
美 [ˈhʌri]英 ['hʌri]
  • v.赶快;(朝某方向)迅速移动;催促(某人);迅速处理
  • n.匆忙;急忙
  • 网络赶紧;仓促;纷纷扰扰

过去式:hurried 现在分词:hurrying 第三人称单数:hurries

great hurry


v. n.

1.[i]赶快,匆忙,急忙(做某事)to do sth more quickly than usual because there is not much time

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(朝某方向)迅速移动to move quickly in a particular direction

3.[t]催促(某人)to make sb do sth more quickly

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.迅速处理to deal with sth quickly

5.[t][usupass]~ sth仓促(做某事)to do sth too quickly


帮我看下 In developing countries people... ... ) pouring into 涌入;正确 ) hurrying 匆忙;错误 ) breaking 打破、打碎;错误 ...


"hurrying"怎么说合适... ... Hurrying To The Flower Festival 赶花会; hurrying 匆忙; 赶紧; hurrying service 过急发球; ...


... wrongly wronglyadv. 不正当地, 错误地 hurrying v. (使)赶紧, (使)匆忙, 加速n.匆忙, 仓促 addressing 寻址, 选择, 选址 ...


学会在纷纷扰扰(Hurrying)的全国中梭哈吧,这本来是纷纷而复杂世界,去适应它。基于7个网页-相关网页 匆忙 雅思最易拼写错 …

Several pedestrians out of the hurrying throng which filled the sidewalks passed about her as she paused, hesitating. 人行道上熙熙攘攘的人流里有好几个人走过她身旁,于是嘉莉又迟疑地停住了脚步。
Della could not help going out and hurrying to the garden. Magically, she did not seem weak as before. 黛拉情不自禁地奔向这座花园,奇迹般地,她似乎没有过去那么虚弱了。
Pouring hot water into a basin, Mum passed me a large towel, hurrying me to wash my feet. 把水烧开以后,倒进盆里,妈妈给我一块超大的毛巾,让我洗脚。
But that, as it turned out, was unfortunate, for the company is no longer hurrying towards those fresh green pastures. 但眼下的结果却令人惋惜,公司似乎不再忙于奔向那些绿油油的牧场了。
But Narcissa was not listening; she had slipped through a gap in the rusty railings and was already hurrying across the road. 但纳西莎根本没有听她说;她已经从生锈的护栏里找了个缺口钻了过去,急匆匆地准备过马路了。
But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. 然而到了1897年,巴克不知道这一年人们都带着狗蜂涌到加拿大西北部寻找金矿。
Surgeon Henry, hurrying towards the victim, found to his surprise that she was only shocked and bruised. 军医亨利连忙上前察看,不禁愕然。原来那个女人只是受了震惊,有些皮肉之伤。
While the rest of theater continued to talk about Christine, one young man was hurrying towards her dressing room. 就在剧院里的人们还在对克里斯汀议论纷纷时,一名年轻男子已经匆匆赶往她的更衣室了。
The little girl came hurrying to her mother for sympathy. 阿谁小女孩仓猝来到妈妈跟前争夺同情。
But if he is walking on both legs, hurrying to take a train, or sitting at his desk working, do not ask him that foolish question. 然而如果他正在四肢健全地走路,匆匆忙忙赶车,或者正坐在桌边工作,就不要问他那么愚蠢的问题了。
The hotel was a busy place at this season; people hurrying in and out, and a great bustle of grooms and waiters about the hall. 旅馆在这个季节里是个忙忙碌碌的地方,人们匆匆忙忙地进进出出,大厅里马夫和侍者熙来攘往。
I caught sight of her hurrying away but i didn't try to speak to her. 我见她匆忙走过,但我并未想与她搭话。
And her husband should have been interrupted to be told about an airplane scare that sent her hurrying for cover in an underground bunker. 她的丈夫应该被不被告知一件送她入地堡的飞机险情。
Try to ensure that they do not forget anything , as a worried or hurrying child may not take care . 确保他们没有忘记带东西,因为心头有挂虑或赶路中的儿童,走路时未必小心。
For a second, I considered hurrying on my way, though I couldn't have said exactly what it was that made me so uneasy. 一瞬间,我想赶紧上路,虽然我也说不出来是什么让我这么不安。
j hurrying to reassure her oh , well , now , i . . . i don ' t know if i ' d use those words exactly , buter , from a certain angle , yes. 连忙安慰她噢,对,是这样,我,我不知道我是否用词准确,但是,从某个角度来说,是的。
Hurrying driver of 18-wheel truck deliberately rear-ends car whose driver was trying to stay within 55 m. p. h, limit. 一位开十八轮卡车的司机,因急着赶路,故意去撞前面一辆力图遵守55英里时速规定的汽车的尾部。
Madeline came hurrying out of the house, her face alight, her hair disorderly , and ran to her brothers. 梅德琳匆匆从屋子里出来,她容光焕发,头发乱蓬蓬的,跑到她哥哥面前。
But she was hurrying so much that some went in upside down. 但她太着急了,有些动物倒立着进去了。
I looked around me. Men with white, frightened faces were hurrying here and there, without any clear idea of what they ought to do first. 我环顾四周。脸色苍白、面色惊恐的人们一会儿在这儿、一会儿在那儿地操忙着,不清楚他们自己应该先做什么。
He appears to be absorbed in the sports news on the back page of his paper and ignores the hurrying crowds. 他似乎在全神贯注地阅读晚报末版上的体育新闻,对身边匆匆过往的人群木然不觉。
She would not give him time to reply, but hurrying instantly to her husband, called out as she entered the library. 她不等他回答,便急忙跑到丈夫那儿去,一走进他的书房就嚷道。
This season? Lao Mount is peaceful. The wind, never ceases is hurrying along. 这个季节崂山是宁静的。风,永不停息地在赶路。
He caught himself hurrying across the dells in the slanting sunlight, praying for the security of the undergrowth again. 这时,他就会急匆匆穿过小山谷,来到斜斜倾洒的阳光下,祈求着自己能再遇到一片矮树丛,可以安全藏身。
He came hurrying to her bedside as soon as he heard she was ill. 一听到她生病了,他就赶着来到她的床边。
Beifeng has just finished eating, is now buying some water and hurrying back to the scene with some Bullogers. 北风等刚刚吃了点东西,现正买水和几位牛博网网友一起赶往现场。
Every time I face to such a great nature sight, I will recall a line of ants who are hurrying in moving. 每当面对这样的大美之境,我会想到暴雨前那一对匆匆搬家的蚂蚁。
So when he decreed that a census should be taken throughout the empire, everyone went hurrying to their place of origin to be registered. 所以,当他下令要全国人民报名上册时,所有人都赶回自己的本乡报名上册去。
The great mass of trucks and vehicles, the counter streams of hurrying pedestrians, seemed like a puzzle. 川流不息的车辆,匆匆来去的行人,象一个迷阵似的。
He was hurrying to take his turn, to prove to Apollo that he, though young, was no less able than the god at this sport. 他急着想赶快轮到自己,并向阿波罗证明,尽管他还年轻,但绝不会在这项运动上输与他。