in heaven

  • na.在天上的;已死的;究竟
  • 网络在天堂;本义在天堂;到底

in heavenin heaven

in heaven


请问一下这些短语都有什么用?_百度知道 ... but too 很遗憾地 in heaven 究竟 已死 in the world 世界上,到底 ...


舞曲大帝国16-CDHOME亿家娱乐音乐网站 ... LOVE IS LOVE - 爱就是爱 IN HEAVEN - 在天堂 POPCORN KING - 爆米花之王 ...


请问一下这些短语都有什么用?_百度知道 ... but too 很遗憾地 in heaven 究竟 已死 in the world 世界上,到底 ...


牛津大学英语词典 ... The climbers gazed down from on high. 攀登者从高处向下眺望. in heaven 在天上: God on high 天上的神 …


英语中的委婉... ... to have found rest( 本义)得到安息 in heaven( 本义)在天堂 to join one's ancestors( 本义)加入先人的行列 ...


rehash中文 ... quadratic spline interpolation 二次样条插值法... in heaven 究竟,到底 in the heavens 在空中 ...


2010高考英语词汇完型单选秘诀 ... heating a. 加热的,供暖的 in Heaven 在天国 in heaven 高兴之极 ...

Aunt Susan may be a Methodist, and you a Jew, but you know that Aunt Susan deserves a place in heaven anyway. 苏珊姑姑可能是位卫理公会派教徒,而你则是犹太教徒,但你知道不管怎样苏珊姑姑理应能够进入天堂。
Sitting in church, I could picture my mother in heaven, looking young and beautiful just as she did in her favorite photograph. 坐在教堂里,我能想像出母亲在天堂里的样子--看上去年轻、美丽,就像她那张心爱的照片上的样子一样。
We're in heaven and love is all that I need. 我们就像在天堂,我又我要的爱
Tears In Heaven would you know my name If i saw you in heaven? 泪花在天堂如果我看见了您在天堂,您会知道我的名字吗?
The celebration in heaven is going to be an amazing thing and Jesus invites you to be a part of it. 天堂里的庆祝会正变得让人惊奇,耶稣邀请你加入。
It means that you can begin to know God, not only in this life, but when you die you continue on in a relationship with Him in heaven. 这意味着,您就可以开始知道上帝,而不是只在这生活,但是,当你死了你就继续在一个关系,与他在天堂。
That is in the past and whipping yourself into a state of moral indignation does not help your team and does not buy you a place in heaven. 那属于过去,迫使自己处于一种义愤的状态,不会对你的团队有所帮助,也不会帮你买到天堂的一席之地。
"Ode to Joy" filled the auditorium with its sweet sound as if it rose all the way to the angels in heaven. “欢乐颂”充满了甜美的声音,犹如玫瑰礼堂一直到天上的天使。
She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven. 她安慰他说,她也将要离开人世,不久会和他在天堂见面。
The holy Christian church is all believers in heaven and on earth, whether Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, Jew, Mormon, or Methodist. 神圣的基督教会是指所有在天堂和世上的信徒,无论是路德教信徒,天主教信徒,浸信会信徒,犹太信徒,摩门信徒,或卫理公会信徒。
The problem is that sin keeps us from having any relationship with God, let alone an eternal relationship with him in heaven. 问题是,罪防止我们与上帝有密切的关系,更不用说与他在天堂里有永恒的关系了。
Especially love flying a plane flying in blue sky BaiYunZhong, as if only in heaven, and he thought launch can obtain the acme of publicity. 尤其喜爱驾驶飞机翱翔于蓝天白云中,仿佛只有在天上,他思维的发射才能得到极致的张扬。
One wrote: "Michael Jackson is now moonwalking in heaven. Rip. " , while others merely hoped the news turned out to be false. 其中一条写道:“迈克尔·杰克逊现在正在天堂里迈太空步。安息吧。”,而其他人只是希望这则新闻是假的。
Anyhow, we have free-will to choose to be in heaven or to be somewhere else to experience for ourselves. 无论如何我们可以有自由意志,选择要留在天堂还是到别的地方历练。
The poor girl had seen that her grandmother smiled at her in Heaven at the last minute of her life. 这个可怜的小女孩,在她生命的最后时刻,看到了她的外祖母在天国里对她微笑。
Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,不会锈烂,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。
My soul seems to be in heaven when I feel the sea with my heart, not others. 当我用心,而不是其它,来感受大海时,我的灵魂如在天堂。
They asked if he was in heaven and I said yes. They asked if he could talked to them on his cell phone. 他们问爸爸是不是在天堂,我说是的。他们问他能不能通过他的无线电话跟他们通话。
He made us able to talk to Him, and love and worship Him, because He wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven. 他使我们能与他交谈,爱他,敬拜他,因为他要我们在天上永远与他在一起。
Then said the Virgin Mary, "Thou hast not obeyed me, and besides that thou hast lied, thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven. " 圣母玛利亚说:“你没有听我的话,而且你还撒谎。你不配再在天堂住下去了。”
Clapton Eric Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven? 如果我们在天堂相遇,你还会记得我的名字吗?
I looked over to you in heaven, as you stare me with sorrow. 我站在天堂向您俯身凝望,便像您凝望我一样略带忧伤。
If I were in heaven. I'd write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me. 如果我在天堂。我会在每一颗恒星上写下你的名字。这一切都只是为了让你看到你对我意味着(多么重要)
Like a child in a small courtyard to listen to the calls of cricket cricket, the rise of a few twinkling stars in heaven. 就像儿时在小院里听蛐蛐的叫声,抬头数天上闪烁的星星。
The Lord will have the resurrected and glorified believers join Him in the glories of eternal life in heaven. 主会使复活了的荣耀的信徒进入他天国永远的荣耀生命中。
But I wish that she were dead and in heaven, so that she would be able to ask God to help Antonio. 但我希望她死去,去到天堂,这样,她就可以请求上帝帮助安东尼奥。
The consequences are serious, serious enough to me directly related to the University two years is in heaven or in hell, so I decided to do. 这个后果很严重,严重到直接关系着我大学二年是在天堂还是在地狱,所以我决定干了。
She imagined him up in heaven with all the beautiful angels. . . and she was jealous. 她想象着他在天堂里和许多美丽的天使在一起的情景,她感到很妒忌。
The baby's crying sound, Chen in heaven suddenly inspiration impulse, a set of new thoughts like a meteor flash in his mind. 在婴儿的啼哭声中,陈顶天突然灵感迸发,一套全新的思绪如流星般在他脑海里闪过。
Then Emanuel asked him why a certain devout Christian lady who had served God with him in Rwanda was not in heaven. 伊曼纽尔又问,为什么一位和他在卢旺达同工的十分虔诚的姊妹不在天堂?