to happen so quickly. 我当然期待这能让我得到一次演讲的机会,但没有想到这么快。
They hoped hiring the bank to underwrite stock and bond deals would be seen as a sign of strength. 它们觉得,聘请这家银行来承销股票和债券会被视为实力的象征。
that were it a girl she should be known as Jasmine, but all she hoped for was to be delivered of a healthy baby. 怀了孕的妈妈说更偏爱一个宝贝,就是那个名字是茉莉的女孩,但她的所有的希望是能生下一个健健康康的宝贝。
It is hoped that wide views be shown through the systematic study of the institutional question of draft banks. 笔者希望通过此篇小文对有关票号制度性的议题作系统的研究,以期达到以管窥豹的效果。
However, he hoped that the company would be able to reactivate coal, oil and gas power stations quickly, adding roughly 7m KW. 不过,他希望该公司能够尽快重启燃煤、燃油和燃气发电站,增加大约700万千瓦的电力。
One wrote: "Michael Jackson is now moonwalking in heaven. Rip. " , while others merely hoped the news turned out to be false. 其中一条写道:“迈克尔·杰克逊现在正在天堂里迈太空步。安息吧。”,而其他人只是希望这则新闻是假的。
He said to her that, Hoped oneself later no longer will be lonely, might put the happy door leaf, will accept this gloomy world diligently. 他对她说:希望自己以后不再孤独,可以放开心扉,努力地去接受这个灰暗的世界。
It is hoped that this month tripartite patrols around Kirkuk will start, with government and Kurdish troops to be overseen by American ones. 政府和库尔德部队本月有望分成三个小组在基尔库克周围进行巡逻,并接受美国军队的监督。
But it seems unlikely that the troops would have retaken Buner within a week as their commanders had originally hoped. 但是,像他们的指挥官原先期望的那样几周之内夺回布内尔地区似乎不太可能。
So far it's found one gas giant, but it is hoped that it will start seeing lots more over the next two years or so. 虽然至今只发现了一颗气体巨星,但该望远镜很有希望在接下来的二年左右发现更多的星星。
I had hoped to be able to take my seat in all this noise without being seen, but that morning the room was quite and orderly. 我本指望在吵闹声中坐到自己的座位上而不被人看见,可那天早上教室里安静又整齐。
As her teacher, I was very happy for her and hoped that she could continue to uphold the belief, grow healthily and fulfill her dream. 作为她的老师真的让我很为她开心,希望她可以一直这样坚持信念,健康的成长,完成她的梦想。
Father was an ordinary small-town labor contractor, Hoped that his son has been Offer, Do not like him to stay for life in this town. 父亲是一个普通小镇的包工头,希望儿子有所出息,不要像他一样在这座小镇里呆一辈子。
But the business failed to work as he had hoped, and he eventually left the company. 但事情并未如他所设想的那么顺利,最后他只好离开了他所在的公司。
Harry heard something creak outside. He hoped the roof wasn't going to fall in, although he might be warmer if it did. 哈利听到外面有什么东西吱吱作响。他希望屋顶可别塌下来,虽说真那样的话他倒可能会觉得暖和些了。
These pundits, especially in the United States, of course, hoped that this would not be true. 这些学者,特别是美国的那些学者,当然不希望这是真的。
By sighing away for hours, she hoped to get some money from her mother. 连续几个小时她都在唉声叹气,希望能从她母亲那弄点钱。
I was trying to escape, with my forces, but Nicolai came to stop us. . . I cannot say how sorry I am. I hoped to make it up to you. 我当时正打算率领军队撤退,但尼科莱来了,他要阻止我们……言语无法表达我的歉意。
I had hoped to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage but I didn't manage it. 我本想在他结婚的时候给他打个电报表示祝贺,但是我没有办到。
Colin's immediate reaction, just as I'd hoped, was to look like a man who'd been told he'd won the Lottery. 科林的第一反应不出我所料,他看起来就好像是听说自己买彩票中了似的。