
美 [hɑp]英 [hɒp]
  • n.啤酒花;单足短距离跳跃;(动物或鸟的)齐足(或双足)短距离跳跃
  • v.单脚跳行;齐足(或双足)跳行;突然快速去某处
  • 网络单足跳;弹跳

过去式:hopped 第三人称单数:hops 现在分词:hopping



v. n.

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)单脚跳行to move by jumping on one foot

2.[i]+ adv./prep.齐足(或双足)跳行to move by jumping with all or both feet together

3.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.突然快速去某处to go or move somewhere quickly and suddenly

5.[i]~ (from sth to sth)换来换去;不断更换to change from one activity or subject to another


hop it

(用于命令)走开usually used in orders to tell sb to go away

hop to it


丁晓钟:改错+词汇 _沪江英语学习网 ... ) bounced (球)跳起, 弹回; ) hopped 单脚跳, (鸟, 蛙等)跳跃; ) darted 飞奔, 投掷。 ...


... ... (鸟)振翼 to flutter (鸟,蛙等)跳跃 hopped (鸟,蝙蝠等)飞来飞去 flitted ...


行尸走肉第三季单词表 本季终... ... come again 你再说一遍 hopped 单足跳,弹跳 settle 有背长椅 ...


行尸走肉第三季单词表 本季终... ... come again 你再说一遍 hopped 单足跳,弹跳 settle 有背长椅 ...



Although Solar Impulse only hopped a little way, it was enough to delight the team who hope to eventually fly it around the world. 尽管“太阳能驱动”号只飞跃了一小段路程,但却足以令企盼能最终驾驶它进行环球飞行的研发小组大为雀跃。
Wun Wun gaped at him with fascination, but when the giant reached for him the fool hopped back away, jingling. 旺·旺着迷地瞪着他看,可是等他伸手去捉,弄臣叮叮当当地向后跳开了。
One day she turned up in a packed schoolyard at break-time dressed as an Easter bunny, hopped around for a while, and then hopped off home. 一天课间休息时,她出现在人头攒动的操场,打扮成一个复活节兔子(Easterbunny),她蹦了一会,然后蹦着回了家。
Four months later, Obst and his wife, who was also his filmmaking partner, hopped in a bush plane and flew to the refuge's coastal plain. 4个月后,奥布斯特和同样也是他拍摄伙伴的妻子登上了去保护区的飞机。
She hopped out of bed and found that the bridge on her favorite castle had been broken in the night, and it took her forever to fix it. 她腾的从床上跳下来,发现城堡的桥,在夜里断了。那可是她最喜欢的城堡啊,她怎么也修不好它。
and with that she took up the walnut-shell in which Thumbelina lay and hopped away through the broken pane out into the garden. 于是她一把抓住拇指姑娘正睡着的那个胡桃壳,背着它跳出了窗户,一直跳到花园里去。
Saito called out on a recent week day, her long ponytail shaking as she hopped. 她在跳舞时,长长的马尾辫左右摆动。
As he hopped along beside her, she hopped and sang too, to show him that she was his friend. 知更鸟一蹦一跳地在她左右,她也一样跳着唱着,告诉知更鸟她是他的朋友。
So she hopped on her bike and rode to the nearest grocery store to see what she could find that didn't include plastic. 所以她希望骑车到最近的杂货店看看能不能找到与塑料无关的产品。
So when I had another choice to be something else, I hopped happily unto it. It was like a breath from the oxygen tank in the backstage. 所以当我曾经有其它的选择去改变时,我也希望高兴地接受它。它像在私下里从氧气筒里的呼吸。
In the night a little bird with a broken wing fell down the chimney and hopped into one of the shoes. 夜里,一只翅膀受伤的小鸟掉进了烟囱,然后跳进了一只鞋子里。
As the policeman look over the crashed car, a small monkey came out and hopped around the crashed car. 警察上下察看毁坏的汽车时,一只小猴子钻了出来,在汽车旁边蹦来蹦去。
Mr. Hugo was 90, but he still hopped around on the balls of his feet, like that fencer out of Harvard. 雨果先生90岁了,但他仍然是那个哈佛毕业的击剑冠军,还是垫着脚尖,跳着走来走去。
I hopped into a taxi standing at the door. Quick , to the airport! 我跳上一辆停在店外的出租车,吩咐司机:‘去机场,快点!’
The head hopped on top of his skeleton and Raw Head went searching through the woods for weapons to use against the hunter. 头跳跃了在他的骨骼顶部,并且未加工的头去搜寻通过森林武器到用途反对猎人。
He said, " Oh , so am I. " I hopped into his car, and off we went through the remaining layers of security . 他说:“哦,我也是。”我跳上了他的车,然后我们顺利通过了剩下的所有安保警戒。
And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden. 于是她抓起拇指姑娘正睡着的小摇篮,从破窗格子跳了出去,跳进了花园。
The birds around me hopped and played, Their thoughts I cannot measure But the least motion which they made It seemed a thrill of pleasure. 鸟儿在我周围欢跃喜庆我无法猜度它们的内心然而即便是最细微的动静也仿佛渗透着快乐与欢欣。
As they were looking at the seed packets together, the robin hopped on to a branch near them. 他们一起看装着花籽的小包时,知更鸟在旁边的树枝上蹦着,
He said, if he hopped, the job was still the same and was offered to him because of his work experience. 他说过,如果跳槽,职位还是跟过去一样。因为人家要他,还是基于他的工作经验。
Admiring his eagerness, we hopped in and agreed a small price for a return trip to a nearby restaurant. 我们赞叹他做生意的热情,上了他的车,答应他小小的要价,要他带我们往返餐馆。
Within a minute, two girls have hopped into the car, and the rest go back to chatting and dragging on their cigarettes. 片刻后,两个女孩跳上了车,其他女孩又回去继续边聊天边抽着烟打发时间。
That hypothesis fell into doubt when the chicken hopped the fence and began pacing the perimeter of our yard with a proprietary air. 不过,当它跳过篱笆开始以主人的姿态在我们的院子四周踱步时,这个猜测就站不住脚了。
When he fell on his back and stayed there, I hopped around like I was The Greatest of All Time. 当他落在他的背部,并在那里呆了,我蹦,我周围是最大的全部时间。
The next day, the ducks were fussing again, so Otis hopped on a log for a better look. 第二天,鸭子们又不知道为什么吵吵闹闹的,于是奥蒂斯跳到一个圆木上想看个清楚。
It hopped around, fluttered at times, darting up to the edge of the flowerpot and back the ground again. 它在院里跳,有时飞一下,不过是由地上飞到花盆沿上,或由花盆上飞下来。
After dinner that evening, Dasey hopped into bed beside me for a cuddle and a back rub. 那天晚饭后,德茜钻进被窝挨着我抱住我,抚摩着我的后背。
The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the wall, and sang his most beautiful song. 知更鸟跳到墙上的一根老藤上,唱起他最动听的歌。
"Hey, he's just like that rabbit we saw at home. " Said Annie. The rabbit hopped across the prairie and out of sight. “嗨,它很像我们在家里看见的那只兔子,”安妮说。那只兔子跳着穿过了一块空地,然后消失了。
One afternoon, the family hopped into the car and drove to see where we soon would be living. 有一天下午,全家人满怀希望地坐上车,去看看这个我们很快就要搬进去的家。