
美 [hɔrn]英 [hɔː(r)n]
  • n.喇叭;触角;(动物头上的)角状羽毛;触须
  • v.在…上装角;把…做成角状;(动物)用角抵触[刺挑];把(牛角)截去
  • adj.角制的
  • 网络神奇犄角;圆号;号角

复数:horns 现在分词:horning 过去式:horned

blow horn,honk horn,sound horn


因此,当在但以理梦里的“人子”解释horns)为王国,然后指出这些王国为玛代人、波斯人和希腊人,他并不是简单地提及 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... handling n. 处理 horns n. (牛、羊等的)角, 喇叭, 触角v.装角 wildlife n. 野生动植物 ...


...)将启用《食人鱼3D》导演亚历山大·阿嘉执导新片《神奇犄角》(Horns),该片电影改编权已在2009年10月被曼德勒收入 …


厂家代购乐器 - 易趣店铺 ... 富鲁格号 Flugelhorns 圆号 Horns 次中音长号 Tenor Trombones ...


...iano)在内的多种乐器,如吉他(Guitar)、号角(Horns)、风琴(Organ)、萨克斯(Sax)等常见乐器,不过用户在试用版中只能体验 …


... Disc 14 Helicopters,Horns,Hockey,GlassSounds 直升机,喇叭声,曲棍球,玻璃破碎声 Disc 15 Household Sounds 家人团聚的 …


...导演,丹尼尔扮演同性恋诗人艾伦-金斯堡;另一部是《魔鬼的犄角》(Horns),影片根据恐怖大师斯蒂芬-金之子乔-希尔的 …

Then another sign appeared in the sky; it was a huge red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads were seven diadems . 随著天上又出现了另一个异兆:有一条火红的大龙,有七个头,十只角,头上戴著七个王冠。
Set of horns on the handlebars like a shiny black slip cover, new brake winding around the body. 牛角似的车把上套着乌黑发亮的防滑套,崭新的车身绕着弯弯曲曲车闸。
Closer look carefully, how the figure of the "Pegasus" on its head with two horns, yellow and black coat, and a look of panic embarrassment? 再仔细定睛一看,怎么图中的“天马”头上长着两个犄角,毛色又黄又黑,且一脸慌张的窘相?
Wasn't she learning to milk the cow, even though her heart was always in her throat when that fearsome animal shook its horns at her? 她不是在学着给母牛挤奶,即使提心吊胆怕那摆弄着犄角的家伙会伤害她,也没有动摇过吗?
Just as when a friendly pup comes near you, I reached up and scratched his head, right between the horns. 就像一只友好的小狗走近一样,我把手向上伸到它的两角之间,抓搔它的头。
She did not yell out - no! she would have scorned to do it, if she had been spitted on the horns of a mad cow. 就算她被挑在一头疯牛的犄角上,她也不屑于这样做。但是我叫了。
It was as big as a mountain, with horns on his head, and a long tail, and it had hoofs divided in two. 这是大如有角的一座山,在他的头上,一条长长的尾巴,它只被分成了两半。
The snail crept half out of his shell, stretched out his horns, and drew them in again. 蜗牛爬出了半个壳,伸出触角,又缩了回去。
To sail on the sea on a stormy night like this was a great risk but the crew was determined to take the bull by the horns . 在这样的大风大雨的夜晚出海航行是很冒险的,但船员们决心顶着风浪上。
And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke like a dragon. 我又看见另一个兽从地里上来,有两角如同羊羔,说话好像龙。
And when I got to the fifth flight, I peeped through the keyhole of a door, and there, Godfather, I saw you and you had long, long horns. 我从锁孔往里看的时候,我看到你有两只长长的犄角。
If my go-between can't get permission for me to marry her, I guess I'll have to take the bull by the horns and go talk to her father myself. 如果我的媒人不能帮我获得迎娶她的许可,我想我就得硬着头皮去找她父亲谈了。
I was ready to have a look, but the light changed, horns honked and I drove away. 我本来想看看,但交通灯变成了绿灯,身后的喇叭响成一片,我只好驶开了。
Steadying himself with the Goat's horns, he safely reached the mouth of the well and made off as fast as he could. 稳稳抓住山羊角,安全地到达了井口并尽它所能匆匆的逃掉了。
She was flanked by a warrior in golden armor and a four-armed giant with two long horns coming out of his head. 她由金黄装甲和一个四武装的巨人的一个战士侧与从他的头出来的二块长的垫铁。
And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. 以后我看见另一只兽由地中上来,牠有两只相似羔羊的角,说话却相似龙。
Horrified, I saw that a yak was standing at the foot of the stairs, his head lowered, his menacing horns pointing straight at me. 惊恐之中,我看到一头牦牛正站在楼梯口,低着头,犄角正对着我。
He's such an obstinate cuss that he'll break his horns rather than give up. And he's getting sore now because I'm tickling him in the rump. 他就是这么一个固执的怪物,宁肯折断了犄角也不肯停祝现在我又在他屁股上搔痒,更使他恼羞成怒。
Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and there were four horns. 我又举目观看,见有四角。
He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he drew his horns when Jack came forward. 他扬言能单独击败在场的任何人,但当杰克走过来时他便缩头了。
it had sought human companionship and help and it made no threatening gesture as she looped one end of the torn petticoat about its horns. 它在艰苦中到处寻找人类来帮助它,所以当她把那条用衬裙做的绳子系在牛角上时,牛也没有做出任何威胁的姿态。
After three years of faithful service, Jake decided to take the bull by the horns and ask his boss for a raise. 在公司忠心耿耿地服务了三年之后,贾克决定不畏艰地向他的老板开口要加薪。
He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he pull in his horns when Jack came forward. 他说他可以独自打倒任何人,可是杰克向他挑战时他却退缩了。
And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. 它往我所看见,站在河边有双角的公绵羊那里去,大发忿怒,向它直闯。
She is usually a very quiet person. The only time I've seen her show her horns was when somebody criticized her husband. 她通常都是非常文静,我只见过她一次大发脾气,就是那次有人批评她她丈夫的时候。
Shortly afterwards the wild bull with his horns gored him as if he were an enemy. 不久以后,野牛用角来抵他,似乎他是他仇敌。
Notice the sun on your face, the wind blowing through your hair, the sound of the kids playing nearby or horns honking. 感受射到脸颊上的阳光,吹拂着你的头发的风儿,不远处孩子们玩耍的喧闹声或是汽车喇叭声。
He knew that to ask for higher pay would displease his boss, but anyway he decided to take the bull by the horns. 他明知道要求提高工资会使老板感到不高兴,但无论如何,他决定冒一次险。
Another man takes his life in his hands by decorating the bull while lying just inches from its horns. 而另一名男子则冒着很大的危险躺在离牛角只有几英寸的地方,试图在牛背上涂颜料。
When he saw that I had the support of the majority, he drew in his horns and admitted he might have made a mistake. 他见我获得多数人支持,就软了下来,承认自己可能错了。