i am a student

  • 网络我是学生;我是一个学生;我是一名学生

i am a studenti am a student

i am a student


英语元音音素讲义 ... B. All right.Thank you.( 行,谢谢) A. I am a student.( 我是学生) My name is Mark.( 我叫马克) ...


英语初一问题_百度知道 ... He doesn't have a pen. 他没有钢笔。 I am a student. 我是一个学生。 He is my father. 他是我的父 …


句法_百度百科 ... I go to school on foot. 我步行去上学。 I am a student. 我是一名学生。 You are a teacher. 你是一位教师。 ...


小学英语复习概要3 ... IV. 介词填空。 I am a student. (肯定句)我是个学生。 We live in Beijing. (肯定句)我们住在北京。 ...


基础英文第一级:第一课 I am good ... I am happy. 我很快乐。 I am a student. 我是一位学生。 I am a teacher. 我是一位老师。 ...


... I am a student. 我是學生。 My mother will go with me. 我母親將和我一起去。 ...


... We saw him swimming in the river. 我们看见他正在河里游泳。 I am a student. 我在学生。 They feel happy. 他们感到高兴。 ...

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am a student of eight, I am glad to be able to stand on the stage and let more people know me. 大家好,我是一名八中的学生,很高兴能站在这个舞台上,让更多的人了解我。
I am a student at the University of Iowa and I am trying to finish up a major project that is due in two days. 我是爱荷华大学的学生,我试图整理出一个大项目,是因为在两天。
As I said I am a student, so the more cost-friendly the better. 因为我说,我是一位学生,较多的费用-友善地比较好。
He said to me, "I am a student from Class Eight, Grade Seven. " 他对我说,“我是七年级八班的一名学生。”
My dad is a lawyer, mum is a teacher and I am a student, there is also my grandmother who's in her seventies in the family. 我的爸爸是一名律师,妈妈是一位老师,而我是一个学生,家里还有个七十多岁的奶奶。
If you find that I am a student committee drug test with so much evidence that. 如果你发现我是一个学生委员会有这么多的证据表明,药物测试。
I am a active girl who loves life so much. I am a student of grade 1 of a university. 我是一个积极的对生活充满热忱的女孩。我是一名大一的学生。
I am a Senior 2 student. We split up into Science and Arts this year and I choose the former. So now I am a student who study science. 我今年上高二,我们分了文理科,我选择了读理科,现在我是一个理科生了。
Can I be with a lover with whom I am a student and a master? 我能找到让我既是学生又是大师的情人吗?
I am a student, and my dream job is to be a pilot. 我是位学生,我的理想工作是飞行员。
I am a student of this university just like you, except being a little older. 我跟你们一样,都是这间大学的学生,只是稍微比你们年长些。
I am a student studying English and German at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. 我是麻省伍斯特大学圣十字学院的一名学生,专业是英语和德语。
I am a student of our school. I, d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. 我是咱们学校的学生,我想说一些关于学校餐厅服务的事情。
I am a student from rural areas. In my village, many children's parents are going for jobs out of the village. 假设你是一名来自农村的学生,你们村子里不少儿童的父母都外出打工。
More often, I am a student ideologically specialized treatment of small illnesses and incurable diseases doctor. 更多的时候,我是一位专门诊治学生思想上的小毛病以及疑难杂症的医生。
I am a student, I come from the eighth grade three, I completed my last week of final exams have been my report card. 我是一个学生,我来自八年级三班,我上个星期完成了我的期末考试得到了我的成绩单。
I am a student and I should work hard to get good scores, not just play. 我是一个学生,我应该努力学习争取好成绩而不是只想着玩。
I am a student of Chinese language, but I don't know Chinese too much. 我是汉语的学生,可是我不很知道汉语。
I am a Christian. I am a student of all religions. And I respect all people and all paths ". " 我是基督信徒,但我会学习所有宗教知识,我也尊重所有人、尊重所有信教方式。
I am a student have been studying in Canada. I met a lot of friends there and I'd like to help students who want to learn Mandarin. 我是一名学生,在加拿大上学,遇到了很多朋友帮助我,我希望可以帮助想学中文的朋友。
LP : I am a student of computer science, but, honestly, there are a lot of people out there who write better code than I do. 虽然我是一名计算机科学专业的学生,但是说老实话,能比我写出更好代码的人简直是太多了。
My name is XXX, I am a student currently studying at the Shanghai Commercial Accounting School. 我的名字叫XXX,我是个学生,目前就读于上海商业会计学校。
I am a student in a school, we have many activities in school besides our daily study. 我是一个在校学生,除了我们的日常学习之外我们在学校还有许多活动。
Hi, I am a student in Damelin Multi-media Design College, thank you for taking time to check my design. 您好,我是南非戴美琳学院的学生,谢谢您百忙中花时间看我的设计。
I am a student in Southern Cross University; I am taking my master degree on MBA in Hotel and Tourism Management. 我就读于南十字星大学,正在攻读旅游与酒店管理硕士。
Although I am a student of science and engineering school, but I have on China's literary and artistic interest. 我虽然是个学理工科的学生,但我对中国的文学艺术有着浓厚的兴趣。
I am a student from the school of journalism, and it's my honor to be here to raise questions of you. 我是新闻学院的学生,非常荣幸可以向您提一个问题。
I am a student at Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, studying Chinese and French. 我是新西兰的学生。我在奥塔哥大学学中文和法语。
You are a student and I am a student , too . 你是学生,我也是。
He works at a factory, but I am a student. 他在一间工厂工作,但是我是一位学生。