
美 [hɜrl]英 [hɜː(r)l]
  • v.猛掷;猛推;吐(恶言);猛撞
  • n.猛投
  • 网络用力的去投掷

第三人称单数:hurls 现在分词:hurling 过去式:hurled




新概念英语第三册课堂笔记... ... overlooked: 俯瞰 hurled: 用力的去投掷 9.accelerated: 加速 A正确 ...

"I feel like an innocent man dragged from his bed, put in a barrel and hurled over Gullfoss! " wrote one journalist that morning. “我感觉好象一个无辜的人,被人从床上拖下来,装进一个桶里,丢进黄金瀑布(Gullfoss)里了!”一位记者在那天早上写道。
This was but a trifle compared with the overwhelming air forces about to be hurled upon the island. 这和行将投入该岛的具有压倒之势的空军相比,不过是个零头而已。
He was knocked out by a stone hurled at him from the other side of the road. 他被马路对面向他投来的一块石头打昏了。
always like to help others, but does not go down, do a hurled feng. because helping others is helping yourself, so let me very happy. 总喜欢帮助别人,但不留名,做一个活雷锋。因为帮助别人,就是帮助自己,那样让我很快乐。
The naughty boy hurled a stone at my window and I hurled curses at him. 那个顽皮的小男孩向我的窗户扔石子,我狠狠地对他大声叫骂。
At the same moment the convict screamed out a curse at us and hurled a rock which splintered up against the boulder which had sheltered us. 正在这时,那罪犯尖声痛骂了我们一句,便打过来一块石头,那石头在遮住我们的大石上碰得粉碎。
As they hurled insults at him, the skies opened and Mr. Ma quickly became drenched to the skin , all of it captured live on television. 当责骂劈头盖脸过来时,天开始下雨,马先生很快湿透了,这所有的一切被拍摄并电视直播。
a dissolute absent father is scrunched up into a clay ball and hurled around the garden. 一位终日不着家的父亲并揉成一个弯曲的土球,而且扔在花园的周围。
Jones was hurled into a pile of dung and his gun flew out of his hands. 琼斯猛跌在粪堆上,手中的枪也甩了出去。
A few rocks get hurled, but besides an eerie female voice telling everyone to "Go Home" the cops seem content to wait it out. 一些石头扔了过来。除了一个令人恐怖的女人的让人回家的声音外,警察似乎很满意的在等待事情的结束。
The protesters hurled rocks and the police responded by beating all that couldn't escape into one of the connecting alleys. 示威者便向警察投掷石块,警察则以鞭打所有未能逃到其他相连巷子的人作回应。
My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon- thence, peradventure, to the gallows! 我的手指指着他,只消一动,就可以把他从布道坛上抛到牢狱中去——甚至还会把他抛到绞刑架上!
But southern election campaigns can be a brutal business, and the IRA's many murders and other misdeeds will be repeatedly hurled at him. 但南爱的竞选活动可以说是一个残酷的战斗,因为它伴随着爱尔兰共和军的多起谋杀和其他罪行,这些都可能反反复复的折磨他。
Complaining that it was being used for "ultra-rightist" activities, they hurled tear-gas grenades and fired shots. 声称其被“超右翼分子”的活动所利用,他们又是扔催泪弹又是开枪。
Then, like a storm breaking, she picked up the cognac glass in front of her and hurled it at him with all her might. 一阵死一样的沉默,然后她像暴风雨一样爆发了,抓起眼前的白兰地酒杯狠命朝他掷来。
With a revolver in his right hand, Johnny hurled his muscular body against the door and smashed it down with a crash. 约翰尼右手拿着左轮,健壮的身体猛扑在门上,轰隆一声把门撞开了。
His wife had watched in horror as her drunken husband opened the kitchen window of their Moscow apartment, and hurled himself out. 他的老婆看着她喝醉酒的老公打开他们莫斯科公寓的厨房的窗户纵身跳了下去时惊恐万状。
The insult that his sister hurled at him still rankled in his mind. 他妹妹对他的辱骂使他仍耿耿于怀。
But when the traveler stooped to obey this command, the giant thrust out a foot and hurled him over the ledge into the sea below. 但当听从他的命令弯下腰时,巨人便用力伸出一只脚,把他猛地踢到空中,越过崖岸而掉入大海中。
Next, an older man approached the podium, picked up a ceramic tea mug from the front row, and hurled it, missing Zhang. 在后来,一位老者靠近主席台,拿起第一排的桌子上的一个陶瓷茶杯投掷出去,没有打中张。
One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us! " 那同钉的两个犯人,有一个讥诮他,说:“你不是基督吗?可以救自己和我们吧!”
In the climax of his exasperation he hurled an oath at the dog and a coarse epithet at his mistress. 在气头上,对着那只狗吐出一声咒骂,还对它的女主人吐出一句粗鄙的恶言。
Lying on the ground during this time is in and of itself a protection, as friction along the ground prevents one from being hurled. 在此时躺在地上本身就是一种保护,因为沿着地面的摩擦保护了人不受到猛烈投掷。
On July 22nd a 78-year-old woman was rushed to hospital after a pair of scissors, hurled from a multi-storey building, lodged in her skull. 7月22日,由于被一把从多层建筑中抛出的剪刀刺入颅骨,一名78岁的老妪被送入医院救治。
Jobs then dramatically hurled a Newton into a garbage can a few feet away to punctuate his decision. 后来戏剧性的一幕发生了:乔布斯突然把一部“牛顿”扔进了几步以外的垃圾箱,以此来强调他的决定。
If there's any change in the wind, then they might accidentally be hurled into the rock. 她说,“如果风向有变,它们可能不小心撞到了岩石上。”
Pharaoh's chariots and his army he has hurled into the sea. The best of Pharaoh's officers are drowned in the Red Sea. 法老的车辆、军兵,耶和华已抛在海中;他特选的军长都沉于红海。
The abrupt advice: "Leave your house, " hurled at Jean Valjean by a stranger, had alarmed him to the extent of rendering him peremptory . 一个不认识的人突然向他提出“快搬家”的劝告,这已够使他提心吊胆,把他变成坚持己见无可通融的了。
In response, Mr Corker hurled one of the strangest insults in campaign history. He accused Mr Ford of being "an attractive young man" . 为了击败Ford,Corker找到了一个堪称美国竞选史上最奇怪的理由攻击他,指责福特是“一个迷人的小青年”。
She threw pots of jam, eggs, all my precious stock, AT the wall, on the floor; she hurled the scales and the weights through the windows. 她抱起一罐罐果酱、鸡蛋,把我所有的宝贵货物统统往墙上和地上乱砸。她还把台秤和秤砣全扔出窗外。