
美 [ɪmˈpoʊz]英 [ɪmˈpəʊz]
  • v.使…负担;强派(工);把(次品等)硬卖给
  • 网络规定;把…施加到

第三人称单数:imposes 现在分词:imposing 过去式:imposed

impose tax,impose penalty,impose ban,impose fine,impose burden



CABLE WITH NYLON COATING的翻译是:... ... your day 你的一天 imposes 规定 I going to 我要 ...


2010职称英语-AB练习(2)_诗雨_新浪博客 ... Wikipedia 网络百科全书)’ Imposes 把…施加到…) New Curbs 限制) ...

This imposes quite a substantial burden on the client, even if Cfius ultimately determines there is no control [of the company]. 就算外国投资委员会最终认定客户没有控制(该公司),这个规定也会给客户带来很大的负担。
The general accord with which it has been expressed adds to the great and never_ceasing obligations which it imposes. 普遍共识的表达增加了它所赋予的伟大而永不终止的责任。
However, if this Law does not deem it a crime or imposes a lighter punishment, this Law shall apply. 但是,如果本法不认为是犯罪或者处刑较轻的,适用本法。
It is not the same thing, as you will see, for the subject who speaks, who imposes himself with complete necessity. 你们将会看得出来,对于言谈的生命主体,对于赋加自己以完全的必须性的生命主体,这并不是相同的事情。
One of the main hurdles it imposes is the requirement that most applicants for a German passport relinquish their former nationality . 一大障碍就是强制要求德国护照申请者放弃原来的国籍。
Many Americans seem to prefer coal-fired generators to nuclear power plants without realizing the toll in public health that coal imposes. 许多美国人似乎更喜欢烧煤的发电机,而不是核能发电站,但他们没有意识到煤在公众健康上的影响。
To create a space that inspires, rather than imposes: such a discovery is the foremost challenge of this studio. 要创造的是一个能够激发灵感、而非压迫的空间:这样的探索是该实践课程的最大挑战。
It imposes spending caps for the next 10 years, but leaves the details of what programs would be cut to congressional committees. 协议规定了美国政府未来10年的开支上限,但却把究竟应削减哪些项目的支出留给了国会各委员会。
Another measure imposes checks on firms that shut within a year of being set up, which are considered likely vehicles for fraud. 另一个措施是强制检查那些成立不到一年就关闭的公司,因为这些公司很可能就是那些偷税漏税者用以漏税的幌子。
Better to have no deal than a deal that imposes spending cuts in the next few years. 与其在未来几年实施开支削减的协议,还不如达不成协议。
The restrictions the junta imposes on her after that will not mask her huge moral stature and widespread support. 军政府强加于她身上的束缚之后不再遮盖住她巨大的道德形象和广泛的支持。
Java imposes considerable red-tape overhead in the size of each object (up to 32 bytes, depending on the Java VM used). Java强行在每个对象的大小方面增加了相当大的开销(多达32个字节,取决于所使用的JavaVM)。
The policy imposes hundreds of detailed industrial efficiency standards to a degree unparalleled in any other country in the world. 他说,中国的政策催生了数百个详尽的工业效率标准,其程度是世界上任何其他国家都望尘莫及的。
Within the next five weeks, Congress will have to raise the ceiling it imposes on the federal government's debt. 未来五周之内,众议院将不得不提高它施加给联邦政府的债务上限。
This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered. 这种实验检验给那些人们正在考虑的宇宙论模型施加了限制。
At least in the short term, Kyoto imposes heavy costs on some countries that are hard to explain to voters. 至少在短期内,京都协议向一些国家强加了它们难以向选民解释的沉重负担。
Brazil now imposes a tax of 6% on foreign purchases of its bonds, as well as a smaller tax on bets against the dollar on the futures market. 巴西对外资购买本国债券征收6%的税,另外还对外汇市场的期货美元交易开征稍低的金融交易税。
XML imposes no restrictions on data; each data element can be as long or as short as necessary. XML对数据没有限制;每个数据元素的长短按需要决定。
If the government imposes a cap, it knows the amount of pollution , but polluters do not know what the price of emissions will be . 如果政府强行规定上限,那么政府知道污染的数量,而污染者不知道排放污染物要付出的代价。
This imposes no restriction on objects and permits a set to be implemented without knowing the representation of an object. 这种方法对元素没有任何限制,并且允许在不了解元素的实现方法的情况下实现集合。
Obligation of Good Faith Every contract or duty within this Act imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance or enforcement . 诚信义务本法调整的所有合同或义务在履行或执行时应遵循诚信原则。
Wanted to express my apology in here me to a good beautiful girl, in QQ that diary has injured you, that was I imposes on yours injury. 在这里我想向一个善良的美丽的女孩表达我的歉意,QQ里的那篇日志伤害了你,那是我强加给你的伤害。
Eliminating all four pillars of sound economic policy imposes too much of a cost on tomorrow for too little benefit today. 但,去掉经济政策的四根坚实的柱子实在是为了一点点当下的利益而给未来强加了太多的代价。
That works, but imposes a burden on the animal, since materials and energy have to be diverted to the boosted immune system. 那样是行得通的,但会对动物产生不良影响,因为物力和精力不得不转向提高蚊子免疫系统方面的研究。
If Mr. Obama imposes new sanctions on Syria, it will mark a break from his initial efforts of seeking rapprochement with Mr. Assad. 如果奥巴马对叙利亚实施新的制裁措施,将标志着奥巴马脱离了最初寻求与阿萨德建立友好关系的努力。
Greater consumption of alcohol leads to more motor vehicle accidents and, thus, imposes costs on people who do not drink and drive. 酒的消费越多,带来的交通事故越多,损害了不喝酒和不开车人的利益。
As mentioned above, the basic algorithm imposes a minimum chunk size that can be very wasteful for very small requests. 如上面提到的,基本算法对于很小的请求也征用一个最小的块,这是十分浪费的。
The United States imposes excise taxes on gasoline, tobacco products, liquor, firearms, tires, automobiles, sugar, and fishing tackle. 美国规定需缴纳消费税的商品有汽油、烟草制品、酒、枪炮、轮胎、汽车、糖以及渔具等。
The government, indignant that an innovation should threaten a settled industry, imposes a fine on the cloth-button makers. 政府对这种影响现有工业的创新做法非常愤怒,颁令所有以布来做纽扣的裁缝都会被罚款。
When government imposes a tax or subsidy, price usually does not rise or fall by the full amount of the tax or subsidy. 当政府征税或补贴时,由于全额的税收和补贴,价格通常不会提高或者下降。