
美 [ɪn]英 [ɪn]
  • prep.参与;参加;穿着;进入
  • adv.进入;在内;上涨;在里面
  • n.执政党;〈美口〉入口;门路;提携
  • adj.流行的;时髦的
  • abbr.(=indium)【化】(铟)
  • 网络在……里面;输入端(inputs);用




1.在(某范围或空间内的)某一点at a point within an area or a space

2.在(某物的形体或范围)中;在…内;在…中within the shape of sth; surrounded by sth

3.进入into sth

4.构成…的整体(或部分);包含在…之内forming the whole or part of sth/sb; contained within sth/sb

5.在(某段时间)内during a period of time

6.在(某段时间)之后after a particular length of time

7.在(某段时间)内for a particular period of time

8.穿着;戴着wearing sth

9.(用以描述具体的环境)used to describe physical surroundings

10.(表示状态或状况)used to show a state or condition

11.参与;参加involved in sth; taking part in sth

12.(显示工作或职业)used to show sb's job or profession

13.(显示某物的形式、形状、安排或数量)used to show the form, shape, arrangement or quantity of sth

14.(表示使用的语言、材料等)used to show the language, material, etc. used

15.关于;在…方面concerning sth

16.做…时;…发生时;当…时while doing sth; while sth is happening

17.(引出具某种品质的人的名字)used to introduce the name of a person who has a particular quality

18.(显示比率或相对数量)used to show a rate or relative amount


in that

原因是;因为for the reason that; because


人教版七年级上册英语... ... at prep. 在……(里面或附近);在……(点、刻);以 in prep. 在……里面 the art. 表示特指的人 …


输入端(IN)使用1µF电容旁路至地时,可提供±15k HBM ESD保护。所有器件提供小型6引脚(1.5mm x 1.0mm) µDFN封装,工 …

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... OK interj. 好;不错 in prep. (表示方法,媒介,工具等) English n. 英语;英文 ...


初中英语单词表:新目标初中英语(八年级下册) ... robot 机器人 in 在里面;在内 We were locked in. 我们被锁在里面了。 ...

三招快速背英语单词的方法_百度文库 ... (co+here 粘→粘在一起) (co+in + (co+ordin 顺序+ ...

