
美 [ɪnˈklaɪnd]英 [ɪn'klaɪnd]
  • adj.想(做某事);有…倾向;很可能
  • v.“incline”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络倾斜的;倾向…的;倾向于



1.[nbn]~ (to do sth)想(做某事)wanting to do sth

2.~ to do sth有…倾向;很可能tending to do sth; likely to do sth

3.~ to agree, believe, think, etc.(温和地表达意见)倾向于同意(或相信、认为等)used when you are expressing an opinion but do not want to express it very strongly

4.有(某种)天赋的;宁愿(做某事)的having a natural ability for sth; preferring to do sth


Esp词汇资料 ... inklin'a:disposed 有倾向, inclined 倾斜的 klinik'o:clinic 诊所,临床讲解临床学门诊部 9 ...


张红岩TOEFL ... incite v. 引起,激动,煽动 inclined adj. 倾向的 incoherent adj. 不连贯的 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... sustained 持久的,经久不衰的 inclined 倾向于,赞成的 disinclined 不愿的 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... helplessness n. 无助 inclined a. 倾向于…的 incompetent a. 能力不足的 ...


大学英语精读单词表 -... ... talkative a. 好说话的; 健谈的 inclined a. 有…倾向的 attentive a. 专注的; 体贴的, 殷勤的 ...


Why do you want to learn English?_Idle... ... 12.logic 道理,理由 14.inclined 有…意向的 18.drift 含义,主旨 ...

Well, just possibly the first man who ever saw moving pictures may have felt inclined to say that here was a case of illusion. 第一个看到那种“活动画面”的人有可能倾向于说那是错觉的一例。
One wAS less in love with the boy afterwards, and a little inclined to hate him, AS if he had trespASsed on one's privacy and inner freedom. 事后,她们对于对手的爱情冷挑了,而且有点憎很他们的倾向,仿佛他们侵犯了她们的秘密和自由似的。
Why we're inclined to treat stocks as if they were lottery tickets instead of ownership in an actual company? 为什么我们宁肯把股票当彩票,而不是当它是对某公司的拥有权?
That means that the earliest the chamber could begin considering an alternative proposal, if it were inclined to do so, would be next week. 这意味着,如果众议院愿意考虑一项替代这项法案的议案,最早也得从下周开始。
The invention discloses an inclined sensor which comprises a container, at least one mass body and a detection sensor. 本发明公开了一种倾斜传感器,包括有:一容器,该容器内形成立体的锥形空间;
Wenger is inclined to break from his policy of only offering one-year extensions to players over the age of 30. 温格倾向于打破他一向坚持的只提供1年的延期给年龄超过30岁球员的惯例。
Initially, you might be inclined to write your tasks manually, just as you did in Ant. 一开始,您可能倾向于手工编写任务,与在Ant中的操作基本一样。
If you feel inclined to test the robustness of your environment, you might opt to be a bit more aggressive (yank the plug! ). 如果您希望测试环境的健壮性,您可能需要一些更激进的方式。
It demonstrates that the seasonal distribution state of different sceneries is inclined to that of the key scenic when exploiting. 分析表明,在集群开发过程中,各类景区景点客流季节性分布状态趋同于核心景区;
He found his mother busy about her mourning , and much inclined to talk. 只见他母亲正忙着去预备吊唁,又很想和他谈话。
He inclined his head and toasted her. Her expression did not soften. 他偏偏脑袋,举杯向她致意。她的表情没有丝毫缓和。
Wenger seems to be more inclined on passing the ball than taking shots. Wenger似乎更倾向于传接球而不是去射门。
And though she looked dubiously at the house-front as if inclined to return, it was with a breath of relief that she closed the gate. 尽管她心有不甘地盯着房子的前面,仿佛要回去似的,但还是把栅栏门关上了,这时才松了一口气。
They may be more inclined to run along the length of a playroom than to join a group of kids playing together in the middle. 他们可能更愿意沿着游乐室疯跑而不是和房间中间的同龄孩子们一起玩耍。
Some are inclined to shrug their shoulders. After all, corruption does not seem to be stopping India from growing. 有些人只是耸耸肩,毕竟腐败看来并未阻止印度发展的脚步。
The front inclined plate is inclined forward, and the side inclined plates are inclined outward and simultaneously are inclined forward. 前倾板向前倾斜,侧倾板向外侧倾斜的同时又向前倾斜。
If Mr Bashir gets his way at the vote, he may be more inclined to let the south leave Sudan peacefully. 假如巴希尔在投票中能够随心所欲,他也许会更倾向于让南部和平地离开(北部)苏丹。
As Paul Moore, the sacked whistleblower at HBOS, said of his own management: "They were not inclined to listen to a different view" . 就像遭哈利法克斯银行(HBOS)解雇的揭发者保罗-摩尔(PaulMoore)在谈到该行管理层时说的那样,“他们不愿倾听不同意见”。
He said he was inclined with the same reservation. 他说他也保留这种想法
I' m inclined to think that laziness is what your old Dr Botherem, up in Vermont, used to call the essence of moral evil. 你们佛蒙特那位鲍士伦老博士说得不错,我也有点相信,懒性是万恶之本。
The sky, as if by a painter painted the light ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant inclined orgotten. 天空,好像被一位画家拿手笔涂了淡墨,毛毛细雨在天空中密密的斜织着。
said the king. "Take him away and keep him safe, until he feels inclined to tell the truth, even if he waits a hundred years. " 国王说,“把他带走,安全地看好他,直到他愿意说出真相为止,即使他要等上一百年。”
She felt it was not for her to cast stones at those who, on similar evidence, inclined to the same belief. 她觉得没有资格去责备那些在同样情形下会偏向同样信念的人。
Zeng Gong was a pure Confucianism, he inclined to inherit, and the heart of his thought was the transformation through instruction. 比较而言,曾巩是位纯正的儒家,他的经学思想是以教化为中心的,重在继承;
He walked straight across the kitchen to an inner door, opened it, inclined his head forward, and stood listening. 他径自穿过厨房,走到里边一道门口,把门打开,探出头去,站在那儿听一会。
I saw the car slowly inclined to stop on the left side of the road, opposite a few cars could have foreseen all this, first stop in tight. 只见车子慢慢的斜停在了路的左边,对面有几辆小车可能预见了这一切,都先停在了原地没动。
The man recovered himself, and seemed inclined to come on, and Clare, stepping outside the door, put himself in a posture of defence. 那个人稳住了脚,好象想要上前动手,克莱也走到门外,摆出自卫的架式。
The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. 他的双腿走起路来摇摇晃晃的,并且重心有点偏,使他的步态微微向左形成一条直线。
In such a way, the Ideological and Political Education in the new period is inclined to go on a step further. 如此,则新时期的思想政治教育就可望迈上一个新的台阶。
The Ling realizes to put~to deaf the son is staring at him, rotated to discern her, in a moment again inclined lead eyes not to look her. 翎察觉到诛儿在盯着他,转眼看了一下她,马上又斜过眼睛不看她。