
美 [ˌaɪ ˈem]英 [.aɪ 'em]
  • n.肌肉注射
  • short.I am
  • 网络即时通讯(Instant Messaging);即时通信(Instant Messenger);即时消息



即时通讯(Instant Messaging)

即时通讯战争风向标动赵玉勇观点:近来国内即时通讯(IM)传言很多,腾讯QQ竞投ICQ,网易入主MSN,虽然消息都未最终证 …

即时通信(Instant Messenger)

即时通信(IM)是指能够即时发送和接收互联网消息等的业务。1998年即时通信的功能日益丰富,逐渐集成了电子邮件、博客、 …



即时信息(instant message)

常用即时信息IM)聊天软件包括腾迅QQ、MSN、SKYPE、新浪UC等,下面是网上营销新观察网站于2006年6月底收集的部 …


所谓即时通讯工具IM)就是基于互联网网络通讯协议产生的点对点或点对面通讯的一种软件。可以提供即时文件、文字、图 …


即时讯息(IM)功能,是一个可以透过网路发送文字讯息的功能。在无法直接进行通话、或者是需要传送文字类资讯等情况时,它将 …

Its up to you. Now, I happen to think its the former. Thats why Im accompanying you on this raid. 我信任是前者,这就是为什么我要伴随你们参加这次突袭。
Im going to show you a strange place where foreigners are more, may be you know it, its YANG SUO XI JIE. 这次你来,我想带你到一个外国人比中国人还多的神秘地方,猜猜是哪里呢,也许你一定听说过吧,那就是阳朔西街。
Im not looking for someone that plans to work on my project at evenings after his daily job, when he has no mood for it, and he stirred. 我不是找工作的人,如打算在晚上对我的项目后,他的日常工作,当他有没有这个心情,他累了。
had i stayed in the boat , im sure it would have been fine , and especially since i had a great leader. 这都先在我脑海里出现。假如我留在船上,肯定大家都会平安到达。
We played some good stuff and the manager is happy with us winning but Im sure he would like to see us killing teams off better than we are. 我们踢得挺好,主教练对我们的胜利也很满意,但我相信他会更乐意看到我们屠了对手…
Im just really trying to take my time now and work on all of this, so I am as happy with it as possible. 我尽量抓紧时间来做上述的这些事情,也尽可能的享受其中。
Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im alive again! When you get out of this retreat. 所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!
He said, Im going to tithe, its my purpose, my reason for living and thats the way Im going to spend the rest of my life, giving. 他说什一奉献是他活著的理由和目的,他在馀生都要施与。
Man just ask her to met up with you and Im gonna show up too. 你约她约会,然后我也跟着现身。
B: Im not sure. You know this kind of jeans are very popular and sells quickly. Please wait a moment. Ill check our stock. 我还拿不准。你知道,这种牛仔裤非常流行,卖得也快。请稍等,我去看看我们的存货。
im getting excited for many goals to achieve ima ready to turn it into reality instead of make believe you ready? 即时消息感到兴奋的许多目标,以实现伊马准备把它变成现实而不是使相信你准备好了吗?
Im learning the system with the Rockets. It's a new team, so I listen to what they've got to say and try not to make any mistakes. 我还在继续学习火箭的体系,这是一支全新的球队,所以我要听取他们给我的建议,这样才能尝试去避免犯错误。
Keith Everson led the buy-out of the company, which is to be known as Sussex IM, and will continue to run the operation. 基思埃弗森率领出公司,这是作为即时苏塞克斯称为购买,并继续执行有关操作。
So we have to spend at least two-and-a-half hours, one tenth of our time, reminding ourselves, No, no: Im Gods child. 所以我们每天至少要花两个半小时,用十分之一的时间提醒自己:不对!
Im trying to make a website, and I need it cheap as possible, preferably using open source software where possible. 余米试图让一个网站,我需要它便宜越好,最好使用开放源码软件在可能的情况。
But you understand that because you know it for yourself and because youre sincere. And Im happy for you. 这个道理你们了解,因为你们自己有体会到,而且你们很诚心,我替你们感到高兴。
Well, to be honest with you. Chinese food is really different from western food. Im not really used to it yet. 嗯,跟你说实话,中餐与西餐有很大的不同。我仍然还不太习惯。
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: Its never necessary to tell me that you think Im right . Well just . Assume it. 没有必要告诉我你认为我是正确的。我们将会。认定是这样。
IM users have a sense of presence of other users, as if they were in a room together. IM的用户有一种存在感,好像他们和另一些人是在同一个房间里。
No need to download any software, just login to any of the above instant messaging (IM) systems to start chatting with your friends. 不需下载任何软件,只要登陆上面的IM,就可以轻松的和您的朋友交谈。
No, Im afraid you misunderstood me. What I was trying to say was. 不,恐怕你误解了。我想说的是……
Injection Molded EVA (IM-EVA): Process whereby ethylene vinyl acetate foam is injected into molds to make it a bit more uniform and durable. 射入铸造了EVA(IM-EVA):过程藉以乙烯乙烯基醋酸盐泡沫被注射入模子做它更多一致和耐久。
If I could just tell her Im sorry, that Im, you know, Im really sorry, and that I didnt mean for any of this to happen. 如果我能向她道歉,告诉她,我真的很抱歉,我不想事情变成这样子。
It is going to be very hectic but im hoping to squeeze a week in somewhere with my family. 真的会忙到飞起,不过我还是希望能挤出一个礼拜左右,和我的家人一起去哪里度个假。
Im trying to Apply as well . . . And stay in the US . . . I think they might need as much help as they can. 并想申请进出口也…和留在美国…我认为他们可能需要尽可能多的帮助他们。
Oh you don't know how bad I wish i could be with you right now! Im not even kidding! I miss you so much! 噢你简直不知道我多希望我现在就可以出现在你面前!我没有在说笑!我很想你!
Ex-Im Bank notified the OECD, and officials said other OECD members encouraged the bank to move forward as a challenge to China's practices. 进出口银行告知了经合组织,官员说,其他经合组织成员鼓励进出口银行更进一步,对中国的融资条件发出挑战。
And after all that I put you through now I see Im not the only one. 而且毕竟,我替你接通我见到的现在我不是唯一的一个。
Now we restart from zero, everyone knows how much Im motivated: Im really determined and want to show my worth. 现在我们从零开始,所有人都知道我充满的多少的动力:我真的决定要证明自己的价值。
Im not quite sure where Ill be this time tomorrow. Probably Ill be down in a lonesome valley, where Ill be hanged from a white oak tree. 我在想,明天的这个时候我会在哪里。也许是在偏僻的山谷里,我就在那里被吊死在一棵白色的橡树上。