i want to stay

  • 网络我想留下;我想留下来;我想要留下

i want to stayi want to stay

i want to stay


实用高中英语短语与句型词典_yingyujiaoshi... ... I want to stay. 我想留下。 5. want to do sth 想要做某事。如: ...


一口气英语... ... A I hate to leave. 我真不愿意离开。 I want to stay. 我想留下来。 I really like it here. 我真的很喜欢这里。 ...


几首英文歌的歌词翻译... ... The way I feel 我感觉 I want to stay 我想要留下 I'll try to wait 我会尝试去等待你我亲爱的 ...


No Love,Also Drink Water Full! - 博客大巴 ... i want to stay 其实我不过想苟延喘息 I am stronger than you 显然,我比你坚强 ...

The only way I can show the supporters and the club how much I want to stay is by giving my best on the pitch. 我现在唯一能做的,就是用自己在球场上的最佳表现,来向俱乐部和球迷们证明,我多么渴望留在这里。
I do wish it was a joke and you were next to me when I woke up. Sweetie, do you know how much I want to stay with you? 我多希望这是一个玩笑,一天醒来你还在身旁,宝贝我多想一直和你在一起你知道吗?
I tried really hard to get out of this school, and only now do I realise just how much I want to stay. 我曾经很想逃出这所学校,但是现在才知道我是多么想留下来。
How much I want to stay with you forever. 多想就这样厮守到老。
"I said many times in the last few months that I want to stay, " he said. “在过去的几个月中我说过很多次,我想要留下来,”他说。
All I know is I want to stay here, with you as long as I possibly can and I need you to tell me, I don't. . . 我所知道的是我想留在这里,尽我所能和你在一起。我需要你告诉我,你不…
This help me to meet with a lot of new friends. That's one of the vital reason why I want to stay in our company for a longer development. 换来了我身边很多朋友,这也是我舍不得我们企业想在这里长期发展的一个非常重要的原因之一。
"If I want to stay here [I have to] look for a district that will sponsor me for a permanent residency visa, " she explains. “如果我想留在这儿,我必须找一个帮我办到永久居留签证的地方。”她解释道。
I hope he can have a group of that day of, I want to stay with him, with his first taste bitter, accompanied him to share his first joy. 我也希望他可以有呼风唤雨的那一天,我想陪着他,陪他品尝第一份苦涩,陪他分享他第一份喜悦。
Even if I can't fly back to the so-called "heaven" , I want to stay with you, staring at you silently. 就算飞不回所谓的“天堂”我也想在你的身旁,默默的凝望着你。
Thank you mam for coming to see me. I want to stay with you a little more time. 当罗恩与赫敏走到一起的时候,我没有为哈利想什么,因为他有了金妮。
If I say, I want to stay with you for life, you will not be touched? 如果我说、我想一辈子陪著你、你会不会感动。?。
I love my school so much that I want to stay with it all my life. 我非常爱自己的学校并希望能永远留在这里。
"I want to stay in Dongguan, " Liu Fangli said as she chatted with her friends at the back of the assembly. “我想留在东莞。”在人群后面与朋友闲聊的刘方丽(音译)说道。
"I have no idea exactly what is going to happen, but I want to stay at Arsenal as I have one more year left, " Gilberto stated. “我不知道到底将会发生什么,但我希望留在阿森纳,因为我还有一年多的合约。”吉尔伯托表示。
But I want to stay with grandpa, he said I can call him that in private. 但我想和祖父呆在一起,他说我私下可以这样称呼他。
Sure I cannot spend the next 15 years on the bench. But I am a hard worker and I want to stay at Juventus. 我当然不能接受未来15年里仍然坐在替补席上,但我很努力地在训练,我想留在尤文图斯。
"I' m really happy here and I want to stay, but so far there has been no talk of a new contract, " said Kuyt. “我在这里确实非常开心,我想要留下,但现在还没有关于新合同的谈判,”库伊特说。
So if I want to stay in the Eurozone, I would have to move to Greece because Slovakia has destroyed it. 所以如果我想继续待在欧元区就得搬到希腊去,因为斯洛伐克搞砸了。
"I have two months to go and the club will decide what they want to do - but of course I want to stay, " he said to reporters. “我还有两个月时间,俱乐部会决定他们怎么做,当然我很想留下来。”他对记者说。
"And I want to stay in this moment, No One can take it away from me. " ~ In This Moment. 我想呆在这个时刻,谁也不能从我这里夺走。
Found a sacred place, lost in your embrace, I want to stay in this forever. 找到了我的圣地,迷失在你的怀抱,但愿永远留在这儿。
I hate to leave. B: Me too. I want to stay. I really like it here. 我不想走。B:我了解。我知道你的感受。我很喜欢这个地方。
But, I want to stay here with you. 可是,我想要和你留下来
I want to stay here for a long time, but I don't know whether you love me or not. 我想成为大家永远的好朋友,不知道大家喜不喜欢我。
I want to stay in your home for a week. 我想在你家呆一个星期。
Get him down to the infirmary! I want to stay with you. 把他带去楼下的医务室!我要和你在一起。
"I know as an American I have an 'out, " ' she said. "But Chinese women don't. I want to stay and help them. " 她说:“我也知道,在美国,我就不会遭此不幸。但中国女性还处在困境中,所以我要留下来帮助她们。”
I wish with you long to, I want to stay with you. 我愿与你长相依,我想与你在一起。
"I want to stay with you always. " says the Swallow. “我要永远陪着你。”小燕子说。