
美 [ɪnˈtend]英 [ɪn'tend]
  • v.想;企图;打算使…成为;意思是
  • 网络意欲

第三人称单数:intends 现在分词:intending 过去式:intended

fully intend



《经济学家》读译参考:... ... 7. maxim n. 箴言;格言;名人名言 1. ①intends 打算,想要 1. buzzword n. 专门术语;时髦词语…



Barney said the company still intends to make a public offering, most likely on the Nasdaq, but is waiting for the right opportunity. Barney表示,该公司仍倾向于公开发行,在Nasdaq上市的可能性最大,但目前还在等候合适的时机。
But whether a whale primarily intends its song to impress females or to intimidate other males with its swanky style remains unclear. 然而,它的主要目的是吸引异性,还是用时髦的风格恐吓其他雄性鲸鱼,我们不得而知。
Mr. Kuo said the company intends to complete the assessments by Tuesday. 郭怡广说,公司计划在周二完成评估。
Instead, China intends to use this visit to ask Germany to open its doors further for Chinese investment. 相反,中国打算利用这次访问,要求德国向中方投资进一步开放大门。
Mrs Morris is in London and intends to make Cambridge in her way into Scotland. 莫里斯夫人现在伦敦,她打算途经剑桥去苏格兰。
Howard has left the presentations sketchy , because he intends this to be a spring board for your own creativity and ideas. 因为他打算此是春天板为你自己的创造性和想法,霍华德留给介绍概略。
BofA said the bank "intends to remain a long-term shareholder and strategic shareholder with China Construction Bank. " 美国银行表示,该银行“打算继续成为中国建行的一个长期股东和战略投资者。”
He said he intends to shift some combat brigades from Iraq to Afghanistan if he is elected in November. 他称假如赢得十一月大选,他打算将一些抵抗部队从伊拉克移师阿富汗。
He also said the company intends to export its rail equipment and become "one of the leading international signal players. " 他还说,公司有意出口铁路相关设备,成为世界领先的信号设备供应商之一。
Joe Bryant, one-time head coach of the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks, said he intends to turn in his application Friday. 乔-布莱恩特,曾经是WNBA球队洛杉矶火花队主教练,他可能会在周五递交自己的应聘材料。
He said the bank intends to apply for a license and has sought more information about obtaining access to China's bond market. 他表示,联昌国际银行有意进入中国债券市场,目前正着手相关准入事宜的准备工作。
For the time being, Apax intends to hold on to it as a stand-alone brand, said Benjamin Harding, an Apax spokesman in London. Apax的伦敦发言人BenjaminHarding表示,就目前而言,Apax打算将Lagerfeld保留为一个独立品牌。
As well, it said it intends to ask securities regulators in Canada and other jurisdictions to investigate Muddy Waters' trading activities. 嘉汉林业还说,它打算要求加拿大的证券监管机构和其他司法机构调查MuddyWaters的交易行为。
So the fact that Barack Obama clearly intends to turn America from being a laggard into a leader in this task is therefore encouraging. 而事实上,巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)明确的要让美国在防止气候变化的任务中从一个拖后腿的变成一个领导者,这是非常令人鼓舞的。
By revealing that she intends to continue bilateral negotiations with the North, she gave Pyongyang one of its major goals. 她透露打算继续与朝鲜进行双边谈判,让平壤达成一大目标。
This thesis intends to illustrate the aim and nature of American cultural diplomacy with a case study. 本文采用案例分析法来论证美国文化的目标和实质。
In the matter of the subpoenas, Toyota said it intends to cooperate with the investigations and is preparing its responses to the requests. 关于传票,丰田表示它打算在调查中合作,并正在做好准备回应各种要求。
For its part, the White House insists that it intends to reach out to Republicans so it isn't seen as the cause of a breakdown in comity. 在这一点上,白宫方面坚持说自己打算去联络共和党,这样它就不会被看成是搞坏和谐气氛的那一方。
If Icann does not demonstrate that it genuinely intends to prevent abuse of trademarks, the two sides could end up in court, she warns. 如果Icann不证明它真心想要防止商标滥用的话,那么双方可能最终对簿公堂,她警告说。
The minister couldn't say how much Namibia intends to export to China or what the agreement would be worth in dollars every year. 部长没有透漏纳米比亚每年打算向中国出口多少或者该协议每年值多少美元。
He said he intends to shift some combat * brigades from Iraq to Afghanistan if he is elected in nNovember. 他说如果他在十一月当选他打算把一些战斗小组从伊拉克转到哈富汗。
He shouldn't take profits of hers even if she intends to marry him. He feels very ashamed for his behavior is as if to loot a burning house. 就算她想嫁他,也不该占这种便宜,他对自己这种类似趁火打劫的行为,感到羞愧难当。
He said Molycorp, which also distributes, has so far had no trouble importing from China but intends to step up its monitoring of the trade. 他说,目前为止也参与分销的Molycorp从中国的进口没有问题,不过公司计划加强对贸易的监控。
The Standard Liege star is out-of-contract in the summer and has made it clear he intends to take up the option of a Bosman transfer. 约万诺维奇在夏天结束与标准列日的合约,很显然他打算选择一个博斯曼转会。
A relation of yours is coming to see you. She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. 您的一位亲人即将要来看你。她(亲人)会在今天晚上抵达并打算会在你这儿逗留几天。
Although it is often possible to correctly guess what the user intends to type next, this isn't always the case. 虽然常常能够正确的猜测出用户要输入的内容,但也会出现错误。
She intends to close KAY, CREAM is good, despite her performance in the film at the beginning of a little overbearing, a bit self-willed. 她有意地接近KAY,CREAM是仁慈地,虽然她在影片开端时地表示有点蛮横、有点率性。
In a conversation with me on Monday, the congressmansaid that he intends to get into the question of monetary policy itself. 星期一在一次和我谈话里,国会议员说到他有意加入货币政策问题。
Because the company has such enormous ambitions it wants to tell the world how far it has come and how much further it intends to go. 因为公司有着如此巨大的野心,它想告诉整个世界他们已经走了多远,并且还将走的更远。
Mini Ai talked about future goals, he said he intends to improve agriculture and irrigation conditions, beautifying the home environment. 米尼埃谈及今后目标时说,他打算改善农业水利条件,美化家乡环境。