
美 [ˈɪnər]英 [ˈɪnə(r)]
  • n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发
  • adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的
  • 网络内心的;内在的

最高级:innermost 最高级:inmost

inner circle,inner city,inner peace,inner zone,inner logic


1.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的inside; towards or close to the centre of a place

2.内心的;未表达出来的;隐藏的private and secret; not expressed or shown to other people


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... satisfy vt 满足;使满意 inner adj 内心的;内部的;里面的 desire n 愿望;心愿;要求 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... satisfy vt 满足;使满意 inner adj 内心的;内部的;里面的 desire n 愿望;心愿;要求 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... inn 旅馆 inner 内在的 inning 一局 ...


珠联璧合--考研认知词汇归类-搜学网 ... inn n. 小旅馆,客栈 inner a. 内部的,里面的;内心的 interesting a. 有趣的,引人入胜的 ...

If you are in a relationship that seems to be stagnating, your inner clock will likely begin to sound an alarm this month. 如果你正在谈恋爱,似乎停滞不前,你可能会开始生物钟本月发出警报。
Selection panels are now putting increasing effort into probing candidates' inner values to see whether they match those of the company. 选择小组现在更致力于探求受试者的内在价值观,以考察其是否适应公司的价值观体系。
At least, you let me be the first open heart, willing to let you into my inner angel. 至少,你是第一个让我把心扉敞开,愿意让你走进我的内心的天使,。
The hair shaft and inner root sheath move together as the hair grows toward the surface: the outer root sheath remains fixed in position. 毛干和内根鞘当到达体表时融合在一起:外根鞘仍然保持在原来的位置。
The utility model discloses a double layered yurt which comprises an outer wall body, at least an inner wall body and a yurt top cover. 本实用新型公开了一种内外双层蒙古包,其包括外墙体、至少一内墙体、包顶;
Pull the top half through the hole in the bottom half until it looks like this. Tie the lead rope to the lower loop of the inner tubes. 把上一半的内胎拉过下一半孔直到如图中所示。把牵引索绑在下面的内胎圈里。
This outward mutability indicated, and did not more than fairly express, the various properties of her inner life. 外表上的千变万化说明——其实是恰到好处地表现出;她内在生命的多方面的特性。
It's sometimes visual, sometimes it's as if it's a, an inner knowledge. -But one thing that bothers me now. . . -Yes? 有些时候是视觉上的,有时它又像一种内在的知识。-但现在有一件事困扰着我…-是吗?
Only the outer crust need move, just as the loosely peeled skin of an orange could be slid around the unmoved inner slices. 只有外壳需要移动,正如松弛的桔皮不动摇内部就能在周围滑动。
Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner city church. The kids were mostly black. 圣诞节前有一场并非联赛的摔跤比赛,对阵市内教堂赞助的一支队伍,大部分都是黑人小孩。
But it may only be during a time of emotional inner turbulence that you can summon the strength to unchain yourself. 但它可能只在感情波动的某一时期如此,这样你就能集中所有力量来解放你自己。
The PersistChildrenAttribute tells the designer whether the child controls of a server control should be persisted as nested inner controls. PersistChildrenAttribute告知设计器是否应将服务器控件的子控件作为嵌套的内部控件保存。
they were drawn as they resonated with the destructive paradigm that was the result of incomplete inner-Earth ascensions. 他们是被与他们共鸣的破坏性范例所吸引的,而这是地内不完全提升的结果。
However, they added that his sudden move was also because he did not feel part of the inner circle of executives around Mr Pandit. 但他们补充称,班加突然离去,也是因为他觉得自己不属于潘伟迪身边高管的核心圈子。
He walked straight across the kitchen to an inner door, opened it, inclined his head forward, and stood listening. 他径自穿过厨房,走到里边一道门口,把门打开,探出头去,站在那儿听一会。
Shingles normally lasts at least a week and spread to inner organs. 带状疱疹一般至少持续一周,而且还能扩散到内部器官。
When you stop and listen to your inner voice, with an open heart and an open mind, you'll see how much the silence has to tell you. 当你停下来,敞开心灵、思想去倾听你内心的声音,你会发现发现沉默告诉了你多少东西。
Earlier inner restlessness I totally blame the hot weather and those feelings enough to let me bad things happened one after another. 前段时间的内心躁动我也全归罪于天气的炎热以及那些足以让我心情不好的事情接二连三的发生。
Silence is one of the most profound ways to connect with your inner voice, with nature. Silence is the best part of speech. 沉默是连系你内心声音的最具影响的方式,沉默是演讲中最好的部分。
The greater his sense of personal alignment with the truth, the more his existence will become an extension of his inner self. 他的个人意识与真理校准得越好,他的存在会越多地变成他内在自己的延伸。
It was as if the Mother's inner flame had guttered, for her tears -- or rivers -- had frozen and the wind carried her anguished cries. 似乎“母亲”内心的火焰已经渐渐熄灭,她的泪水凝成了冰冻的河流,寒风传递着她痛苦的呜咽。
Even if nothing very obvious happens on the material plane, as may be the case, this is usually a time of inner peace and contentment. 即使并没有任何明显的物质基础变化,这也有可能,但是这段时间依然会保持内心平和愉快。
He said the odor is noticeable on re-entering the space station after the airlock's outer hatch is locked and the inner door is reopened. 他说,气味是很明显的重新进入空间站后舱的外舱口被锁定和内门是重开。
Yet science has always been a bit outside society's inner circle. 然而科学一直以来有些远离社会的内部圈子。
When people reach the point of believing that their inner resources are strong enough to handle the external obstacles, they get moving. 当人们相信他们的内部资源足够强大可以解决外部困难,他们就开始行动了。
She said that after the child and to make friends with, truly understand their inner thoughts, not apt to maltreatment. 她说,以后要和孩子做朋友,了解他们内心的真正想法,不能动不动就打骂。
Introduce yourself to your inner child who wants to talk to you and play with you. 请你把自己介绍给你内心中的孩子吧,他正想同你交谈,想同你一起玩耍。
The inner surface of this kind of workpiece castings is often protected against corrosion with a special coat. 这种铸件的内表面通常使用一种特殊涂层保护以抵抗腐蚀。
With a bit of research you can often reduce your inner resistance and anxieties and find more positive benefits in getting started. 加上这小小的研究可以减少你的内心抵触和焦虑并且能发现很多积极的因素
Nietzsche ruined the light and created the total emptiness in the inner world of him and his followers. 尼采破坏了光明并且在他和追随者内在创造出真空。