in the deep

  • 网络在深处;我心深处;在心灵的深处

in the deepin the deep

in the deep


《百年经典欧美金曲》 ... 04 Grazy In Love 疯狂爱 05 In The Deep 在深处 06 He's A Pirate 他是一个海盗 ...


飘然轻落 日志 - 青萍之末 - 闪吧新社区 -... ... 水之舞 Waterdance - Waterbone 我心深处 In the deep - Bird York ...


求in... ... now you're out there swimming 现在,你逃离了一切,游弋着 in the deep 在心灵的深处 thought you had 所有的思绪 ...


好听的英文歌曲_百度知道 ... 1.Comfortably Numb< 无间道风云> 2.In The Deep< 撞车> 3.Blue Morgan< 百万宝贝> ...


The rose in the wind ... 水中有鱼 And a fish 心中有君 In the deep 鱼难离水 And a man ...

Jim said he felt like an otter, since he loved to turn and twist in the deep pools and could swim under water a long ways. 吉姆说感觉自己像个水獭,他喜欢在深水潭里戏水,他还可以在水下潜游很长一段距离。
"Very thick" marine muds, he said, were laid down in the deep ocean, trapping the creatures' bodies below the influence of storms. “很厚的”海洋泥,他说,奠定了在深海下,捕捉低于风暴影响动物的尸体。
I come from the Great Wall, in the deep desert where eagles are flying over the lonesome smoke, how much disturbances black and white! 我来自长城边,孤烟大漠的深处,鹰飞过的草原的深处,有着多少风风雨雨黑黑白白。
In the deep shadows of his eyes floated some reminiscences that did not seem to give him much joy. 在他那双眼睛的两道阴影中,却浮现出一种似乎是使他惆怅的回忆。
It was the cool gray dawn, and there was a delicious sense of repose and peace in the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods. 此时正值凉爽的、灰蒙蒙的黎明时分,林子里一片静谧,给一种甜蜜的安息与和平的气氛围扰着。
Staff working for the Census of Marine Life said the diversity of life in the deep sea was much greater than previously believed. 海洋生物统计局的工作人员称,深海生物的多样性远远高于此前估计。
However, he hated the corruption of this world in the deep of his heart, he could do nothing to this but only to be a good boy with a mask. 然而内心深处却憎恶着这个腐败的世界,却无能为力,只能带着面具做一个学乖的好孩子。
They saw hallmarks of glioma growth in the deep brain that were previously known in tumors described as surficial (on or near the surface). 他们看到了神经胶质瘤在大脑深部的特征性生长方式,与生长在表面的肿瘤相同。
The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mother' fears for his safety. 那个男孩不顾母亲对他安全的担扰,跑到深湖中游泳。
So there's a language of light in the deep ocean, and we're just beginning to understand it. 在深海有一种光的语言,而我们才刚刚开始了解它。
The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mother's fears for his safety. 那个男孩不顾母亲对他的安全的担忧,依旧跑到深湖中游泳。
The deformations on the surface and in the deep are very small, which indicates the slope during the operating period is stable. 高边坡地表变形和深部位移量很小,说明运行期边坡稳定性良好。
Once you know you can swim in the deep end of human connection, it's fun to splash around in the shallows. 然后假装出大家同乐的样子)一旦你知道自己能在关系“深”处畅游,在浅水中嬉戏是一种乐趣。
Kai calendar lift dust-laden, memorable years has gone, life in the deep to talk to you: to write their own life without any regrets. 掀启尘封的日历,回味已经逝去的岁月,生命在深沉地向你倾诉:给自己的人生写上无悔。
Reminds me of the snow- white lived in the deep forest , far away from the stately castle , far away from her own Lithe and cozy bed . 住在森林里的白雪公主,远离堂皇的城堡,不能睡在自己柔软舒服的床上。
Another company, Neptune Minerals, based in London and Sydney, has completed test drilling in the deep waters near New Zealand. 另一家公司是海王星矿业公司,分别设在伦敦和悉尼。该公司已经在新西兰附近完成了深水钻探。
It was romantic and mysterious to stand here in the deep gloom and look out upon the green valley shining in the sun. 站在这黑暗的地方,看着阳光下绿莹莹的山谷真是既浪漫,又神秘。
Until recently, scientists knew little about life in the deep sea, nor had they reason to believe that it was being threatened. 前不久,科学家们对深海生物还知之甚少。他们也不相信海洋生物正在受到威胁。
It's hard for me to go to bed with the chickens, I always go to bed in the deep night. 早睡对我而言是件很困难的事情,通常我都睡得很晚。
In the deep valley, there is a hidden cave, it is not artificial cut, but cleverly made of natural, artificial and enough to match. 在山谷幽深之处,有一个隐蔽的山洞,这不是人工开凿的,而是大自然巧妙作成的,足可以和人工媲美。
If the Earth did not have the ability to store oxygen in the deep reaches of its mantle there would probably be no life on its surface. 如果地球没有在地幔深处贮藏氧气的能力,很可能就没有生命生活在其表面。
The metamorphic fluid activity in the deep parts of crust can be in episodic manner and produce episodic tectonic movements. 地壳深部的变质流体可能也是呈幕式活动并产生幕式的构造运动。
Way back in the deep woods there lived a scrawny old woman who had a reputation for being the best conjuring woman in the Ozarks. 方式后面在那里深森林居住有名誉在是上最佳的召唤的妇女在奥扎克族印第安人的一个骨瘦如柴的老妇人。
The strength of a man isn't in the deep tong of his voice. It is in the gentle words he whispers . 衡量一个男人并不是以他低沉的嗓音来衡量,而是以他温柔的低语来判断。
A case of false aneurysm in the deep femoral artery following osteosynthesis of an intertrochanteric femoral fracture is presented. 本文报告壹例;股骨转子间骨折经由接骨术产生深股动脉之假性动脉瘤,参阅文献;
I lead a happy life in the deep mountains far away from the town like a hermit, subsisting chiefly on fish and vegetables. 就这样我像一个隐士一样在远离城市的山林中隐居了起来,开始了以蔬菜跟鱼类为生的快乐生活。
pines in the deep valley in the roar rising, listen as if swept under the bed too, the sound of sobs, is Xin Chan. 松涛在深谷中呼啸升起,细听仿佛就在床底下席卷而过,其声呜咽,令人心颤。
In the deep ocean near Newfoundland, years of silt slowly Titanic's wreckage buried, as in burying a never healing wound. 在纽芬兰附近的大洋深处,岁月的淤泥缓慢地掩埋着泰坦尼克号的残骸,就像在掩埋一个永远无法愈合的伤口。
Some of these animals that live in the deep ocean only feed once or twice a year. 有些生活在深海的生物每年只进食一两次。这里不像有四处游荡的鲑鱼或高速飞过的金枪鱼的地方。
Also, the competitors and predators of a species often don't reach an island, but competition and predation in the deep sea can be intense. 竞争者和动物天敌通常也不会到达这个小岛,但是深海的竞争和掠食却很猛烈。