It does not, in and of itself, provide localized behavior; classes must provide localization themselves. 它自己本身并不提供本地化的行为;类必须自己提供本地化。
It must have been a very moving scene, but what a pity I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I can only picture it in my mind longingly. 那情景必然是非常动人的,可惜我从未能见到,只是心向往之而已。
Now, you can start to see how UNIX fits in and is a vital part of SOA in most enterprise environments. 现在可以开始查看如何装配UNIX,以及它如何成为大多数企业环境中SOA的重要组成部分。
That dour, delicate revolutionary and I had developed a curious relationship over the nearly four years of secret meetings in Paris. 在将近四年的巴黎秘密会谈中,这位面孔通常阴森森的职业革命家与我建立了一种奇特的关系。
For more complex projects I sometimes go a little further by discussing the Exploration Factor in terms of a number of categories. 对于更复杂的项目,我有时会更进一步,讨论若干类别内的探索因子。
In fact, it seems the more you adapt a best practice to be applicable across the Dreyfus range, the more it starts to look like a pattern! 实际上,当一个最佳实践在Dreyfus模型的范围内愈加适用,它就愈像一个模式了!
Noah : The second one which with an image of a reel of film, tells the long history of volunteering for the Olympics in a single image. 旅途:第二张借用电影胶片形象,记录志愿者服务历史,表现志愿者参与奥运、服务奥运、奉献奥运的精神。
If you were in the business, you would have been insane not to want him because he had a great flair to his game. 在生意场上,你不想要他那你就是疯了,因为他对比赛有着伟大的判断力。
I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. 那时,我不晓得它离我那么近,而且是我的,这完美的甜蜜,已在我心灵深处绽放。
Do not refer to what you are going to tell them in 'this sermon. ' 不要提及在你“本次讲道”中将要告诉他们的内容。
At the April G20 summit in London, world leaders called for a fundamental re-engineering of the international systems. 在4月份于伦敦举行的20国集团首脑会议上,全球领导人呼吁彻底变革国际体系。
Morning everybody, Now as you know, this morning we're going to talk about our latest products in our range of games. 早上好,各位,我们现在要来谈我们玩具系列中的最新产品。
Made from the finest chocolate from Rococo Chocolates in London, the shots come in a beautifully packed black presentation box with ribbon. 由上等伦敦洛可可巧克力制成,整套杯子还有一个包装精美、带丝带的礼品盒。
"They did not have the credit capacity to stay in the game. And there was market pressure to get out of the business. " 他还说:“它们不具备信誉继续玩下去。市场压力也使它们最终退出该业务。”
it even occurred to me that some enamoured maidservant had stolen in to keep a tryst with her sweetheart. 我甚至想到,是一个风流的女仆溜进园子来跟她的心上人幽会。
The plane with its wings spread, just like an eagle, wassoaring in the sky. 飞机展开翅膀,像鹰一样在空中飞翔。
Civic leaders in London and Los Angeles said they might be able to take the Games instead, if they worked quickly. 伦敦和洛杉矶的市政部门负责人表示,如果动作够迅速的话,他们或许能接手承办奥运会。
A project manager has an upcoming meeting and the task updates for her team do not appear in her reports. 项目经理即将参加会议,而其团队的任务更新并未出现在其报表中。
No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it, when one tasted an inexhaustible treasure-house of flavors. 不应该是这样的。品尝无尽的美味时,最妙的部分是想得到它的急切心情和端坐着打量它的满足。
In cellular network, frequency must be assigned to call requests and the frequency number of the whole network is minimized. 在蜂窝网络中,需要根据呼叫请求对频率进行分配,同时使得整个网络所需的频率最少。
I would rather you to hate me for my lifetime than to fall in love with me. 我想要你恨我一辈子,也不愿你爱上我的英文怎么说??
in this week's mailbag, especially after he made some comments at a function on Wednesday night, just two days before his trade to Detroit. 雨刷伯在本周的球迷们邮件中是一个被广为谈论的话题,特别是在星期三晚上的一些特别的评论之后,在他被交易到底特律的两天前。
Neighbors at the safe house had no idea drugs were moving in and out of the apartment until the cops showed up on Friday, witnesses said. 直到周五警察现身,毒品贩子安全住所的邻居们对搬进搬出的毒品还毫无察觉,目击者说。
Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobile fumes are gone. 温热的海绵浴将满足人们的需要。同时,尽管人们居住地的空气不是时时都芬香,但再也没有机动车排出的废气。
So I said I wanted my own office in the next place. But then, in the end, we have one big room. 所以我说过希望自己的办公室与他分开,但最终的结果还是俩人共用一间大办公室。
Governor Schwarzenegger spoke with reporters after touring Malibu Monday, and said he hoped for a change in the weather. 在周一视察过Malibu之后,州长Schwarzenegger向记者表示,他希望气候能有所改观。
But they do not know if this applies to all children, or just those in this study. 但是,他们尚不知这是否对每个孩子都适用,或者仅限于此次的研究对象。
The existence of these formulas led to a search for their explanation in terms of the microscopic structure of gases. 这些公式的存在,导致了通过气体微观结构来解释它们的探索。
It had been Adolf Ogi's idea for me to get involved in the event and I was fascinated by the idea on the spot! 能够参加这次活动,完全是因为阿道夫。奥吉他的想法,而我立刻就被他的想法吸引了。
All in all, Ericsson's theory sounds logical and appealing, but part of me rises up in rebellion. 总而言之,艾里克斯的理论似乎合乎逻辑和易懂,但在我有点不赞成他的观点。