
美 [ˈɪntrəst]英 ['ɪntrəst]
  • n.兴趣;利益;利息;关注
  • v.使感兴趣;使关注
  • 网络爱好;趣味;利率

复数:interests 现在分词:interesting 过去式:interested

great interest,Common interest,keen interest,strong interest,personal interest
take interest,pay interest,show interest,lose interest,earn interest


n. v.

求知wanting to know more

1.[sing][u]~ (in sb/sth)兴趣;关注the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about sb/sth


2.[u]引人关注的性质;吸引力;趣味the quality that sth has when it attracts sb's attention or makes them want to know more about it


3.[c]业余爱好an activity or a subject that you enjoy and that you spend your free time doing or studying


4.[u]~ (on sth)利息the extra money that you pay back when you borrow money or that you receive when you invest money


5.[c][usupl][u]好处;利益a good result or an advantage for sb/sth

企业股份share in business

6.[c][usupl]~ (in sth)(企业或公司的)股份;权益;股权a share in a business or company and its profits


7.[c][u]~ (in sth)利害关系;利益关系a connection with sth which affects your attitude to it, especially because you may benefit from it in some way

团体group of people

8.[c][usupl]同行;同业;利害与共者;利益团体a group of people who are in the same business or who share the same aims which they want to protect


do sth (back) with interest

加倍回报(或回击等)to do the same thing to sb as they have done to you, but with more force, enthusiasm, etc.

have sbs interests at heart

关心…的幸福成功;暗暗地替…着想to want sb to be happy and successful even though your actions may not show this

in the interest(s) of sth

为了;为帮助(或取得)in order to help or achieve sth




商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... borrowing 借款 interest 利息 rate of interest 利率 ...


利字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 利息〖 interest〗 利益〖 advantage;interest;profit;benefit〗 利用〖 use;utilize;makeuseof〗 ...


八年级英语上册单词表 ... prep.24.opposite. 对立的;相反的 n.26.interest 爱好;爱好 adj30.beat. 打败;战胜;超过 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... together adv. 一起,共同 interest n. 兴趣,趣味 the United States n. 美国 ...


  四、利率Interest)(影响指数:★★★★★,重要,常有较大的波动)  利率(Interest),就其表现形式来说,是指一定时期 …


消费者行为分析模型的演变 | 牛国柱 ... Share—— 人人分享 Interest—— 引起兴趣 Search—— 进行搜索 ...


