
美 [etʃju'aɪ]
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络惠;许虚去;健康效用指数(Health Utilities Index)



Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 麻 ma hui 栾 luan ...


请问 粤语发音英文拼写._百度知道 ... how 巧考 hui 许虚去 hung 洪红虹熊鸿孔 ...

健康效用指数(Health Utilities Index)

...ding the EuroQol EQ- 5D, Health Utilities Index (HUI), and Short-Form 6D. The Workshop will present examples of applicat...


韩国常用汉字及其音读表 - 北大中文论坛... ... heung 兴 hui 希喜姬稀戏噫熙 ssi 是候塞音。 ...


leong quek chong这是什么意思 -考试-天涯问答 ... HUEN 萱禤 HUI 许昫 HUNG 孔洪红虹雄熊鸿 ...

Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two years of preparation and a hefty investment to bring the works to China. 展览组织者王晖说准备工作耗时两年花费了巨额资金才把把这些作品运到中国。
Kyong-hui is still widely seen as the only person Mr Kim, the North Korean dictator, has always been able to trust. 时至今日,人们仍普遍认为,金敬姬是朝鲜独裁者金正日唯一始终可以信赖的人。
We faced the same decision when Virginia Tech shooter Seung-hui Cho released a videotape in which he said, "You forced me into a corner. " 当维吉尼亚理工大学枪击犯赵承熙发布一段视频并称“是你们把我逼进角落”时,我们面对同样的决择。
Wang Hui, the first speaker, hoped to be a wealthy businessman, because he thought a wealthy businessman can lead a rich and happy life. 王辉,第一个发言,希望成为一个富有的商人,因为他觉得一个富裕的商人可以导致丰富和幸福的生活。
Chen founded Pioneer Iron and Steel at the age of 25 with the help of her mother, Lu Hui. 25岁时,陈宁宁在母亲吕慧的帮助下成立了嘉鑫钢铁集团。
Said Yang Jun, Liu Hui at the beginning of a cold, is the common cold symptoms, there is nothing unusual. 杨军介绍说,刘辉初患感冒时,就是一般的感冒症状,没有什么与众不同。
Tell us what you want, Let us make it for you! Please call us, lan hui will provide you with a enthusiastic and delicate reply! 请拨打我们的电话,蓝慧将为您提供热情细致的解答!
Everyone has to ante up in every round, even after they've won -- and each hui member can claim the pot only once a year. 在每一轮“会”中,所有人都必须预先付款,即使在他们赢得会金后也不例外,此外,每个会员一年只能领取一次会金。
The unexpected hui, a online friend. I didn't chat with him for a very long time, but he still remembers my birthday. 就想不到的是辉,一个网上朋友。很久都没有和他聊天了,他还会记得我的生日。
He said it was the only Hui - style miniature garden in existence . 说它是徽派袖珍园林的一个孤本。
We will provide you with a value of the service, you believe the wind-cartoon toys Ltd. Hui will be the choice you do not! 我们将为您提供超值的服务,请您相信风宇动漫玩具有限公司将会是您不悔的选择!
Ding Jun Hui who has not even finished his junior high school study was "yanked" out of his classroom by his father in 2001. 2001年,初中还没读完的丁俊晖被父亲从教室拽了出来,“你别念书了,以后就专心打台球吧”。
Hui-Ying was very curious, but has no opportunity to see his appearance. 慧英很好奇,却一直没有机会看到他的样子。
Yan Hui drove for Confucius, Zigong stood left to be guardian. So, the three set out to see Robber Zhi. 颜回为孔子驾车,子贡站在右边当侍卫,就这样师徒三人出发去见盗跖矣!
Since the start Feng Hui has grown along with the Asian shipbuilding industry and is now a well established marine service provider. 我公司从建立就与亚洲的造船业一起成长,现在已经发展成为一家优秀的海事服务提供商。
Banquet dance, a typical form of Hui nationalitys folk dances, is usually performed between two people on Hui s wedding ceremonies. 宴席舞是回族民间舞蹈的代表,是男婚女嫁宴席中表演的歌舞形式。
Ji Hui Tak to maintain the integrity of the heart is really into the industry prior to his title. 季先生以厚德诚信之仁来养心确是他成业之前题。
Gordon Hui, managing director of Sunseeker Asia Ltd. , said that until two years ago, it had almost no sales to Chinese customers. 戈登回是圣汐亚洲有限公司的总经理,他表示,两年前公司还没有中国客户。
Their son is at boarding school, but their daughter, Zhao Hui, has lessons at a school just round the corner. 他们的儿子在一所寄宿学校念书,女儿赵辉则在附近的一所学校就读。
I was in Shanghai less than a week but heard comments in several different venues about novels by Mian Mian and Wei Hui. 在上海不到一周,不同场合里听到谈论棉棉、卫慧的小说。
Cho Seung-Hui was in the U. S. as a resident alien with a home in Centreville, Virginia, and lived on campus, the university said. 据校方透露,赵承熙在美国以外侨居民的身份和他的家人居住在弗吉尼亚的Centreville,也住在校园里。
It is known that hui pu is not the only one for large format business card printing and membership card make to provide such services. 据了解,惠普并不是唯一一个为大幅面制卡和会员卡制作客户提供这类服务的企业。
From the draft and with the black- nan's lawsuit out of the Yi - hui, his thoughts and feelings in the course of the novel written. 从选秀及与黑楠的官司中走出的易慧,将自己的心路历程写成小说。
Sammi Cheng sings, "but it is not desirable for you" , Andy Hui and Taiwan in the side and singing, the audience booing fans immediately. 郑秀文唱《唯独你是不可取替》时,许志安在台边和唱,全场歌迷立即起哄。
Hui Yi reported below that (months ago) after her mother came back from the hospital, at home she already had no sign of life left. 惠仪的报告于下,彼母(数月前)从医院送回家时,已完全没有生命迹象。
Cho introduced himself as "Question Mark, " saying it was the persona of a man who lived on Mars and journeyed to Jupiter. 有时候ChoSeung-Hui介绍自己时说自己是问号,说这是一个生活在火星并往木星上旅行的人。
Cutting out carbs is only the latest tactic used by the zoo in the hope of giving Chuang Chuang and Lin Hui a more loving feeling. 清迈动物园实施的此项最新策略主要是为了使创创和林惠在交配时更有感觉。
Song Rong - hui is the early part of the last two years - and - coming female players. 宋容慧初段是近两年崭露头角的女棋手。
Although I have never met [Wang Hui], I know him from hearing so much about him. 虽然我还没有见过他,但因为听到有关他的事情多,好像已经认识他了。
Mrs Hui said the programme, supported by six major trade associations, featured two major components. 许太透露,地产代理专业道德计划获业内的六个主要商会支持,计划主要分为两部分。