how do you see

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how do you seehow do you see

how do you see


Chinese 1 Final Sentences flashcards ... ... 看什么? What do you see? 怎么看How do you see? 闻什么? What do you sm…

Capello says England are aiming for at least a a place in the semi-finals. How do you see England's standing? 卡佩罗曾说英格兰至少能冲进四强。你对英格兰队现在的处境有什么看法?
How do you see a lot of Chinese that you know, your friends and colleagues view the United States today? 你认识的很多中国人,你的朋友和同事,他们怎么看待今天的美国?
Lightman leading up to the season finale, and how do you see it changing or affecting the dynamic within the rest of the group? 你是怎么看他俩关系变化对组里其他人之间动态关系的影响和改变的?
They are a strong mid-table side who are probably performing above themselves at the moment. How do you see this match going? 在他们的主场或许会上演顽强的一幕。您如何看待这场比赛?
3 all said the Mediterranean diet is the health of a dietary patterns, and how do you see? 都说地中海饮食是最健康的一种饮食方式,你怎样看?
Which place do you think your practice should take in society? How do you see your "role" ? 你认为你的实践应该对社会有什么影响?你怎样看待你的“角色”?
Yes, that's true. But people also say the city is too crowded. People are everywhere. How do you see things like this? 是的。这不错。但人们讲城里太挤了。到处都是人。这方面你是怎么看的?
She said: "Who would have taken the wrong road, how do you see the key to redefine your life. " 她说:“谁都会走错路,关键看你怎么给自己的人生重新定位。”
How do you see the rivalry at the front of thechampionshipfor the rest of the year? 你怎么看待在积分榜上领先的车队会在今年剩余的赛季中做什么?
If you are looking for a casual encounter, how do you see past this shame so you can be intimate with someone you don't know well? 如果你在期待艳遇,你怎么克服这种困窘心态来与陌生人亲近呢?
how do you see youth smoking ? why do you think they smoke? 你如何看待青少年吸烟问题?你认为他们为何吸烟?
Q: The Albanian government announced not long ago that Taiwan citizens would no longer need visas to come to Albania. How do you see this? 问:不久前,阿尔巴尼亚政府宣布给予台湾公民入境免签证待遇,您对此有何看法?
How do you see global geopolitics shifting if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons? 如果伊朗获取了核武器,你如何看待国际地缘政治的变化?
How do you see your company growing in the next year? Like what do you plan on doing? What is the ultimate goal? 你对你的公司在接下来的一年里的发展有这怎样的预期呢?比如说接下来要做什么,最基本的目标是什么?
RB: How do you see the world of Rails continuing to evolve over the next number of years? RB:你认为Rails世界在未来几年中会如何发展?
PSF: How do you see yourself as putting your own personal stamp on your music then? PSF:你如何看待把你的个人印记烙在自己的音乐上?
Magee: Given that you hold these views, how do you see the traditional body-mind problem? Do you simply by-pass it altogether? 既然你持有这种观点,你怎么看待传统的物心问题呢?你能干脆对它避而不谈吗?
WSJ: How do you see your product market changing in the next five years? 《华尔街日报》:你认为未来五年微软的产品市场会发生什么变化?
How do you see yourself or your organization contributing to the proposed global strategy and plan of action? 您对自己和贵组织促进全球战略和行动计划草案如何看待?
How do you see lift working with existing Java applications, or in mixed language environments (e. g. JRuby)? 你如何看待lift与现存的Java应用配合工作,或者在混合语言环境(例如JRuby)中工作?
How do you see technologyenhancing your ability to fulfill your mission or grow as an organization? 您对“通过技术更好地完成任务或者帮助组织成长”有什么看法?
Q: David, how do you see the inclusion of China's cultural norms in the implementation of its efficiency policies? 问:戴维,你如何看待中国的文化习惯在执行能源效率政策中的作用?
How do you see the difference between the party system of UK and that China? 你怎样看待中英两国党政制度之间的区别?
How do you see these concepts being incorporated into the current medical model? 你怎么看这些概念被结合到当前的医学模式?
GB: How do you see the larger Rational mission to promote iterative development practice, and what challenges do you see ahead? GB:您如何看待Rational促进迭代开发实践的更大的使命,及您提前看到的难题?
How do you see in the world today (global) this non-party (class character) but the economy of the phenomenon? 你如何看待当今世界的(全球性)这种非党性(阶级性)而是经济性的现象呢?
With so much choice, how do you see the wood for the trees? 拥有如此丰富的选择后,应该如何眼见为实?
Ferrari are everyone's favourites for this weekend. How do you see the potential of the car? 法拉利是这个周末每个人的最爱。你觉得车的潜力如何?
How do you see those two possible measurements relating to human patients? 您对这两种可用于人类的检查项目有什么评价?
How do you see Chinese people understanding and using foreign knowledge to develop China via learning the English language? 你怎样看待中国人通过英语学习掌握了更多的外国知识来建设中国?