   (4)由最感兴趣interest)的部分开始---应从最可能引起学生兴趣的部分开始,「活动中心课程」及「儿童兴趣中心课程」是 …

He thought it remarkable that self-interest often promoted the common good, but he never claimed it always did. 他认为个人私利通常会促进共同利益,这一点是显著的,但他从没宣称总是如此。
She'd said: "you'll die" with the dull lack of interest another woman might have said: "you'll lose your place in line. " 她说了“那么你就得死”,说话的语调比另外一个女人也许会说的“你将会失去你的位置”更加枯燥无味。
Mata: A lot of interest in him, we're hovering around to see what price gets put on him. If it's too inflated, we'll go elsewhere. 很多俱乐部对他有兴趣。我们在观望看看他究竟要多少钱。如果太贵,我们就去其他家…
The intense interest in the condition and appearance of the body has generated a steady flow of highly marketable innovations. 对身体状况和外在形体的广泛关注,导致高度市场化的创新稳步发展。
His father and I suggest that he make up his own mind and that his future depends on his own dream , interest and perseverence. 我和他的父亲建议他自己拿主意,毕竟他的未来取决于他自己的理想、兴趣和毅力。
A portion of the investment profits is returned to depositors in the form of services and of interest on savings accounts. 投资利润的一部分以服务的形式和通过储蓄利息交还给存款者。
Arrange other parts of the picture area in such a way as to complement what you choose to be the center of interest. 安排图片上的其它部分作为你选择的兴趣中心点的补充。
Microsoft loves open source because it has found a way to twist it in the direction of its own self-interest. 微软喜爱开源因为它找到了一条通向自己利益的途径,通过开源。
Well hope to hear your positive response showing your interest, then I will immediately transmit to you the contact information of the Bank. 以及希望听到你的积极回应显示您的利益,那么我会立即给你的联系信息的银行。
Consistency among the various mechanisms that expose elements' interest levels helps make the Focused UI predictable and easy to use. 公开元素兴趣等级的各种机制间的一致性有助于FocusedUI变得可预见且易于使用。
This can be useful when debugging, if you want to pack away parts of the XML file that do not interest you at the moment. 这在调试时很有用,如果对XML文件的某些部分不感兴趣,就可以将它们折叠起来。
And with interest rates at 0. 5% for more than two years, leaving your cash in the bank has not proved to be a massively profitable option. 而两年多以来利率一直是0.5%,把现金留在银行证明亦非高收益的选择。
Bolton were one of the first clubs to openly declare their interest, and are thought to be the only Premier League side who have made a bid. 博尔顿是最早公开表达他们对这位前锋感兴趣的俱乐部之一,而且他们也被认为是英超球队中目前唯一提出正式报价的球队。
How much interest will my money earn? 我的钱的利息是多少?
The skill involved is to capture the movement of the water and the form of the shot is not necessarily the point of interest. 这里需要的技巧是捕捉水的动态,取景的形式不重要。
Schools represented society, it judged, and it was in the children's interest to become part of that society. 该法院判定,学校代表着社会,孩子们成为社会的一部分符合孩子们的利益。
If you do not withdrawal all your funds, the amount remaining shall continue to bear interest at the rate allowed at the time of deposit. 如果您不取完,剩余的钱按存款时利率计算。如果您不取完,剩余的钱按存款时利率计算。
If music is trendy, popular and sonically amazing but it has no meaning then it's just a means to an end and that doesn't interest me. 如果音乐够时髦,够受欢迎,而且旋律很棒,但是没有特殊意义,那它只是一个达到目标的手段,我不感兴趣。
The proceeds from the bonds would be made available to us at a very low interest rate to help finance the construction. 债券的收益将以极低的利率贷给我们,我们就可以获得建设资金了。
Tencent's investment in DST gives it a 10. 26 per cent interest in the Russian group, with power to appoint an observer to its board. 腾讯对DST的投资使它家俄罗斯集团拥有10.26%的经济权益,有权任命一名董事会观察员。
WNYC is one of New York City's bigger local radio stations, but they also produce a number of general interest shows. WNYC是纽约市较大的本地广播电台之一,但他们也制作不少面向广泛听众的节目。
Owing to this point, study on the effectiveness of interest rate policy has been taken as a front-line subject of theoretical research. 利率政策日益成为主要的宏观经济政策之一,对于利率政策的研究也成为经济领域的前沿课题之一。
He said he worries that a lower-than-expected inflation reading in March will delay a needed increase in interest rates. 他说他担心3月份低于预期的通胀率将会延缓必要的加息措施。
She had no interest in him but did wonder if his robotic approach was a consequence of nervousness or if it was simply the way he was. 她对他一点都不感兴趣,但是很想知道他这种程序化的接近是出于紧张或者他就是这样的人。
Even though the interest receipt is fixed, the price of the paper may go down as well as up in line inversely with interest rate movements. 定息证券无疑可提供固定的利息收入,但基于证券本身的价格会随利率走势而反向变动,因此亦可升可跌,投资者必须提防。
If it does, the Fed might be forced to raise interest rates by more than is now forecast. 如果这样,美联储或许被迫以超过目前预期的幅度加息。
The fermented liquid feed has been used widely in Europe, and there is an increasing interest on this subject. 发酵液体饲料在欧洲已广泛使用,并成为当前人们研究的新热点。
Very little seems to have been done by these companies in the interest of sound quality for several years. . . possibly even decades. 一点非常好似由这些公司在品质优良的兴趣可能做几个几年…甚而十年。
But they also count on investment bankers to structure financial deals in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. 但他们同样也关注投资银行家按公司和它的股东的最大利益来安排财务交易。
With a follow-up letter, you want to thank the person for spending time with you and reiterate your interest in the position. 在信件中,你需要去感谢对方花时间在你身上,并且重申你对该职位很有兴趣。