in the cage

  • 网络在笼中;在笼子中;在笼子里

in the cagein the cage

in the cage


英文世界名著(二)-铜版画爱好者-搜狐博客 ... Glasses《 镜中世界》 In the Cage在笼中》 The Beast in the Jungle《 丛林猛 …


英语重点词组复习doc--预览... ... tiny germs 微小的细菌 14 in the cage 在笼子中 15 take good care of sb 照顾好某人 ...


IV.英汉互译_百度知道 ... 把它变成金子 turn it into gold 在笼子里 in the cage 释放 set free ...

It looked like an ordinary cat, so they decided to find another one to put in the cage. 这猫看起来也就像普通的猫,所以他们决定找另外一只放进笼子里。
When the boat had almost reached the dock, the goose in the cage looked up and called especially loudly to the goose in the air. 当船快要到码头的时候,笼子里的雁往上看,向着空中那只雁叫得更响了。
"He seems to do better on the range than in the cage. He just seems to be a happier chicken. " “散养比在笼子里让它更舒服。它简直就像一只快乐的鸡。”
They don't even have to carry out the sentence. . . Just seeing him in the cage is enough. 他们甚至不必进行审判…仅仅看到他被关进笼子就已足够。
One year later, in happy look they began to sing songs in the cage. It seemed that they'd grown used to this artificial surrounding. 一年以后,它们对这个人工环境已经习惯,它们在笼子里歌唱着,显得很高兴。
But when he came out, the parrot was sitting in the cage. The door was open. 但当他出来的时候,鹦鹉正在笼子里,笼门还开着。
Perches need to be mounted in the cage so that the bowls for water and food will not be fouled by the falling droppings of the birds. 栖息木需要安装在笼子中间,以便鸟滴落粪便时不会弄脏碗里的水和食物。
The bear is walking up and down in the cage. 那只熊在笼子里来回走动着。
"You must have been dreaming again old man, " said the dog in the cage next to him. “你必须又是在做梦了,老家伙。”隔壁狗屋里的狗说。
As long as the big bird in the cage was born in time to call a sound, it immediately to the withdrawal of fly. 只要大鸟在笼里生气儿地叫一声,它立即飞回笼里去。
Locked up in the cage like a tiger, yeah! 像只被锁在牢笼的老虎耶!
The pinions in the cage start to spin as the car begins to turn, allowing the wheels to move at different speeds. 壳体内的小齿轮在车辆转向时开始转动,以此实现两侧车轮以不同的转速旋转。
This defense helped me to sleep in the cage, where I dreamt of the time I first gazed into his captivating brown eyes. 这种防御让我能够在笼子里入睡,在梦中我一再重现着第一次凝视进他那充满魅力的褐色眼睛时的场景。
I recalled that I used to chase young birds, catch them and put them in the cage as pets. 我记得我常常会追鸟,把小鸟抓起来,放在笼子里当宠物。
like asking canary, escape may be due to not adapt to the harsh environment and starved to death, why not stay quiet in the cage. 就像在问金丝雀,出逃可能会因不适应恶劣的环境而饿死,为什么不安静地呆在笼子里。
If not met you, I also own imprisonment at the beautiful and sad in the cage, the delay can not get out to . . . . . . 如果没有遇见你,我是否还把自己禁锢在那个美丽而忧伤的牢笼里,迟迟走不出来……
Haunted Object Dog Dish - At the mall's pet shop, touch the dog dish in the cage at the back corner, near the fish tanks. 狗盆,还是在宠物店,走到狗笼前面触发事件,同样在鱼缸附近,见下图。
The town was so small , and so was their home, she felt like a birdie confined in the cage, being stuck in a small town , and a small home. 小城那么小,他们的家也那么小,她感觉自己像一只关在笼子里的小鸟,被困在小城里,被困在小家里。
(At the first session, one attorney demanded a DNA test to prove that the man in the cage was indeed Mr Mubarak, and not an imposter). (在首次开庭时,曾有律师要求进行DNA测试以证实笼子中的人的确是穆巴拉克本人)。
Fourth stage of operation in the cage department. Simultaneously cuts out all pockets required in blank, maintaining proper top dimensions. 在保持架部门的第四步工序。同时按要求在切出保持架兜孔,维持合适的尺寸。
How to put the bird back in the cage remains a problem. 如何把鸟放进笼子里仍是个问题。
The children look at the tiger in the cage in wonder . 孩子们惊异地看着笼子里的老虎。
I've heard college students put themselves in a cage to make people think how animals feel like being in the cage. 我听说有大学生把自己关在笼子里让人们来感受动物被关在笼子里的感觉。
Third stage of operation in the cage department; size blanks uniformly to proper outer diameter length and inner diameter dimensions. 保持架加工的第三步工序;将毛胚件加工到适当的长度和内径。
Construction of such facilities in the cage staircase issued ear-piercing noise, dust from buildings fluttering down from time to time. 施工用的笼梯等设施发出刺耳的噪音,粉尘不时从建筑物上飞舞下来。
Is prostrate in the cage during the day, by night, running in multi-hop, constantly feeding and drinking water. 就是白天多伏卧于笼舍中,晚上多跳跃跑动,不断采食和饮水。
She places a small Perspex box next to an opening in the cage and Anna jumps in immediately to grab the marshmallow on offer. 莎拉将小玻璃笼置于笼口处,安娜随即跳入,抓起笼里的小号果汁软糖。
Alexander is going to sleep on a straw carpet and eat as often as the animals in the cage do. Alexander将睡在一条草编毯子上,并随笼内动物的进食频率就餐。
As I sat in the cage of the dentist's waiting room, I watched two other patients arrive. 当我坐在牙医诊所等候室这个笼子里,我看到另外两位患者来到这里。
One afternoon, when Hans was reading the book, the cat was staring at the bird in the cage above a dresser. 一天下午,当汉斯正在读这本书时,那只猫就盯着在梳妆台上笼子里的鸟。