how long

  • conj.多长时间
  • 网络多久;多长时间了;问时间

how longhow long

how long


初三英语单词表_爱问知识人 ... n.&v.4.Tibet 西藏 long 多久 v12.postcard. 名信片n ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 127 yeah jB:;jeE ad. 是 128 how long 多长 130 get back 回来 ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... yeah 是;好的 how long 多久;多长时间 away 向远处;离开 ...


八年级下英语总复习_百度知道 ... 13. join = take part in 参加 1. how long 多长时间了? 3. a skating marathon 一场滑冰马拉松 ...


提纲九年级英语复习手册unit1-12 - 豆丁网 ... how old 问年龄 多少岁 how long 问时间 多久 多长 how often 问频率 多久一次 38. ...


冀教版七年级英语重点短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... How wide 对宽度提问, how long (长度) how often (多久一次) ...


小学英语单词分类汇总 ... which 哪个 how long 有多长 how many 多少 ...


英语语法问题_百度知道 ... how much 多少, 要多少钱? how long 有多久 how often 多长时间干某事一次 ...

Start pumping and follow the guidelines in your manual for how long you should pump and how much milk you should produce. 开始吸奶,你应该吸多长时间和吸出多少的奶量要按照使用说明的步骤。
How much cash is tied up in accounts receivable (and thus not available to you), and for how long? 多少现金被搁置在应收帐户上(因此你无法使用)?搁置多久?。
seed viability - how long a given seed might be able to be stored and still sprout to grow out a healthy, productive plant. 种子的生命力-一粒种子能储存多久后仍然可以发芽然后长成一棵健康多产的作物呢?
I assessed how long they were going to stay and how much it would take to feed them. 我估算出他们大概会待多久并需要多少粮食。
The rain kept pouring, the girl did not know how long had past since she began to cry. 雨一直在下,小女孩也不知哭了多久。
How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? 我能游多远?我能屏息呆多长时间?我能举起多重的东西?我能跳多高?
How long afterward it was that Becky came to a slow consciousness that she was crying in Tom's arms, neither could tell. 57也不知过了多久,贝基才慢慢意识到她趴在汤姆怀里哭。
To get a sense of just how long, he says, imagine a giant with her head in Baltimore and her toe off the coast of South Africa. 为了正确了解到底有多久,他说,想像一位巨人,她的头在巴尔的摩,她的脚趾头在南非海岸。
What is still unclear was how long the protection lasts and how much each of the two vaccines contributed. 目前还不清楚的是疫苗的保护时间有多长以及两种疫苗各自发挥了多少作用。
To get a more realistic idea of how long it takes you to do something, start timing your processes throughout the course of a day. 为了更真实的了解你做一些事所用的时间,记录你一天做这些事所用的时间。
He did not know how long he had been there; some hours at any rate; with no clocks and no daylight it was hard to gauge the time. 他不知道在那里呆了多久,顶多几个小时,没有钟,也没有阳光,很难确定时间。
I do not know how long after, finally found a dying ship, they saved! 不知过了多久,终于有船发现了奄奄一息的他们,他们得救了!
How much do our genetic factors affect how long we might live? 基因将在多大程度上影响我们的寿命?
Everyone agrees universal broadband is important, but the question is still, how much is enough and how long should it take to achieve it? 每个人都同意宽带的普及是重要的,但问题仍然是,有多少是够了,需要花多长时间来实现?
when I think of this being the last time of seeing you for I do not know how long, I feel it quite impossible to do anything but love you. 我一想到这是最后一次和你见面,因为我不知道要走多久——我觉得除了爱你之外,其他的我什么也做不出来了。
The impact of a crisis would therefore depend on how much oil production was lost and for how long. 因此,石油危机的影响力大小取决于石油生产的减少量以及减产的时间长短。
Gates has said he wanted to leave at the end of Bush's last term and it is unclear how long he plans to serve in Obama's administration. 盖茨曾表示希望在布什任期结束后退休,他打算在奥巴马政府任职多久还是未知数。
And the pilot, I actually knew -- because they used to let me sit in the jump seat, to tell you how long ago this was. 我还认识飞行员,因为他们常常让我坐跳伞席好告诉我飞到哪里了。
"There is room, there is a cushion, " he said. "The question is, how long before everyone can get back up to 100 percent? " “目前还有一定的缓冲馀地,”他表示,“问题在于所有企业恢复全面生产会需要多长时间?”
She felt as if she were in a beautiful dream, intoxicated with happiness. Oh, how long she had been yearning for such a moment! 她感到自己仿佛做着美丽的梦,陶醉在欢乐之中。啊,这一刻她已盼了多久了!
And the cost of the drug nagged at him. If it worked, how long could he afford to keep taking it? 药物花销也让他感到烦恼。如果见效的话,他又能负担得起多长时间的药物治疗?
Mike asked me how long he would be in the United Kingdom for and I told him, probably long enough to get a British passport. 迈克问我他将要在英国呆多久,我告诉他,可能长得足够拿到英国的护照了。
They will have to tell how long and how much it would take to pay off a card if the holder makes only the lowest monthly payment. 如果持卡人只支付最低月度还款,信用卡公司必须告知需要多长时间及(支付)多少金额,才可付清一张信用卡上的欠款。
'Hello Rainbow! ' he said, 'The annual report is ready! How long it is! I read through it several times and I was very satisfied with it. ' “喂,彩虹!”他说道:“年度报告做好了!真长啊!我通读了好几遍,感觉很满意!”
Nothing to be surprised about. For me it was even more surprising to see for how long he was pretending to be in opposition. 其实一点都不需要意外,我比较意外他之前竟能伪装为在野人士这么久。
I do not know how long I was asleep , but all of a sudden there was an awful scream and I was up . 我也不知道睡了多久,忽然间听到一阵可怕的尖声喊叫,我立刻爬了起来。
"That's good to hear, " said the man. "How long has she been a vet? " “那太好了”,那人说。“你女儿当兽医多长时间了?”
How long we had been prisoners, I did not know, but it seemed like an eternity since I had last seen the sun. 我不知道我们已经被囚禁了多长时间,但是,对于我来说,距离我上次见到太阳仿佛已经过了永世那么久。
No one knows by how much, or for how long, America's economy will be weighed down. 谁都不知道美国经济衰退程度会有多深,持续时间会有多长。
The goal was to test whether Internet stations could be set up, how much they would cost, and how long they could operate. 目的是测试互联网站是否可以建立、要花费多少、要花多长时间才能建立。