in love with you

  • 网络和你相爱;爱着你;爱上你

in love with youin love with you

in love with you


群星《欧美名声烧Ⅰ》Sur... ... 10.千年女王 Angel Queen 11.和你相爱 In Love With You 12.最好的留在最后 Save The Best Fo…


gall in... ... vi. 被磨伤 in love with you 和你相爱;爱在你我心中;共堕爱河;爱着你 fall in love with 爱;爱上;相爱;爱上某人 ...


S.H.E “爱上你 (In Love With You)” MV12. Yen-J 严爵 “我喜欢(不,我爱) (I Like (No, I Love))” Song 13.


QQ音乐 播放器--In Love With You ... 想你 恋你 爱你 In Love With You ...


戒指上刻什么好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Love Forever 永远的爱 In love with you爱在你我心中) soulmate (灵魂伴侣) ...


leaving 共有 331 笔相关歌词。 ... 9.without You( 苏芮) Love With You( 张学友黎晶) 10.without You( 失去你) ...


Yao Si Ting - Eternal Singing.... ... 10. Every Time 每一次 11. In Love With You 爱著你 12. A Little Love 一点爱 ...

The craziest thing I have done is to fall in love with you. The greatest wish of mine is to have you with me for a lifetime. 这辈子最疯狂的事,就是爱上了你,最大的希望,就是有你陪我疯一辈子……
Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control. 遇见你是命运,成为你的朋友是选择,爱上你却是完全不能由我控制的。
You know, I have fall in love with you since the first sight I saw you. 从我第一眼看到你,我就喜欢上了你。
Deadly don't change in love with you, because you are the one that I'm going to be looking for. 死性不改的爱着你,因为你才是我要寻找的那个唯一。
My dear Eliza, he must be in love with you, or he would never have called on us in this familiar way. 亲爱的伊丽莎,他一定爱上你啦,否则他决不会这样随随便便来看我们的。
Xiaoli Dear: I think you at all times, since the first time I see you have been in love with you, Do not you know? 亲爱的小丽:我每时每刻都在想你,自从第一次见到你我就已经喜欢上你了,你难道不知道?
In your present life she fell in love with you just to repay the favor you had done for her in last life. 她今生和你相恋,只为还你一个情。
Miss Bingley sees that her brother is in love with you, and wants him to marry Miss Darcy. 彬格莱小姐看出他哥哥爱上了你,可是她却希望他和达西小姐结婚。
Well, if I said I was madly in love with you, you know I was lying. 嗯,如果我说我爱你爱得要死,你知道我是在说谎。
As you know, I love you, and fervently, forever, really in love with you. 如你所知,我爱你,而且狂热地、永远地、真心地爱着你。
When keeping the ambiguity with you , I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving. 当对你保持模糊的时候,我害怕我会爱上你,也害怕我会因你离开我而哭泣。
Qian Mingkun, you know your sence of humor is growing stronger and stronger over time, I find a little bit in love with you now, no kidding. 老钱,你越来越有幽默感了,感觉自己都有点爱上你了哦,真事儿!
Have I told you lately how much I am in love with you? No? Think about it, have a great life. 我最近有没有跟你说过我有多爱你?没有吧?想想这是为什么。记得要好好活下去。
One of the most crazing thing in the world is having someone who fall in love with you thought you never had a chance with. 世界上最令人激动的一件事情是原本以为没有机会靠近的人,尽然喜欢上了你
I with you together and natural and unrestrained but I found my natural and unrestrained falling in love with you. 我在与你潇洒的相处中我却发现我潇洒的爱上了你。
I must tell you, that just after we parted yesterday, I saw a young man looking at you so earnestly -- I am sure he is in love with you. 我得告诉你,我们昨天刚一分手,我就见到一个小伙子在使劲地看你。我敢断定,他爱上你了。
From the first time I saw you I fell in love with you, you know how much I love you? 从第一次见到你我就爱上了你,你知道我有多爱你吗?
When last we left you, you were in love with, you know. 你离开前还疯狂爱着…你知道的
I'm still in love with you. I spend each day here waiting for a miracle, but it's just you and me going through the mill. 我依然深爱着你。我每天都再等待奇迹的出现,但是只有你和我经历过的轨迹。
You used to laugh when I said I fell in love with you the moment we met but I did. 当我说我在见到你那一刻就爱上你时你曾笑话我,但那是真的。
Well, if I said I was madly in love with you, you'd know I was lying. 如果我说我很疯狂地爱你,那我肯定是在说谎。
'Do you know something? I'm seriously beginning to be afraid I could fall in love with you. You'd better ask Prudence. ' 我真怕我真的爱上您了,您知道吗?还是问问布吕丹丝吧。
every man is afraid of something. that's how you know he's in love with you; when he is afraid of losing you. 每个人都会害怕些什么,所以如果你发现一个男人很怕失去你,那是因为爱上你了。
It was never my intention to fall in love with you, I only want you to be happy. 从来不是有意爱上你,却有意想要让你幸福。
Darling, to be honest, I've already fallen in love with you. And I believe I will love you forever! 我亲爱的,其实,我心里早已有你。而且我相信,我会爱你直到永远!
Since falling in love with you, I shut the door of love, the heart and soul to love you! 自从和你相爱,我关上了爱的门,心和灵魂都是为了爱你!
Can you please just suck it up and accept the fact that she is not in love with you anymore? 拜托你能不能振作起来接受她已经不爱你了的这个事实?
Even if you feel sad, you should not pull a long face, because you do not know who will fall in love with you smile face. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
When I found I fell in love with you, all my plans about life changed because you were part of my life. 当我发现爱上你,所有生活计划改变因为你成为了我的一部分。
When I really fell in love with you, I found that, and ultimately what I want, just you to be happy. Even if it, is not a with you. 当我真正爱上了你,我发现,最终我想要的,只是你能快乐。哪怕,不是与你。