
美 [ɪd]英 [.aɪ'diː]
  • n.【生】遗传基质;本能冲动;身分证
  • v.识别;给(某人)发身份证
  • abbr.(=identification)台名识别
  • 网络入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System);动态服务器(Informix Dynamic Server);入侵侦测系统

复数:IDs 现在分词:IDing 过去式:IDed



n. v.

1.[u][c]身份证明(全写为 identity 或 identification)the abbreviation foridentity oridentification (an official way of showing who you are, for example a document with your name, date of birth and often a photograph on it)

入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System)

入侵检测系统是动态安全防御里的重要环节,现有的入侵检测系统IDS)存在一个致命的缺陷:误报率高居不下,IDS无法展 …

动态服务器(Informix Dynamic Server)

INFORMIX Dynamic ServerIDS)数据库介绍就不多说了,既然使用INFORMIX,就一定有所了解。本文将INFORMIX安装在li…


网络入侵侦测系统(IDS)的目标是在复杂的网络环境中提供防范、检测和对攻击作出反应,并能采取自动抗击措施的工具。要求 …


仅支持入侵监测系统IDS)以对网络安全性侵害进行监控、抵挡及汇报。下表列出了对SPAN/RSPAN话路数量的限制: (1) 功 …

The storage team assigned new data LUNs to the host and provided me with a list of the LUN ids. 存储团队将新的数据LUN分配给主机并为我提供了一个新的LUNid列表。
Local residents say that police regularly swept the area, roughly once a week, checking residents' IDs and sometimes looking inside homes. 当地居民称,警察经常清扫这个地区,大体上一周一次,检查居民的身份证,有时进屋检查。
In this usage, the name associated with the id attribute must be unique with respect to all other style IDs within the current document. 这样用时,id属性的值必须与当前文档中所有其他样式ID的名称都不同。
We solved it by keeping a list of the IDs used for every DITA target, as well as the IDs used for each (temporarily) invalid link. 我们通过保持每个DITA目标所用的ID列表以及每个(暂时)无效链接使用的ID解决了这个问题。
Starting at the last peer ID listed in the Message Route, check if I have a direct connection to any of the listed peer Ids. 起始于消息路由列表中最后的peerID,检查是否我有一个到所有被列出的peerIDs的直接连接。
Now that you know how the IDs work, you'll code the onmouseover and onmouseout attributes to use the last part of the ID. 现在知道了ID的组成,可以编写onmouseover和onmouseout属性来使用ID的最后一部分。
The employers have no right to ask college students to offer security, nor to distrain upon their IDs or other identifications. 用人单位不得要求大学生提供担保,也不得扣押劳动者的居民身份证或者其他证件;
The result of a staff query can be the flag "Everybody, " a set of user IDs or e-mail addresses, or the name of a group of people. 人员查询的结果可以是“每个人”标志、一组用户ID或电子邮件地址,也可以是一组人员的姓名。
The OAT provides a simple, easy-to-use GUI for the DBA to obtain the current performance details of IDS. OAT通过一个容易使用的GUI向DBA提供当前的详细IDS性能数据。
Notice that the same control IDs are used for the controls that make up the Login template as in the default template. 请注意,组成登录模板的控件与默认模板中的控件使用相同的控件ID。
IDList is a class used for bulk updates that contains a list of IDs and a type attribute whose legal values are topic, response, and any. IDList是一个用于bulk更新的类,它包含了一个ID列表和一个type属性,该属性的合法值为topic、response和any。
The item names can be added with a name mapping table which contains the item ids and a corresponding description. 商品的名称可以通过一个名称映射表添加,该表包含商品id及相应的描述。
Some of these verbs can return potentially large sets of user IDs to be assigned to an authorization role. 这些谓词中有些可能返回要分配到授权角色的潜在较大用户ID。
This is a revolutionary improvement; with which, IDS is able to utilize disk spaces more efficiently and also easier to manage. 这是一项革命性的提高;通过这项提高,IDS可以更有效地利用磁盘空间,并更容易地管理它们。
In addition, settings for the PUBLIC user ID define the default settings to be used for user IDs that do not have their own setting. 此外,PUBLIC用户ID的设置定义了缺省设置,以便用于没有自己的设置的用户ID。
IDs apply the ADDIE model or some variation of it to develop quality training that satisfies the needs of the identified target audience. 指导设计师应用ADDIE模型或它的变化模型来开发满足特定目标听众需要的质量培训。
In a migration scenario, legacy sources might contain entity records with IDs that are referenced in other parts of the enterprise. 在迁移场景中,遗留源可能包含这样的实体记录,在企业的其他部分中引用了这些记录的ID。
Now, before the application is able to advise the IDS transaction branch to commit its part the IDS engine crashes due to a power cut. 现在,在应用程序可以通知IDS事务分支提交它这一部分之前,IDS引擎由于断电发生崩溃。
After both branches for IDS and DB2 are executed the global transaction is ready to commit the modifications. 在IDS和DB2的分支都执行之后,全局事务就准备提交这些修改。
In other words, it's easy to learn a bit about Snort or other IDSes, and get pretty paranoid. 学习一些关于Snort或其他IDS知识是容易的,并且容易因此变得多疑。
Note the IDs given to the select elements and that the second drop-down has no car models in it and is disabled. 请注意那些为选定元素所指定的ID,此外,第二个下拉列表中没有任何汽车模型而且还是禁用的。
Protocol analysis is the main technology that the IDS adopts at present, used to remedy the deficiency of the simple mode matches. 协议分析是目前多数入侵检测系统所采用的技术,用以弥补单纯的模式匹配的不足。
For a social graph, these node IDs will be user IDs, but in a graph storing "favorite" tweets, the destination may be a tweet ID. 对于一个社会化网络图,这些顶点ID即用户ID,但是对于“收藏”推文这样的边,其目标顶点(destinationid)则是一条推文的ID。
Consumers normally take the form of the IDs used to execute applications that connect to MQ. 使用者通常以ID的形式存在,这些ID用于执行连接到MQ的应用程序。
Specifies the name of the new class and provides the default basis for the names of IDs and files on this page. 指定新类的名称,并为该页上的ID和文件的名称提供默认基础。
The IDs can be found right below the thumbnail of each photo, as well as in the information bar in the full size photo page. 该标识可以找到正确低于每张照片缩略图,以及在全尺寸照片页上的信息栏。
In the General tab, specify a name for a new connection, and choose the version of IDS that you are using. 在General选项卡中,指定新连接的名称,并选择要使用的IDS版本。
Without timestamps, you could not effectively sort; without thread IDs and unique numbers, you wouldn't be able to cut things up so neatly. 如果没有时间戳,您就不能有效地排序;如果没有线程ID和唯一编号,您就不能如此整洁地分类信息。
Session. Hash_function allows you to specify the hash algorithm used to generate the session IDs. session.hash_function允许用户指定生成会话ID的散列算法。
The sendmail command will respond with a message advising which IDs can be resolved to a mailer command. 这个sendmail命令的响应是一个消息,它指出哪些ID可以解析为mailer命令。