in the spotlight

  • 网络站在聚光灯圈里;聚光灯下;出风头

in the spotlightin the spotlight

in the spotlight


美式英语... ... in the dark 在黑暗中(茫然,什么也不知道) in the spotlight 站在聚光灯圈里(出风头) get hitched 拴起来(结婚) ...


学英语报社-大学周刊 ... Fashion & Life 爱尚生活 In the Spotlight 聚光灯下 Hit Music 音乐发烧友 ...


猜猜看1_heardsaid_新浪博客 ... 18、in the dark 茫然,一无所知 19、in the spotlight 出风头 20、It’s Greek to me. 这对我是天 …


board - 英汉词典 ... give away 1. 分发或赠予(某物) in the spotlight 处于公众注意的中心 public amenities 公共娱乐场所/设施 ...


BBC 英语教学 ... an eclectic mix 各种各样的混合 in the spotlight 出风头;(成为)公众注目的焦点 passengers 乘客 ...


有用的英语知识5 - 西北大学... ... 勇敢的,有胆量的 courageous 在聚光灯下 in the spotlight 职业生涯衰落 flagging career ...


考试吧推... ... in the sense of 从。。。意义上说 in the spotlight 成为注意中心;出风头 in the strictest sense 最严格的意义上 ...


在镁光灯下》(In the Spotlight) 一书的作者凯西(Kathy)是沃尔特·克朗凯特(Walter Cronkite)的女儿。 她为撰写此书 …

It is hard not to feel a twinge of pity; few would envy such a life in the spotlight as teenage hormones start to kick in. 这难免令人遗憾:很少有人会嫉妒一种连蠢蠢欲动的青春期都要暴露在聚光灯下的生活。
Having growing up in the spotlight as a child star of Harry Potter, Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she's all grown up. 凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。
HRN: You mentioned silver as a way to preserve wealth but gold seems to be in the spotlight. 你刚才提到聚光灯银,以此来保存财富,但黄金似乎是在。
Man behind the WikiLeaks: Julian Assange dropped secret dispatches from wars, but those diplomatic cables really put him in the spotlight. “维基解密”幕后人:朱利安·阿桑奇(JulianAssange)将战争中的秘密置于世人眼前,这些外交电报把他推向了风口浪尖。
At this point, the porcelain in its own unique temperament, back in the spotlight. 此时,景德镇青白瓷以其自身独特的气质,重新回到人们的视野中。
They're in the spotlight and feel as if they always need to have the right answer to protect their image. 他们是公众人物,因此总是觉得为了维护自身形象就必须正确回答问题。但实际上,你只需要对率真的自我感到自豪就可以。
Look! Jordan is flying and dunking the ball! Attaboy! He is always a superstar in the spotlight. 瞧!乔丹飞身投篮!好啊!他总是众所瞩目的超级明星。
Now Artangel has decided that it's the turn of lesbian asylum seekers to take their place in the spotlight. 艺术天使决定现在轮到女同性恋政治避难的寻求者们站在聚光灯前了。
I wanted to be up there in the spotlight, hear people cheering as I told my stories in dance, see people standing as they clapped for me. 我要人看我跳舞,听我唱歌,大声来说我的名字,为我喝彩和鼓掌。
For Zeng, this was just the start of her life in the spotlight. 对曾晶来说,这仅仅是她成名之路的开始。
But his wife, Li Ling, is powerful too and will find herself in the spotlight more as trade disputes rise amid the sour global economy. 但随着全球经济低落,贸易争端增加,他同样强势的妻子李玲发现自己也将处于聚光灯之下。
The pop star's "Confessions" world tour and her adoption of a baby boy in the African country of Malawi put her back in the spotlight. 这位流行天后的“告白”全球巡演以及收养非洲马拉维一名男婴让其重新成为焦点人物。
Now that they were so much in the spotlight, and in the money, they fell into bickering, demoralized, warring factions. 由于过多地暴露在聚光灯下,手里又握着大把的钞票,他们陷入了争吵不休、意志消沉和势不两立的内讧当中。
There was plenty of evidence that Greece is no longer in the spotlight for financial markets. 很多证据表明希腊目前已经不是金融市场所关注的焦点。
The Spanish teenager finds himself in the spotlight now the Frenchman has left Highbury for Juventus. 这个西班牙小伙认为在法国人…(不翻译)后他一直成为瞩目焦点。
Just like anyone else I went through my growing pains except that the only difference was that I was in the spotlight. 正如我的痛苦生活中遇到的其他人一样,不同的是,我生活在聚光灯下。
To date, his secondary status to Blair has meant a limit to the number of private moments he has had to act out in the spotlight. 迄今为止,作为布莱尔首相之后的二号人物,布朗还未曾在聚光灯下大量展示过他的私人生活。
Madonna has all the brass of her Leo Sun sign, but it's not just her boldness that keeps her in the spotlight. 狮子座的麦当娜继承了这个星座的厚脸皮,但恰恰是因为这份大胆让她一直成为媒体关注的焦点。
As a once and future politician, Mr Emanuel was used to being in the spotlight and brought his dramatic ways to the West Wing. 曾经是以后也将是名政客的Emanuel习惯于出现在聚光灯下以及将自己的引人注目的行事方式引入行政办公室。
But there are also advantages to not being in the spotlight, including taking pressure off the U. S. from a political standpoint. 但是不在聚光灯下也有好处,从政治角度来看包括给美国政府减压。
will accompany someone who does. Or in another case, a performer will not always have a solo and the chance to be in the spotlight. 生活和交响乐另外一个类似的地方是,演奏者可能并不总是有悦耳的音符,但他还是要伴随着其他人的演奏。
Maybe it was because we both understood what it was like to be in the spotlight from a very, very young age. 可能是因为在很小很小的时候,我们都知道在聚光灯是个什么样子。
Sure. His $8, 888, 888 donation to his school at Yale University has put him in the spotlight. 当然知道。他捐了888.8888万美元给他曾经就读的耶鲁大学某学院,这件事已经使他成为了焦点人物。
Degenerative diseases are always in the spotlight due to developments in contemporary medicine and improving longevity. 随著医疗的进步以及人类寿命的延长,退化性疾病也日亦受到人们的重视。
Two days after the great win against AC Milan, Hasan Salihamidzic is still in the spotlight at Juventus. 战胜米兰的伟大胜利两天后,哈桑。萨利哈米季奇依然是尤文图斯阵中的焦点人物。
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday used what is called a privileged resolution to keep the Iraq controversy in the spotlight. 议院中少数民族的领袖NancyPelosi周四将所谓的为保持伊拉克论战特权的解决方式提到了公众关注的中心位置。
Stunned by Henry's flying start and maybe their week in the spotlight, too, Reading were a shadow of their Championship-winning selves. 被亨利的表现吓晕或许是他们的闪光灯的雷丁,为他们的联赛征程留下了阴影。
While Apple Inc. 's iPhone seems always to be in the spotlight, HTC Corp. has been getting some attention in the smartphone market. 果公司(AppleInc.)的iPhone似乎总是处于聚光灯下,与此同时,宏达国际(HTCCorp.)在智能手机市场也获得了一定的关注。
The Warriors, Timberwolves, Clippers and Kings all will be interesting to see, even if they won't get much time in the spotlight. 金州勇士队,森林狼队,快船队还有国王队,即使他们不能有很多的时间在聚光灯下。
Lack simply cannot hold up in the spotlight of love. 缺失感根本不能阻挡爱成为你关注的焦点。